View Full Version : President's mom rides metro

01-10-2008, 01:20 PM
President Fernandez's mother Yolanda Reyna became one of the first passengers to tour the new Alstom metro cars. Diandino Pena, director of the Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET) told reporters that the metro's first test runs would be carried out in February. He told El Dia: "We are working towards the first test, there are dozens of initial trials that have to be carried out first. Everything is ready and we will test the route in about three weeks". Pena said that construction had been the most difficult phase, and that now they have to train employees and educate users. He said that the first phase includes the acquisition of 100 feeder buses, and added that the authorities hoped to keep the cost of the first line of the metro under RD$25 billion pesos. He explained that the metro would run 16 hours a day and that there would be two shifts for employees.

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