View Full Version : Corruption scandal list

01-14-2008, 03:50 PM
Major newspapers today published a 52-item paid advertisement with a list of corruption scandals regarding departments and officers of the Fernandez administration covered in the press over the past three years. The advertiser, the National Front Against Reelection (Frenacore) says these add up to RD$205 billion in corruption. The top 15 items on the list are: Construction of the metro without a tender or supervision, purchase of Tucano Brazilian jets, Sun Land US$130 million scandal, overvaluation of the Supreme Court of Justice building, US$132 million Sun Land loan to the Police, US$200 million loan to Public Works, unknown use of US$575 million in PetroCaribe savings, unknown use of US$170 million of Verizon sale, Enade contract, Santiago central park allotment, artificial island, overvaluation of the governmental online portal, overvaluation of the Inposdom-Host Chile contract, pension fraud.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)