View Full Version : Drink away in Santiago!

01-25-2008, 03:00 PM
On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Caribbean Series in Santiago de los Caballeros, the country's second largest city, the Ministry of Interior and Police has announced the lifting of the curfew on alcohol beverage sales. Colmados will also be allowed to sell alcohol past the normal time during the tournament. Minister Franklin Almeyda said that there would be no limits on the sale of alcohol in Santiago from 1 - 7 of February, when the series will take place. He emphasized however, that restrictions would only be relaxed in Santiago and that measures would be instituted to control drunk driving. Almeyda said there would also be controls to ensure that "colmadones" keep the volume down at night. He announced that 36 Harley Davidson motorcycles would patrol traffic on Duarte Highway to prevent accidents during the event. He said that 10 more of these patrol motorcycles would be on duty on the Autovia del Este and another 10 on the main highway leading to the southwest.
"The Caribbean Series will be a sports party for the city of Santiago and the country, and we need to be good hosts," said the Interior and Police Minister, explaining the reasons for the lifting of the alcohol sale restrictions. The tournament will be held between 2 February and 7 February and a large tourist influx is expected.

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