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08-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Day One:

I arrived at POP in the early afternoon, checked into the hotel, and headed into town to check things out. There wasn't as much action as I had expected, but plenty of hotties....there is something about those asses in those tight pants that makes one drool.

After about an hour, bumped into two girls on the street and quickly negotiated 1000 for one of them and headed back to the hotel. I checked her id (she was 18.5), took a quick shower with her and then hopped in the sack. She said she was from Haiti but had fairly light skin. Anyways, she wasn't very good in bed...I had a raging hard on because I'd been storing up for a couple of days, plus I'd had a viagra snack, so my rod was like a baton, and ever time I thrust into her she'd react as if I was hurting her. Needless to say, this was a little distracting, especially in doggy style where she could pull away a little bit. It was everything I could do to keep my balance. But I held out and it wasn't long before I nutted and sent her on her way.

Lying there, I think to myself: that's the cheapest lay of my life. $22 to pound an 18 year old hottie.

It doesn't take me long to recover from this reflective mood and I'm back on the streets. Unfortunately I get bogged down by this woman (gringo) at my hotel, who I think has a liking for me and wants to hang around with me. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I was there to shag DR women, not gringos, so I couldn't shake her until after midnight (my fault, I know). I finally tell her I'm tucking into bed, say goodnight, wait till she turns the corner then double back into the night to sink my teeth into the city's flanks.

Two girls stop me and ask me to take them to a disco; I say I have a better plan, and tell them we're heading to my hotel. I negotiate (that is a bit melodramatic...it was more like an announcement) that I'm paying them RD 1000 each and they seem happy with it. Five minutes later we're in my room.

As I take a shower one of the girls takes no time peeling off her clothes. The other is hesitant, however, and seems kind of embarrassed. I hop onto the bed and let the one girl start playing with my pipe, while the other just kinda stands there giggling. It was kinda hot, actually....I mean, the fact that this other one was still wearing clothes and not really taking part in the action. I couldn't understand what these two girls were saying to each other, but obviously the hesitant girl was shy about getting funky with her friend there, and the one playing with me was laughing and trying to convince her to loosen up. Finally she sat on the bed and I played with her tits and ass a bit as her friend fondled me, but I could tell she was a little hesitant and I didn't want her to do anything she wasn't cool with, so I suggested that maybe I could see her tomorrow or something alone. (I speak four or five words of spanish, so we obviously we were not communicating very well...I'm throwing a couple of words of spanish and english and german together and trying to cook up a sentence.)

The friend bails, and I turn my attention to Carmen. She is 24 but looks much younger (I had checked her ID ten times to be careful)...she is very small and probably weighs about 90 lbs. She is wild though and after about 20 minutes of heavy pounding I bellow like a wounded buffalo, stumble into the shower to rinse myself off, and then collapse into the sheets. She obviously wants to stay, but there is no way that is happening as (i) I don't want to get ripped off and (ii) I don't want to snuggle, etc.

I decided to let her stay long enough to do her again, and we get at it. What a mistake. We're pounding away and I can soon tell that it's not going to be easy to blow again. I've already nutted twice, plus the viagra is still having its effect, plus I'm dripping with sweat. To make a long story short, I finally turn her around and pound her tiny ass relentlessly for 30 minutes, watching my rod slide into her with total devotion, trying desperately to coax the last few drops up my dick and out.

It was an epic struggle; several times failure loomed and I had to dig deep inside to find the reserve to continue plowing away. What kept me going was the thought that I would probably never again get to pound someone as vigorously as this, so there was no damn way I was giving in. The whole time she is taking it like a hero, head on the pillow, ass in the air, my sweat turning her back into a Jackson Pollock painting. Our common effort united us until finally, finally, finally I felt the rising, the well starting to break, the push past the delicate point of no return. I leaned far back, pulling her towards me, directed the final few strokes with exacting, triumphant precision, and then opened the gates.

I crawled to the bathroom as my legs wouldn't carry me, curled up in the shower and let cold water run over me, and prayed that my dick would recover from the terrible trauma it had just been made to endure. I paid her the 1000 we had agreed upon, gave her an extra 1000 for the relentless pounding, and kissed her goodnight. That was my first day in Sosua.


edited for spelling, plus these a couple of things I forgot the first time:

1. I kept getting in trouble for not being able to remember their names....like with the first girl, when I walked her out she said bye ___ and then I said bye...um, whatever your name is, and she was pissed I couldn't remember her name. Whatever. I can't even pronounce your name, let alone remember it.

2. Of interest, each time I was quoted 1000, and the second time it was 1000 for a whole night. (I paid her more because I figured she would need a re-boring and a new set of rings after our second round, but the quoted price for all night was 1000.) This is worth keeping in mind because I know a lot of chicas ask for 1500 or 2000.

3. On my last round, her ass was so small and I was hitting her so hard that my pelvis was hurting...I kept thinking that one of my balls had climbed up inside and that I was crushing it with each thrust, so I'd reach down and push on the skin above my dick trying to get the ball to pop out, back down to the sack, but then I would realize the damn thing had been down there the whole time and that was just my pelvis bone or whatever that was hurting. Damn.

4. You knows those things that you see old guys in the movies wearing to keep their socks up? They're almost like garter belts or whatever? Someone should invent those for condoms....maybe some kinda fancy bungee cords you could hook around the base ring on a condom, and then around your back, so that when you're doing a girl doggie style the condom doesn't creep up your clobber. Are these babies available yet in Sosua?

5. If anyone is in town this week and wants to meet up, send me a p.m.

Shadow Dweller
08-06-2004, 03:56 PM
Nice report Hapax! Can't wait to hear about the adventures of Day 2.

08-07-2004, 05:25 PM
The day got off to a less than auspicious start, and proved not to be the finest in the history of whoredom.

Having had the plug pulled on my spine the previous night, I slept until around noon, at which point I had a quick breakfast, chatted with a few people, filed my first report, and started walking around to check out the city a bit more. Although my dick no longer felt like a rag doll, I could tell it needed a bit more time to recharge so I didn’t pay too much attention to the girls on the street. But after a bit of trolling here and there I decided it was time to sink my hook.

I was still having this issue with the girl from Seattle who was staying at my hotel and who obviously wasn’t impressed by the mongering scene. I had seriously erred in letting her befriend me, and so I was unsure how to break the news to her that I was also into plugging the pussies of these poor putas. I mention all of this just to say that as I was strolling around in the early afternoon, contemplating my options, I was leaning toward finding a chica I could do on the spot, or at her place, so that I didn’t have to walk back to the hotel with her on my arm.

Outside of the American hotel or the Americana, whatever it is, there are a couple of chicas (this is also where I had picked up the Haitian the previous day). Mindful of my lessons from the first day, I don’t even bother to ask them their names, figuring that this way I would have nothing to forget. One of them tells me she will massage, suck and fuck me in her room in the hotel for 1500. I say 500, and we settle on 1000. In we go. Mistake One.

I climb the stairs in nearly pitch dark (the power is out in Sosua, and this place doesn’t have a generator), wondering if some creepy guys are going to spring from the shadows just in time for me to kick their asses, but luckily (or unluckily, as it will turn out), I make it to the puta’s room unscathed. It’s a dump, with a grimy mattress on the floor. I peek in the bathroom, notice two or three buckets on the floor of the shower, and realize I’ll have to wait till I’m home to rinse her twat water from my body when I’m done. Oh well, it’s early in the day and if I want to make three today, I better pop one soon.

Back to the bedroom: I notice the bible on the foot of the mattress, and at least a dozen prayer candles in the corner. I guess she’s a bit different from the religious girls back home. Anyways, off with the clothes and she starts sucking my wick. It doesn’t take long before I’m hard, and although at this point I’m kinda grossed out by the whole scene, I figure my money is already spent. I put a condom on and tell her to put her butt in the air. Mistake Two.

