View Full Version : RD$26,241.86 new tax threshold

01-10-2008, 01:20 PM
The Tax Department (DGII) announces that for 2008, RD$26,241.86 is the tax threshold for wages. Employees making up to that amount will not pay taxes. This means that people making annual wages of up to RD$290,243 (RD$24,186.91 a month) do not need to pay taxes. Anyone earning RD$290,244 to RD$435,364 will pay 15% on the difference. People making RD$435,365 to RD$604,672 will pay 20%, on the differential, and those earning RD$604,672.01 or more will pay the maximum 25% tax. The DGII reports that 91% of Dominican workers make less than RD$24,186 a month, as reported in Listin Diario.

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