View Full Version : Car victims might have recourse

01-31-2008, 02:40 PM
Lawyers consulted by Listin Diario say that the signs in the parking lots of shopping malls and supermarkets don't release businesses from responsibility when a car is stolen. Lawyer Desiderio Ruiz says that these signs are meaningless because if something happens to a vehicle within the parking lot, the business owners are obliged to pay compensation. Ruiz says that a business, by law, has to provide secure parking for its clients and that the business owner guarantees protection of their vehicles. Pedro Duarte Canaan, dean of the Universidad del Caribe law school says that the signs are a bluff and just a way for the businesses to try and protect themselves from obligation. Canaan says that if your car has been stolen from a parking lot you should file a police report. He added that victims could also claim compensation from the establishment's owner.

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