As I start plowing I’m being careful to not touch her with anything other than the last three inches of my dick, because as I said I’m getting bad vibes about the whole scene. This would have been a really good time for those bungee cord condom braces I mentioned in my last post. Within seconds, however, I notice a really offensive smell….I can’t tell if it’s her pussy or ass, because it’s not like anything I’ve every smelled before. I actually take one of my hands off her hips and hold my nose as I push into her, but soon the absurdity of the situation becomes apparent to me and I realize I will have to switch tactics. Call me a snob, if you will, but I think it is beneath me to shoot my load doggie style while pinching my nose. That just isn’t rapture to me.

I alter my tactic: I take my hand off my nose, thinking that if I push her ass cheeks together with both hands, I may be able to block the smell from rising. I try various different ways of mashing her cheeks together, but none works to keep the smell at bay (how could I have ever hoped they would?). I think “Why am I doing this to myself?”, pull my dick out, and head to the bathroom in disgust. I pop open the toilet lid to drop in the condom. Mistake Three.

At the bottom of the toilet, as motionless and regal as a king, is a fat, knobbly, ash-grey stool. I drop the condom, pull on my shorts, give the puta the money, and get the fuck out.

I stagger down the street toward my hotel wondering how I am ever going to get hard again.

There are times in a man’s life when he is happy for his ability to vividly remember details of his sexual adventures. I can still remember, with great clarity, the time I did an exgirlfriend doggie style in the middle of a hiking trip, with her jeans around her knees and her perfect round ass in the forest air. But then there are times in a man’s life when he is not happy for his mnemonic abilities, and yesterday was one of them. I was haunted, wherever I went, by the sight and smell of this disgusting puta and had pretty much resigned to not fucking again that day.

Back at the hotel, the gringo girl again wouldn’t leave me alone again, and despite the fact that she was getting clingy and a little grabby feely, I didn’t even have the vigor to diss her sorry ass. We sat around with a bunch of alcoholics and talked shit well into the night, until finally gringo girl got the hint and went to sleep. Although I wasn’t horny, I figured I’d sleep better if I went and juiced my lemons, so I headed down pedro calisante or whatever it is called to find someone to squeeze them.

At this point it is 3 a.m., and there’s not much happening on the streets. I see a few putas but none of them are appealing, but as I head back to the hotel I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and find Carmen, the girl from the previous night who I’d pounded so hard, running towards me. She’s a very fun and cool girl, and I figure that maybe she will lead me to her friend, who hadn’t been into the double teaming action, so I let her drag me to the disco.

Sure enough, her friend is there but she is giving me the cold shoulder. In fact, when the guy she’s hanging with rejoins her with a couple of presidentes, she flips me the bird and then waves goodbye. I’m thinking what the fuck is the matter with this bitch – I figure she might be a bit pissed from the night before, for when she had left she tried to get cab fare back to Puerto Plata and I had refused, figuring that I didn’t owe her anything because she hadn’t done anything. I also realize later that maybe my approach that first night, which was to simply get straight to business by making them an offer, cabbing to the hotel, and then getting naked, had been a bit hasty for her. Anyways, I’m not sure what her problem is but I figured that if I just stayed cool and didn’t make a stink about her being such a bitch, I might get to pound her later this week. (I’ll let you know if this happens.) The problem is she is definitely the freshest and prettiest girl I’ve seen, so because I really want to blow it in her, I hope I haven’t blown it with her.

At this point I’m getting ready to leave, but some chica starts grabbing me, etc., I try to resist for a bit but then 5 minutes later we’re in my room naked. She’s acting all coy and actually insists on having me finger her to orgasm before she’ll suck my dick, but soon enough she lies back and I start drilling her missionary. After a few minutes of that it’s me on my back, and then a minute or two of doggie style and I bark.

It’s 4 a.m. and time to crash. That was day two.

08-07-2004, 10:14 PM

one of the best reports ( and so realistic !)
keep going on .... and take care

08-08-2004, 07:20 PM
The learning experience continues.

On my third day I woke up around noon again, grabbed something to eat, filed my report, and then spent a few hours at the hotel doing some work. (I am actually not on vacation, and need to get some work done while I’m here.) I didn’t really head out for some action until after dinner, at which point I decided to start with a couple of Presidentes at the hotel bar. Turns out there is a new guy at the hotel, just off the plane, so we turn to talking and I tell him I’ll give him a little tour of the town. I think he’s curious about the women, but a little coy about his designs.

Our first stop is D’Latino bar; we pay our 50 pesos, head inside, but find the only thing there to mount is the stairs. Since it is only 10 p.m. or so, the place is empty as a porn star’s balls. We bust out of there and head down toward Flamingo, that weird fucking place beside the Europa. We heave a Presidente and check out the scene. There are about 10 women in there, ranging from about a three to an 8, and one of them I’m really keen on. She is tall and muscular, and carries herself like an athlete. I figure with my torch and her rings, we can have a little Olympics of our own.

She is grand and statuesque, and unlike some of the other girls, she isn’t going out of her way to make contact. She just sits on the couch and when the music hits her she lifts her hips from the couch and grinds them in the air as if she’s trying to turn a doorknob with her box. I decide that when I do her I am going to go all out and really rock her fucking world. Up to now I’ve been blasting inside the girls doggie style, but I know with her I’m going to blow on top so that I can feel her heaving beneath me like seas underneath a storm.

For those who don’t know the flamingo, it is some kinda strip bar….it has a tiny little stage and various women take turns doing funky little dances up there. The most noteworthy thing is the way they dance….it is hard to describe, but it looks as if they are riding a cock and milking it for all they’re worth. Or at least this thought presents itself to my consciousness as I watch them.

The electricity in Sosua is still all wacked, so every couple of minutes the lights go out and the music stops, suddenly, and we sit in the dark wondering who’s going through our pockets. But all is good and we decide that since the night is young we will go for a bit of a walk before coming back.

We get no more than 10 steps from the bar when the putas start attacking us, hey mister, I’m your girlfriend, hallo amigo, mister you like me, mister buy me drink, mister I suck your dick, and so on. We brush past these twigs as quickly as we can, but one really drunk and quite unattractive woman keeps pestering us. She’s rambling Spanish that I can’t understand, so I just ramble English back at her, until after about 5 minutes I hear her say something in German, which I speak. So then we start having an animated conversation in German. I’m quite enjoying this since it’s the first time I’ve actually been able to communicate with a puta since I’ve been here – she says she wants both my friend and I to pound her, reverse happy hour, but I tell her that we have really big cocks and that we don’t think she could handle us, she assures us the can and promises us her pussy is big enough, at which point I tell her that what we were actually more interested in double dipping is her ass, and so on.

I have no interest in any of this, of course, but my buddy just off the plane caves in and decides to take her back to the hotel. I can barely believe this because she is really ugly. Just then, this very small and very fucking cute girl is standing right beside me speaking nearly perfect English. I’m thinking whoa, I am so not into the 14 year olds, which is how old she looks, but she insists she is 27 and shows me her ID. I say fine, let’s go, and head off with my buddy to find a motorconcha.

Here the little one shines. The motorconcha dudes are trying to get 50 pesos from me, so she tells them all to fuck off and finds one who will give us a ride for 20 pesos, which is the proper rate. We climb on and as we’re racing back to the hotel, these other motorconcha dudes are flanking us and yelling at my girl, telling her she should let them rip us off. She just bellows shit back and them, and the whole time the warm night air is rushing past and the engines of the motorconches are roaring. Golden. We cruise up to the hotel bar, hop out, and head in. As we’re walking up, however, the bartender, who I know, just starts shaking his head and says to me “you guys just found the two roughest chicks in Sosua”, and then turns to them and reminds them, in Spanish, that they’re banned from that bar. The drunk one tries to pick a fight with him, but I drag her off, shove her into my buddy’s arms, and we head to our rooms.

