View Full Version : Accused killer still on the loose

01-07-2008, 03:30 PM
One of the people linked to the murder of the assistant to Ramon Baez Figueroa, the former banking czar, got up and walked out of the courtroom while he was being identified as one of the people present during the actual crime. Jose Bladimir Fernandez Tavera, a.k.a. Papo, surprised the prosecutors by just getting up and leaving the courtroom at the same time as one of the state's principal witnesses was identifying him as having been present and participating in the crime. Fernandez Tavera was free on bail pending the hearing. The "escape" came as lawyers called for a 10-minute recess to find some missing documents, and when the court reconvened, Fernandez was nowhere to be found. Prosecutors asked for an immediate arrest order, which was granted by the court.

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