View Full Version : Politics are dirty, but come on!

01-31-2008, 02:40 PM
Dirty politics, underhand tactics and rumor spreading are all part of the political hustle and bustle during an election year, but Dominicans are getting tired of the negativity. As a result, the Catholic Church, the Supreme Court, the Central Electoral Board (JCE), Citizen Participation (PC), the Justice and Institutionalism Foundation (FINJUS) and the Latin American Political Science Faculty (FLACSO) have all expressed criticisms about this campaigning style and are urging for it to cease. Yesterday Supreme Court president Jorge Subero Isa asked the political parties to tone down their language and offer legitimate proposals. Bishop Emeritus Fabio Mamerto Rivas and JCE Judge Mariano Rodriguez also voiced their concerns about the current tone of the elections and said things should change before they deteriorate into violence. Rivas said that if things continued in this way, it would result in violence. Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman of Finjus called on the JCE to take greater control in order to stifle these dirty campaigns.

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