Inside with the little one, it’s a quick shower and then the usual down flip flop and pop. As we’re showering up, she starts demanding 2000 pesos and I laugh in her face and hand her 1000. She puts up a stink but I tell her I’m not a fucking moron and kick her out the door. A few minutes later I hear a knock and mindful of the bartender’s warning I’m thinking “Oh fuck, she’s back with a boyfriend or a piece or something”, but she yells through the window that she forgot her jacket and I find it, open the door a crack, and toss it out.

I dress and head back to the hotel bar. My buddy is already there, and relays his adventure. The drunk girl blew him, he squirted in her mouth and then hopped in the shower. As he came out of the shower, however, she was rifling through his pockets so he grabbed her and kicked her out the door with 200 pesos. We laugh about his $4 blow job and order a couple Presidentes.

Here’s something interesting: The bartender, who I trust, tells me he never ever ever pays more than 200 or 300 pesos, and that the girls never ever expect to get more than that from a Dominican or a local gringo. I find that very interesting, of course, and file it away for future reference. I am sure he isn’t bullshitting me, either….he tells me that he couldn’t possibly afford to pay more than that, given that he only makes 250 pesos a shift plus tips. He tells us a few other stories about girls ripping guys off and warns us that no matter how smart we think we are, or how well we think we’ve hidden our money, the chicas know where it is.

I confidently announce that I bet they don’t know where my money is. I have two beds in my room, and on one of them I have a bunch of shit unpacked and there’s some toiletries and so on, and I have a couple of thousand pesos stuffed inside the roll of toilet paper…I had been thinking that this wasn’t a likely place, as there is a sense in which it is in plain view and it just looks like a pile of garbage…it isn’t under the mattress, or in my shoe, or something, which is what I would have thought was a likely spot. I haven’t said anything, however, about where my money is, just that I bet the chicas couldn’t find my money, and the bartender immediately starts telling me about a guy he knows who unrolled his roll of toilet paper, laid his money inside, and then rolled it back up, thinking it was safe there. But the puta stole the whole fucking roll of toilet paper!

My buddy and I thank the bartender for his advice and head out and back to Flamingo, but the chica I wanted is taken. At one point she gets up from this guy’s side and heads to the dance floor, during a break in the stripping when it is kinda wide open for dancing, and I make my way over to dance with her. Unfortunately, on my way over an enormously fat puta blocks my way – she puts her round face inches from mine and flashes me a toothy smile. I notice that she has a fake diamond glued to one of her front teeth, and nearly gag when she starts licking her lips and trying to put my hands on her huge tits, which are spilling out of her dress like broken eggs. I think quickly and realize there is no point wasting time in that bar anyways, as I want to make sure to save up a bit before I do that hottie I’m interested in. That way my balls will be rock hard and when I nail her they can pound her asshole like twin hammers.

We bail and head again to D’Latino bar again, and as soon as we get inside the disco – actually, just going up the stairs – the girls started grabbing our cocks right though our pants. The scene inside is very different from the streets, as it isn’t obvious, despite what some people say, that every girl is available. In fact, I’m certain that not every girl is available, at least not on a Saturday night. We keep running around in circles to escape the cock grabbers, with my buddy pointing every two minutes to some girl he likes. Finally I just yell at him “you like her, then fuck her” every time he points, which he seems to get a kick out of.

We soon find a couple of sisters that interest us. The older one, about 22, is into me and is clearly a semi-pro, but the younger sister, whom the older sister is trying to pimp, is clearly pretty hesitant about the whole thing. My buddy and the younger sister are standing around like a couple of wallflowers, but I’m bumping and grounding against the older sister. After many dances the music slows, my cock stiffens, and she starts grinding against it, rubbing her slit front and back against it. Meanwhile, some gap toothed ho keeps calling me over and announcing that she is going to fuck me that night. Each time, I tell her she is fucking mistaken and pull myself back to the dance floor.

Finally the bar closes around 6 a.m., and the four of us head to that 24 hour place for something to eat. I notice my buddy can barely keep his eyes open, and since, as I sit across from my this gorgeous girl I’m with I decide she is really fine and that I should take my time with her, I tell my buddy that we should just go home alone that night (that morning). I know that I definitely want to shower with this girl, stick my tongue up her ass, play her box like a harmonica, and explode inside her, but that all of this will take some time and that I need some sleep. So we announce to their dismay that we’re heading home, suggest we may see them the next day, yell ten times for the check, and we’re off.

It’s 7 a.m., I crawl into bed, and I crash. That was day three.

08-08-2004, 08:47 PM
Finally I a report where I learn a few things. I like the stuff you "save for future reference" and makes the report worthwhile :-)

Bottom line though, how stupid we all are compared to the locals :-). The girls can see the newbies (or smell them) a mile away. We pay (and think we are getting a bargain) four times that of a Dominican and the girls laugh all the way the bank (well, spend it immediately on a cell card).

I know the time and effort to write such a report. I just want to say thanks and can't wait for the ending!!


08-09-2004, 08:00 AM
We pay (and think we are getting a bargain) four times that of a Dominican and the girls laugh all the way the bank (well, spend it immediately on a cell card).

They earn $120 a month and some of us earn $5,000-$10,000.

We pay 4 times and we earn 41 times what they do plus I had electric in my house ALL Weekend! :D

08-09-2004, 09:37 AM
Jim ... i know it may be hard to believe but i had electric in my house too... unfortunately i didnt get to fuck a hot dominican chica for $20 bucks like i did last weekend....sometimes we give up one good thing to receive another in return.....

This weekend I learned that the United States is not a 3rd world country...
Did anyone in NYC get to go to the Dominican Day Parade Yesterday, I didnt unfortunately :(
Oh and Very Nice Report... tell me about day 4!!

08-09-2004, 09:42 AM
Jim ... i know it may be hard to believe but i had electric in my house too... unfortunately i didnt get to fuck a hot dominican chica for $20 bucks like i did last weekend....sometimes we give up one good thing to receive another in return.....

My point is that they were in the dark when they were laughing at us. If the price was $100 a night I would still go there and pay but were are paying $20 and up.

08-10-2004, 03:47 PM
On my fourth day in Sosua, I slept until 2:30 p.m., which wasn’t all that surprising given that I hadn’t made it back to the hotel until 7 a.m. I woke up cloudy and hot, as the electricity was off in the hotel. As I found out later, the generator was broken and so the hotel had power only intermittedly, given the city’s problems with electricity. I had a cold shower, stumbled out for some food, and filed my report.

As I was typing that report, the one from yesterday, the newfound buddy from the previous night walked up and told me that when he had gotten back to his room at 7 a.m., he had found the drunk chick whose tonsils he had spraypainted passed out on the floor of his room. He hadn’t remembered to lock his door and somehow she had made it past the hotel security and into his room. Apparently he couldn’t wake her up so he dragged her into the shower, ran cold water on her, and then kicked her out into the hotel garden. What the fuck. Luckily, all his shit was still there.

By the time I’m done eating and typing my story, it is late afternoon, and the hotel owner sets me up with a girl he knows who he describes as one of the nicest in Sosua. I figure that after the last couple of days, with that girl with the stinky ass and then that rough chica, maybe I should settle down with a nice girl. I should also perhaps mention that I have never ever seen a girl with an ass like this – she is quite slender, but with the most bang up booty you can imagine…it is a rock hard fucking pumpkin. So I buy her a Presidente and we chat as best we can. After a while we head to my room, where I shower while she waits on the bed, and then we’re off to her place (she wanted to shower and change as well).

To my surprise, we’re not travelling by motorconche. She heads over to a 250 dirt bike, throws her leg over, kicks it alive, and beckons me aboard. I hop on, with my loins pressed against hers, and off we go. This has to be one of the highlights of my trip so far, racing around in the dark, her hair in my face, the smell and noise of the engine, the air alive with the excitement of night in the Dominican Republic.

I’m not sure where we went, but it was about 10 minutes away from Sosua, and there wasn’t a gringo in sight. We pull up to a row of broken down buildings at the side of the street, where a few tired men are tending their beers at small plastic tables that spill out from a little cafeteria. One of the men walks up to her and they talk for a bit, then she introduces me – it’s her father. I shake his hand and then head inside with his daughter.

We walk through a string of narrow hallways, passing a few small buildings that have been cobbled together into one complex until we reach her room. Actually, there are two rooms, stuck lean-to style on the back of some other building. At home this would be a place to keep chickens, perhaps, but this girl has done a nice job of making it her home. It is modest and grubby, with electrical wires hanging from the ceiling, but I feel quite comfortable there. Besides, unlike my hotel, her room actually has electricity!

She flips on the TV, I flop on her bed, and we hang out for at least an hour. I help her pick out something to wear, we thumb through the Spanish-English dictionary together, with me occasionally reading out a phrase that sounds appropriate to the occasion. She showers and returns with a towel wrapped around herself, I cover my eyes while she dresses. Eventually she is ready, she offers me the English-Spanish dictionary, as she has two, and we head out to the street again. She exchanges a few words with her father and then she asks me if I have 100 pesos for her father, which I happily give him. We climb aboard the bike and again we’re off.

On the way back to Sosua, the wind is blowing her hair in her face, so with my right hand I draw all her hair back in a ponytail and hold it out of her eyes. Meanwhile, in my left hand I’m holding onto this English-Spanish dictionary she gave me. I grip her hips with my knees, squeezing harder at every bump.

Back at the hotel, we have a couple of Presidente’s and then I fire up the computer to show her where I live (the website of my city), and then I open altavista’s translation website and we spend about an hour ‘talking’ to each other through it. You type in a phrase, press translate, and 2 seconds later there it is in Spanish. It isn’t perfect, of course, but it works well enough. You just have to be very careful to write simple sentences and to avoid using words that have more than one meaning in English. I tell her that I am happy to have visited her home, that I like her, and that I want to blow a load inside her ass. Okay, I’m just making that last one up. But we do have a nice conversation and around midnight we decide to head to the disco.

On the way to the door I settle up with the bartender, who is this really weird English guy. He is perhaps 18 or so, really short and slight of build, with an accent so heavy you can barely understand him. Earlier I had been asking him about wages and so on and he told me that he used to work 72 hours a week in a restaurant, netting 5000 pesos a month, but now as a bartender he works 40 hours a week for 4000 pesos a month, plus tips (which aren’t that great, I fancy). The guy is a really weird character, so on my way out I pay my 235 peso bill with a 500 peso note and tell him to have a good night with the balance. He almost splashes in his pants. My me it is five bucks, but for him it is a day’s wages.

At the disco I meet the next member of the family, my chica’s brother. He is about 18, a short little guy wearing a NY Yankees ball cap backwards, and an amazing dancer. He teaches me a few moves and we have a good time. I also see the chica I had dissed at 7 a.m. that day, and give her a little wave, thinking that I might still want to plug her after all. Before long my chica and I leave, walking slowly back to the hotel.

When we get there the lights are on, thank god, and we slowly undress and I give her a long slow massage with some body lotion I’d pinched from the last good hotel I’d stayed at. I try to go down on her, but she demurs, and soon enough we turn to fucking. I had popped a V before we went to the disco so my cock is like a nightstick, and we start out with her on top. I have one hand on each asscheek, which is about the size, shape and hardness of a fucking bowling ball, and with each slow thrust I pause at the top and grind the head of my cock against her cervix, feeling it against my knob.

After a while of this she gets off of me and kneels down with that magnificent ass in the air. I get behind her and impale her, and as the electricity is still on at this point I have an awesome visual of my stiff sword sinking into her. I take advantage of her awesome ass and do her every way I can from behind….her lying flat on her stomach, her lying flat but with one leg up, her kneeling and me standing, her lying flat and me lying sideways, until finally I decide it’s load-blowing-time and I draw her knees together, push her ass up and her head down, and sewingmachine my cock in and out of her until she’s gasping and calling out crazy Spanish shit. I’m going faster and faster and faster and then just as she comes I slow the strokes and direct the final four or five as slow and as deep and as hard as I can, timing it so that a volley of come shoots out with every thrust.

Just as we’re collapsing into the bed, I mean, at the exact fucking moment, the power goes out – the lights die instantly and the fan slowly grinds to a halt. I lie on top of her for a while before finally withdrawing, then I make my way to the shower in the dark and rinse myself off. I bring her a wet towel from the bathroom and she wipes her box and ass, we kiss for a while, and then she gently falls asleep in my arms. That was day four.

08-10-2004, 03:48 PM
Day Five

I’m not used to sleeping with a girl, so I don’t sleep particularly well. I wake up with a raging woody, but it is so hot (still no electricity) and my chica is sleepy, so I just lay around for a bit. Suddenly the hotel owner knocks on my door and I say hello, what do you want, and he tells me a girl is there to see me. I’m thinking what the fuck, is it that gringo chick from Seattle, but before I have time to say anything the puta from the previous night, the one who had been described to me by the bartender as one of the roughest chicks in town, is talking through my window.

I’m think what the fuck scam is she trying to pull, but it turns out she is trying to find my buddy from the previous night, who’d spit his wad in her friend’s mouth. She claims that her friend hasn’t been home in two days, and I naturally am concerned and tell her the story about her having been passed out on my buddy’s floor at 7 a.m. She takes this under advisement and then asks me if I want a massage that day. Remember, this is the chick who tried to charge me 2000, and who as I booted her out the door with 1000 was giving me a hard time about how I was going to catch it. I tell her no, I don’t want a massage, etc., and then she asks me if I have 20 pesos for her. I say no, I do not have 20 pesos for her, and then she cheerily – I’m being serious – wishes me a good day, and I return the good wishes.

That’s one of the really weird things about the DR. You can haggle fiercely or even kick someone out your door, but then the next time you see them you will be fast friends. There’s more on this point later in today’s report.

I decide to shower and go for a walk to find another place to stay. This takes about an hour and as I return my chica is still sleeping, but it doesn’t take her long to get up and showered. She proposes that we motorbike to Cabarete later, and I tell her to give me her number as I have mixed feelings about it. I lie and promise to call.

She departs with a kiss and I hail a taxi and head to the new hotel, which has a pool and air conditioning. After I settle in I head down to the strip to find a chica for a midday bang, and I stop into the Palace. I meet John, who seems like a great guy, and check out the rooms. John seems great but I’m not sure I’d stay at the Palace…if you want to share an apartment with a buddy it would be a good pick, but for single travellers the Europa and the Voramar seem to be better deals. They’re 20 bucks cheaper and the rooms are definitely nicer. When we’re done chatting he departs for lunch and I survey the palace house chicas. None of them really do much for me except one who I’d seen on the street the other day and recognized.

She starts making conversation, I suggest 1000 pesos, and she tries to get 1500. I politely decline and after about 10 minutes of her trying to seduce me and my declining 1500, suggesting 1000, she tries 1200 pesos and then finally agrees on 1000. To the motorconcha and my hotel.

Once inside I take a quick shower and she strips and starts sucking my dick like a madwoman. It’s pretty good, but she asks me not to blow in her mouth. Then she says that if I want to fuck it will be 1500 pesos. This is clearly bullshit. It is one thing to decline 1000 pesos, which is perfectly fine, but quite another to agree to fuck someone for 1000 pesos and then tell them, as you’re sucking his cock, that you won’t. Note to John at the Palace: don’t let your house hookers play this shit.

I’m lying there with her working my cock and I put up a stink, which is both hard and easy when you don’t speak Spanish. It is hard because it not as if you can debate the finer points of a contract, but it’s easy because you feel at liberty to just say any damn thing that comes to mind. I tell her that that wasn’t the deal and propose she leaves, without any pesos, but she just keeps sucking. Then I hatch a plot: I will make her suck until hell freezes over without blowing my load so that she eventually begs me to fuck her so I squirt, then I’ll hammer her senseless, splash, and give her her 1000 pesos.

After a while though I start wondering whether I really want to broach this whole subject and cause a big stink, and think well maybe I’ll just shoot like this. But then I start thinking, if this bitch really wanted to fuck with me, she could wait until I just started coming and then drop my dick like a hot potato. Then the come would just dribble out, the orgasm would be minimal, and I’d be out $20.

Finally I just say “fuck it, I may as well come”, I lift my hips and let her toss white ribbons into the air.

Unbelievably, just as I’m coming, the power goes out, just like the previous night. Lucikly it is only for a few seconds until the generator comes on.

As I’m in the shower, she makes the bed. This seems strange to me, given that she had clearly scammed me and then we’d had our little fight about it as she sucked my dick.
I mean, why wouldn’t she just leave with her money? Why would she make the bed? I think that is has something to do with what I said earlier, about how you can have a fight about something but it doesn’t linger. For my part, I was planning on taking a motoconcha into town anyways so I give her a lift, which I don’t think I was obliged to do given her scam.

Of course, as we’re getting on the motorconcha, she asks me if I have 100 pesos for her. I say no, why the fuck would I have 100 pesos for you, I just gave you 1000, do you have 100 for me? She laughs at this, we climb aboard the motorconcha, she hops off at the palace, and that’s it.

The afternoon is uneventful and the evening finds me at D’Latino’s disco again. Some combination of not liking the ones who want me and not being able to attract the attention of the ones who I want finds me outside on the street, empty handed, after a couple of hours. I am walking up and down in pitch blackness and there is very little action – I am trying to decide whether I should just go home and crash, or whether I should fuck someone. The weird thing is that because Sosua is so cheap you don’t want to waste an opportunity to fuck someone, so eventually I sit down for a Presidente in the bar that is downstairs from the Classico.

A chica comes up to me, sits down, and starts rubbing me. She is a little older (29), but in the dark and with the Presidentes she looks good. She works on me a good 20 minutes until I tell her I’m heading to my hotel. She asks if she can come and I say how much. She tries to tell me that she just likes me and that we don’t need to talk about money, but I insist on being clear that I will give her 1000 pesos. She says she just likes me and that money isn’t important to her. How could I have been so stupid.

Inside the hotel, it’s all business….she takes off her clothes, pulls off mine, and we lie on the bed. I noticed as she pulled off he clothes that she has a massive wart or something – not really a wart, but those puffy red bags people sometimes get – right in the middle of her back, so I have already decided I’m not going to fuck her doggy style and have to stare at that. She starts jerking my cock and soon reaches for a condom. I tell her to grab the lubricant also, but she refuses, saying she doesn’t need it. Guess what bitch – the lubricant is for me and since I’m the one paying, I should be able to decide. I don’t say this, however, and let her unpack the condom and put it on.

The one she grabs is unlubricated. No, that won’t do. I reach for a lubricated one and put that on. She touches it and then runs into the washroom to wash her hands off….there is no water. Oh shit, I switched hotels for the express purpose of avoiding bullshit with the utilities. Now I’m lying in bed with some puta I am about to fuck, and I don’t have a drop of water in my room.

She comes back with a towel and proceeds to rub the lubricant off her hands and then she grabs my condom covered dick and starts working the towel up and down it as if she’s drying a glass. I’m thinking oh, that is probably great for the condom, but then when she goes to put her mouth on my I realize why she is doing all of this. I stop again, pull the condom off, and put an unlubricated one on. She starts sucking, but not without acting as if the condom tastes funny.

After a couple of minutes she climbs on top, and I notice she has a massive cunt. Oh well….I’m not really turned on after all this shit but I decide to just blow my load and send her home. It takes about five minutes.

Now the real fun starts. I have all my money in the safe in my room, except for about 200 pesos, and so I head with her to the front of the hotel to get the key to the safe. (The hotel owner had suggested I leave the key to my room safe in the hotel safe, and I had not picked it up on the way in because that way, I figured, my money would be safer with the puta in the room.) I get down to discover, from the night watchman, that I can’t get the key until morning…only the boss can get it. So now I’m pissed. I tell him this is bullshit, that this is not what I was told when I checked in, which was that the place was a full go 24 hours a day, including pool, bar, etc. It was suggested I keep the key at the front desk, and nobody said shit about it being inaccessible at certain hours. I also tell him that I am fucking pissed there is no water in the room because my dick is covered in goo and I can’t even rinse it off.

At this point the puta can smell trouble so she starts putting up a stink. The guy goes into some back room, fiddles with some switches, and I hear a water pump start. Okay, that problem is solved, now what the hell I am supposed to do about paying this puta. The night watchman speaks English pretty well, so I ask him if I he has any suggestions. He doesn’t. I ask him to find out if she will be working in the same place tomorrow night. Yes. I ask him to tell her that I promise to bring the money tomorrow night. No luck…she doesn’t trust me. I refrain from getting him to tell her that this amount of money means nothing to me, and suggest instead that perhaps she could take something from my room as collateral. No dice.

I find out it is 4 a.m. and that the boss won’t be there until 8 a.m., and the puta suggests that she and I wait for the boss. I’m thinking oh what a lovely fucking night this is going to be, but finally the night watchman calls the boss and wakes him up. He comes in, gets me the key to my moneybox from the safe, and up to my room the puta and I go to get her money.

Now the fun really starts. I open the safe, hand her 1000 pesos, and she looks at it with disdain. No 1000 pesos for Dominican woman. What, I say, I told you 1000 pesos in the bar. She puts up a major fucking stink – I mean here we are at 4:30 in the morning and she is yelling at me. I get pissed and say listen fucking here, I told you 1000 pesos in the bar so don’t try this shit with me. She then puts her fists up and asks me if I am going to hit her – she keeps asking me if I am going to hit her. I haven’t even lost it at this point…I’m pissed, but it’s the middle of the goddamn night and I am keeping my voice down and generally keeping my cool, so I don’t know why she thinks I would hit her. Anyways, she keeps asking me if I’m going to hit her and I keep saying no, I’m not going to, I’m not a Dominican man. She starts bellowing about how Dominican man good, not like me, etc. etc.

If I had no sense of decorum I would have grabbed her, the 1000 pesos, and thrown them both out the door. But I know that if I do this she will be standing in the hallway screaming blue murder. So here I am about to get hosed by this bitch because I can’t bring myself to feel comfortable with the same level of stink that she does.

Finally I grit my teeth and I say okay, you goddamn puta, how much is it going to cost me to get you the fuck out of here, and she says 1500 pesos. I give her 1500 and she continues to berate me, saying that she can’t believe I only give her 1500, no Dominican woman would fuck someone for 1500. I say I have already fucked 10 of them for less, but she will have none of it, saying tourists pay 3000, 4000 pesos. Finally she takes her 1500 pesos and leaves.

The quick lesson: (a) be very careful about the chicks who aggressively approach you. I had been warned about this before but hadn’t taken it to heart. They are sharks. (b) Be very very careful about going to your room without an explicit discu ssion of price. Maybe this will work with an amateur or a good girl…for instance, I never discussed money upfront with the girl I’d spent the night with the previous night, but that was because she came highly recommended as good and trustworthy. (c) go with your gut. I should have bailed on her as soon as she gave me that shit about money not being important.

That was my fifth day.

08-10-2004, 07:07 PM

All I can say is....WOW!!


Don Tomas
08-11-2004, 12:25 AM
Hapax, maybe I missed it but which hotels did you actually stay in during your trip?

...saying tourists pay 3000, 4000 pesos...

That shit really pissed me off last trip now I know why you guys get down on people on over paying the chicas. I want to find a Spanish version of the OutKast song Roses... :lol:

I rather settle on a low amount and give her a tip if deserved.

PS. Excellent Report

08-11-2004, 06:34 AM
Excellent report man! This is real good stuff and much appreciated..

I'm curious though.. which hotels did you stay in and what did you pay for the rooms?

08-11-2004, 10:33 AM
What a bust day six turned out to be. I woke up around noon and spent most of the day catching up on work. (I work in marketing and basically had to crunch some numbers and compile a report, all stuff I can do on my laptop from the middle of nowhere.) At one point, around 4 p.m., I buzzed out to see if anything was happening on the streets or the beach, but I couldn’t find anything. The action really started about 9:30 p.m., when I tucked away the laptop, shaved my face and my balls, and hit the street.

A couple of Presidentes later and I’m in D’Latino disco again. It’s early, about 10:30 p.m., and the place is dead. The advantage of this is that you can see who comes in, and perhaps get a better idea of who is working and who is not. I choose an appropriately positioned seat, order a Presidente, and bite off half a blue tablet. Before long a few chicas file in, and one of them, who seems pretty decent, sits rather close to me.

At this point I’m thinking that it’s early and that instead of dilly dallying what I should do is just grab her, take her home and fuck her, and then come back to the disco for someone else. We chit chat for a bit and I try, unsuccessfully, to get her for 1000 pesos. I suspect the problem is just that my morale is worn down after all the bullshit of the last couple of days, and I have no spirit to bargain. I agree to 1500. As we head off to find the motorconcha, I feel my face a little flush and can’t tell if it is the Presidentes or the Viagra.

Inside the room she strips, and I marvel at how so many Dominican women look great when their clothes off and then rough when they’re naked. First of all, where the fuck do all the bruises and spots come from? Does somebody beat them, or are they always falling down or something? Second, there is a suspicious absence of muscle tone, which is hard to detect in a disco. There is probably very little in the way of organized sports for women, although I admit I am speculating from a position of ignorance. Finally, their asses seldom have the shape out of the pants that they have in the pants, unfortunately.

I lie down and she starts giving me the lightest, and one of the worst, blowjobs of my life. Soon she reaches for a condom, puts it on, and then lies back for missionary. I open the drawer, take out the lube, and ask if I can use it. She says no.

This is now two chicks in a row who have declined lube. I’m not sure what their problem is, but it is serious turn off. I push myself inside of her and it feels like I’m trying to fuck a woollen sock. This sucks.

She turns sideways on the bed, doggie style, and makes me stand and fuck her. Apparently, however, she has no sense of how tall I am, and kneels with her legs almost fully bent, so that I have to squat like I’m in a yoga class. I keep trying to lift her hips up, but she keeps pressing them down. The whole time, of course, I’m plugging away into that woollen sock. This sucks too.

After a couple of minutes of this I assert some authority and tell her I am kneeling on the bed – no more of this squatting swami style stuff for me. Again, however, she keeps her legs spread apart and bent so much that her ass is almost touching the bed, and in order to fuck her I have to do the splits on my knees. Again, every thrust feels like a woollen sock. This sucks at least as much as before.

I put one hand under each ass cheek and try to lift her, holding her up a bit higher. She manages to push back down with enough force that I can keep this up for only a minute or so. I try to put her knees together to get a bit more lift. She manages to keep them apart. I lean over her and, putting one hand on each shoulder blade, push the top of her down into the bed, hoping to cantilever her ass a bit higher in the air. This doesn’t work either. With every thrust her box is getting dryer and dryer, and in my imagination I can feel the rubber starting to burn from the friction. This really sucks.

I flop down on the bed in exhausation and exasperation. She starts giving me shit for having taken Viagra, which she thinks is delaying my orgasm. There is no delay, however, for I’ve only been at this about 10 minutes. I tell her that the problem is (i) her cunt is dryer than the cunt of a mummified nun, and (ii) she fucking sucks in bed. No comprende.

She pulls off the condom and gives me a lame jerk job. I blow, give her her pesos, and walk her out.

Before she goes, she asks if she can have one of my condoms and money for the motorconcha. I oblige. On the way down the stairs, she asks me if she will see me again tomorrow night at the disco, and talks about how she looks forward to seeing me again. I think she must be totally crazy to think I am anything but dismayed at the time I’ve spent with her. It would have been much more satisfying to have simply jerked off, plus it would have been free.

I rethink the plan to go to the disco again. I leave on Saturday, and wonder if maybe what I need to do is take some time off to regroup and refresh, so that on my last nights, say Thursday and Friday, I can go right wild. The problem, of course, will be to find someone decent to go right wild with. As I tuck into bed for the night, I’m not sure whether I’m going to go whoring the next day, Wednesday, or stay in and let me balls charge up. I’ll sleep on it and see what happens.

That was my sixth day.

08-11-2004, 10:49 AM
Outstanding report.

Keep up the great work ! !

08-11-2004, 12:52 PM
So far ive read up to day 5 and Hapax... you should be a writer... if you arent already ... you really have me feeling like im a fly on the wall during your whole DR stay... if the "good girl" that the hotel owner hooked you up with was that good ... you should have stayed with her, but then again i know how it is to want variety cause thats how i am... but sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side... great job on the report... sorry you had a few bad moments with the whores though... you live and you learn... Domincan Beas

08-11-2004, 01:39 PM
.. but sometimes the grass is not always greener on the other side...

In this country the grass is always greener but it dies fast.

08-11-2004, 01:41 PM
Jimmy, please change this guys title... he is no newbee anymore... make him the writer or something cause i think his stories are some of the best ive seen ... i just wish i had some pictures

Shadow Dweller
08-11-2004, 01:47 PM
I agree with Beas, Hepax can write! Great report!

08-11-2004, 01:53 PM
I agree with Beas, Hepax can write! Great report!

First trip and first report. Let him get a few more posts on the board then give me a proper title for him.

08-11-2004, 02:23 PM
call him Judy Blume or something... haha

I think Newbee titles should be given to people before they give us a report or any kind of advice or before they give anything to the board... once they post you should change it to something...

08-11-2004, 08:09 PM
I never got a special title :'(

08-11-2004, 09:52 PM
Guys, I do appreciate your kind words. The reports do take a bit of time to type up and I'm glad to hear you're liking them.

Right now it's nearly 10 p.m. at Rocky's, and I just had a fucked up experience I will relate tomorrow. Right now I'm off to redeem myself.


08-11-2004, 09:56 PM

I am totally lovin your play-by-play report . . . .

keep typing man

KEEP TYPIN ! ! ! ! !
(and e-mail Jimmy the pics so we can see them)

08-13-2004, 04:21 PM
GREAT REPORT......took me 2 days to read it but great report. Can't wait to see what happens next.

08-13-2004, 04:30 PM

I just got back from Sosua and it seemed like every chica, almost, pulled the scam with saying OK to 1000 and demanding more in the room. I used to pay those girls off to get rid of them but this time I flat refused every time. I am not a tigre type guy but I just flat out got sick of that shit. I think when we are a new face in town the chicas try that more often. It's very very odd, but I had few such incidents in Boca Chica, a place that supposedly has all the hard cores. This crap seems to be a north coast specialty. Then again, Boca is so compact that after a few days all the chicas know who you are, what you will pay, scams won't work, etc.

Sounds like you stayed at the Voromar with the key at the front desk routine. It's not a bad idea that they do that but if you couldn't get the key that don't work either. While you sleep a girl can find the key and empty the safe.

That was a great report I really enjoyed it.

Don Tomas
08-13-2004, 04:56 PM
While you sleep a girl can find the key and empty the safe.

Put it in the middle of the bed under the mattress.

Bring a hide-away can of _____. (You know the ones with screw bottoms like shaving cream cans, hairspray, etc.)

Put the key in the pocket of a pair of pants in your dirty clothes bag.

With a kitchenette put it between 2 plates, back of the shelf in an upper cabinet, in the freezer, etc.

Put it behind the A/C cover.

08-13-2004, 07:55 PM
Don T

Those are good ideas, hadn't thought of most of them. One problem with those keys is that I carry it with me during the day rather than leave it in the room, but that means the chica can see where I put it, and those chicas sure do watch everything you do like a hawk. I try to hide it while she takes a shower. I much prefer the electronic combination safes. I had one chica actually try to look over my shoulder while I opened it to see the combination. Unreal.

08-13-2004, 08:45 PM
Stay at the palace with a drinking buddy . . . give him your key and you take his . . .

If you're lucky you can sleep for an hour or 2 before getting a Captain Morgans and Coke delivered for Breakfast !

08-13-2004, 09:36 PM
Sorry guys, I'm falling behind again. This is the report for day seven, which was Thursday. I'm a bit busy fucking to come up with nice turns of phrase, so you'll have to forgive my choppy prose.


Having tucked in early the previous night, I was up by about 8:30 a.m., a nice return to my usual schedule. I turned to work and was pleasantly surprised to discover, as the morning progressed, that I was pretty turned on and eager to find some play. (You may recall that as I went to sleep the previous night, I was unsure about whether I would even head out the next day, given the string of bad experiences I’d had.) By late afternoon I’d met up with a guy I’d talked to at breakfast, who was expecting the arrival of his novia.

He had met her the previous day at the beach – she is a student from Santiago, and had been down with a number of friends. He had bought her a drink and managed to talk her into taking the bus down from Santiago, and she was due to arrive at any moment. His Spanish is rudimentary, but he had been helped out by Antonio, a Dominican guy at the beach who rents chairs, arranges trips, and, upon request, puts gringos in contact with Sosua’s finest.

This guy – let’s call him the Grande Casanova – is such a gentleman that he isn’t sure he wants to pound this girl arriving from Santiago. He says he is absolutely certain, and the Dominican guy Antonio is absolutely certain, that she is not a working girl, and is looking for a guy for a serious relationship. So he thinks that although he’ll take her out to La Casita, a really nice restaurant in Cabarete, and let her sleep at his hotel, he’ll just cuddle and stuff, rather than fuck her.

She’s late, so he calls her and, through Antonio, discovers that there was a problem – she couldn’t find or come up with the bus fare from Santiago. But she wants to come, and eventually it comes up that if Grande Casanova is willing to pay for the gas, a friend of hers will drive her. Grande Casanova is fine with this, although after he gets off the phone he finds this will probably cost him 500 – 700 pesos, which is more than he wanted to spend. He decides that if he shells out that much for the gas, he will fuck her after all. “I have no choice”, he exclaims. “She’s forced me to fuck her.” The guy is starting to grow on me. We order a couple of Presidentes and wait for the novia.

About 30 minutes later, I notice, across the way, the chica from Flamingos from a couple of nights ago – the woman who had the tall, powerful, athletic body, and who I had described as grand and statuesque. I hadn’t seen her since, and Flamingos is closed for renovations for two weeks, so I’ve been a little unsure about how I was going to hook up with her. But Antonio comes to the rescue. Off he goes, and in two seconds he’s back with her and introduces us. He asks me if I want to fuck her, I say Si Senor, and in a minute or two we agree on 1500 pesos. But first a Presidente with the girl and the Grande Casanova. I’m still hoping to see his little novia, and figure it will probably be about 20 or 30 more minutes before she arrives.

I dig this chick I’m about to fuck, but strangely don’t notice my cock throbbing, so I decide against having another Presidente and opt for a water. I’m please to discover the chica speaks English reasonably well, by Sosua standards, and she is definitely a smart girl. She’s studied in La Romana, and expects to move to New York in January, where she wants to go to law school. Apparently her father lives in NY. Of course, I don’t know if this is bullshit or not, and I don’t really care.

The Grande Casanova, now that I see him in the company of a chica, turns out to be a bit of a charmer, and the three of us have a nice time. She asks if perhaps he’d like to meet a friend of hers, he agrees, and we head up near the Flamingo. She sets him up with one of the other girls I’d seen in there, and we sit down for a drink. Again, I order a water, the others order a Presidente. Before long, my chica – Claudia – proposes a foursome, but Grande Casanova and I aren’t too sure about this. Besides, how the fuck are we all supposed to fit on the bed? He and I make plans to meet up at 10 p.m. (it is about 7:30 p.m. right now) and we head with our chicas to our separate hotels.

Claudia and I get to my room and shower, and I notice again that my I’m not really feeling anything down there. I’m not sure why – I haven’t blown my load in about 12 hours, and just that morning I was getting stiff just thinking about the Sosua babes. I start wondering what my problem is: is it the steady diet of Doritos and Presidentes? Am I just growing tired of the scene? Is it the string of skanky chicks whose asses I’ve polluted that is getting me down? Or is really love that I am yearning for?

Claudia takes my limp dick in my mouth, and does her best. Nothing. Zip. It’s so fucking soft it is practically inside out. Oh the irony. Just a couple of days ago I had confidently promised that when I did her, my dick would be rock hard and that my balls, if I remember right, would pound against her asshole like twin hammers. Yet here I am, my dick as lifeless as a fallen leaf.

Finally I feel a mild stirring, and since I usually get right stiff the moment I unroll a condom onto my clobber, I take a calculated risk and reach for a condom. I put it on, and start trying to do her missionary.

I discover that I had miscalculated.

My puny efforts are in vain, as I am barely hard enough to part her curtains. In desperation, I propose doggie, and as she flips around I can feel myself flagging, and the condom feels like a gloved hand squeezing the blood from my cock. Even in doggie – even in doggie! – I can’t muster the bluster to bust her.

I retreat; I fall on the bed, laugh a bit, lie and tell her I’ve already pounded four chicks that day, and propose that we wait a couple minutes. She’s cool with that, and seems understanding.

We make out for a while, and then she tries taking me in her mouth again. Again, there isn’t much there but she works hard for about five minutes or so, before she throws a leg over my face and press her slit against my mouth. I suck her box, stare at her asshole, and start fantasizing about an ex girlfriend, imagining that I’m with her. The heat in the room seems oppressive, and, although I’m on my back, it feels as if my balls are hanging all the way down to the mattress. I slowly start feeling my dick respond to her steady sucking, however, but I know that I’ve only got one more shot at this so I’m careful to not switch positions or do anything drastic too soon. I devote about three quarters of my brain to the fantasy, and the other quarter to a mental monitoring of my dick, waiting until for sure it is hard enough to do it.

At last, it’s there. A phoenix arisen from the ashes. Humbled, however, I decide no fancy stuff, flip her into doggie, stick my cock in her, and hit ‘til I spit.

She hangs out for a bit, gives me a nice kiss, and asks me to meet her later at the disco. Cool. I decide that I will fuck her again, as she deserves better than that.

I make my way to Rocky’s to meet the Grande Casanova – we had set a 10 p.m. meeting time. When I see him, he confesses that he had pounded his chick for 60 minutes but he just couldn’t blow. I laugh, tell him my story, and we figure these two chicks must be laughing their asses off at us. I managed to blow, but took forever to get it up. He got it up, but didn’t manage to blow. Aren’t we a fucking pair.

Who cares – the night is young, and everyone deserves a second chance. We will redeem ourselves. I talk to Ted, the bartender at Rocky’s, and he sells me a Cialis for 350 pesos. I like to think of it this way: the better part of valor is discretion.

We head over to the Domino bar, the one behind the Europa, for a Presidente. Claudia and her friend are there, we give them a kiss, and start downing some beers. Chicas are swarming all over us, and we’re having a good time, talking about which ones we’d fuck, which one’s we wouldn’t, and so on.

Earlier in the day, I had told the Grande Casanova about Carmen, the chica I had pounded twice on my first night. Remember I met her on the street with a friend, proposed 1000 each for happy hour, and then, after her friend bailed from my hotel room out of apparent nervousness, I’d pounded Carmen twice in an hour and a half, with the second shot taking about 40 minutes of solid, vigorous pounding? Anyways, I had told him that she was a cool chick and that she had been going to spend the whole night for 1000 pesos, and because he has this thing about sleeping with girls, he was into that, and kept talking about wanting to find Carmen.

I mention this because, after we leave the Domino bar having told Claudia and her friend we would meet them at the disco later, I see Carmen downstairs from the Disco Classico. She sees me and we run toward each other like long lost lovers. I introduce her to the Grande Casanova and then I notice, a bit behind her, her friend who had left my hotel room. You may remember that when I saw her the following night, she had given me the finger in the disco, but tonight she seems a little friendlier. And she is as gorgeous as ever. She is certainly the most beautiful woman I’ve seen all week in Sosua, and I decide I better play my cards right.

After my big letdown with Claudia, I need a big score, and she (I don’t know her name – let me just call her Bella) would be perfect for that. I buy Carmen a drink, and then, as graciously as I can, ask Bella if she would like one as well. She accepts.

We have a few beers downstairs and have a fantastic time, joking, laughing, playing around, etc. We head to the disco and the fun continues. The Grande Casanova, as I said, is quite a charmer, and although my Spanish is non-existent I get into the miming and get both the girls laughing. Bella is very beautiful, but in some ways kinda aloof, and I’m not able to tell if she has attitude or if she is just kind of shy or hesitant about the whole thing. I eventually think the latter, but within an hour or two she starts warming up to me. Just make the girls laugh and they’re yours.

We head up to the disco and spend a few hours there, with much of the last hour spent on the dance floor. Bella, who has had about four Presidentes, is really into me, and we are basically fucking each other on the dance floor. The place is half full at most and much classier than D’Latino, with gringo chicks from the resorts and so on. I can only imagine what they must have thought to see me bend Bella over in her tiny skirt and pound myself against her ass as if I was doing her doggie style standing up. This goes on and on, with her reaching down and grabbing my balls through my pants, me hooking my arm around her neck as I pound her, and so on. We are vigorously fucking, but with clothes on.

Carmen, for her part, is crazier. She will be sitting in her chair, right in front of gringo chicks, and then she’ll lift her hips in the air, put her hand on her pussy, and the frig herself senseless right through her pants. Strangely, though, she is not as into the Grande Casanova as I think she should be, given the fact he is buying her drinks – she is running around, acting like a den mother to all the other putas at the disco. In fact, even when we get up to go, she insists we stay for another drink, because she has some den mother shit to attend to.

Finally, we head out – the Grande Casanova is exhausted, and I’m a bit tired to, and all we want to do is get our asses to our respective hotels, bang these girls, and pass out. But they, citing hunger, insist first we stop at PJs for some food. I don’t mind that much, but Grande Casanova’s patience is tried, so he insists (and insists and insists) that the food be take out, and warns that if it arrives and it is not take out, he is fucking off. It arrives, it’s take out, but they have fucked up the bill, charging us for some beers we never had. It takes 10 minutes to sort the bullshit out, and then finally we head to the motorconchos.

For some reason Carmen, who is heading off with the Grande Casanova, wants to know my room number at the Voramar, but I can’t communicate it to her because my Spanish is so bad, so I ask the Grande Casanova if he will tell her the number. But then, just as the motoconches are pulling away from each other, heading in different directions, there is a bit of confusion about whether he should tell her my real room number. He yells out “I’ll tell her a different one”, and then disappears into the night. I put my head on Bella’s shoulder as we tear down the road and laugh until tears come to my eyes.

Back at the Voramar, Bella and I sit on the balcony overlooking the pool, and we share her dinner….her eating most of it, but insisting I have a few bites. Then she excuses herself to shower, and comes out of the bathroom wearing just a towel. I then shower and come out wearing a towel as well. At this point, the tv is still on, and some drama in Spanish is playing. Bella points to the woman and asks me if I like her, at which point I walk over to the tv, lift the front of my towel, stick my dick ‘into’ this woman’s mouth, and act as if I’m getting a blow job. Bella comes over, peaks under the towel to see my dick in the woman’s mouth, and laughs.

A few seconds later she is sitting on the bed with my cock in her mouth. I’m standing there thinking I’m the fucking king. This chick is for sure the hottest girl I’ve seen in Sosua, and she is sucking my dick.

After a few minutes of this she puts a condom on me and then lies back on the bed and lifts her hips in the air, holding her cunt two feet off the bed with her legs. I kneel in between her legs – her body is fucking perfect! – slip my cock into her, put one hand under each of her ass cheeks, and start slowly thrusting. Thanks to the Cialis, my dick is really hard, and I take advantage of the angle and start working her g-spot. Somehow she manages to hold this position for about 10 minutes, and even comes, if she is to be believed.

For my part, I am fucking in heaven – after all those skanky hos, this woman is a dream…she is totally gorgeous, her body is absolutely amazing, and she is wicked in bed. I fuck her every which way I can, and especially hammer her from behind, just like in the disco. Finally I let her crawl on top of me. Normally when I’m on the bottom I like it when the chick’s chest is close to mine, so that I can move her to get maximum in and out action on my cock. But, she is so totally gorgeous and her body is so perfect, I let her sit straight upright, just sitting on my rod and rocking her hips back and forth. I look at her perfect face, her perfect breasts, her perfect stomach, and at my cock thrust into her perfect tuft of hair, and I blast a perfect load.

That was my seventh day.

08-13-2004, 10:15 PM
Wow, I was almost there !

Great job !!!!

08-14-2004, 03:15 AM
How about Monger Poet Laureate?

Great Reports! Did Carmen find your room at Voramar?

Happy Hunting,


08-14-2004, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the great reports Hapax.

You certainly retain and convey the moments vividly.

For a first time visitor you really know how to handle the chicas.

You're right that it's amazing how deceptive tight jeans can be.
All the more reason to be extremely picky.

I'm amazed that you could get it up for some of those cold b!tches.

Keep up the good work.

08-14-2004, 11:56 AM
this is some quality writing :!:

08-15-2004, 06:57 AM
Hapax - excellent posts.. real and full of good info.. keep up the good work!

While you sleep a girl can find the key and empty the safe.

Put it in the middle of the bed under the mattress.

Bring a hide-away can of _____. (You know the ones with screw bottoms like shaving cream cans, hairspray, etc.)

Put the key in the pocket of a pair of pants in your dirty clothes bag.

With a kitchenette put it between 2 plates, back of the shelf in an upper cabinet, in the freezer, etc.

Put it behind the A/C cover.

Good suggestions.. maybe one more.. wear it around your neck on a chain..