View Full Version : Touts?

01-31-2008, 05:37 PM
Planning my first trip to DR and getting all kinds of good info here... thanks

Just curious if Sosua beach has a collections of touts that work on tips (or kickbacks from the girls) to help one find girls of one's specification. I like a wide variety, but one of my goals is to find a couple 18-20 year old dark skinned fairly fresh Haitians with petite builds and long legs. Adding a little French to my vocab to help with this.

As for finding Haitians, where? As I understand they are not so much in MPs or discos?

01-31-2008, 05:44 PM
Dude read the fucking board :-)....

...You know that in any country you want to stay away from touts! The definition of touts is that they have no REAL pull, that's why they're called touts--the point is to skip the middle man right?!?!?!

Just open your mouth at ANY CHICK you see. Say Hola, and the rest will take care of itself... Remember say HOLA TO ANY CHICK YOU see!!!! If she 'likes you', you're cool... You don't need some dude 'promising' to hook you up...maybe only another Gringo, which shouldn't be hard to find...

Haitian chicas, they're around... you'll see them too... at the disco, meet them and their friends... they all know each other, and stick together...


Cuba Libre
01-31-2008, 05:50 PM
Planning my first trip to DR and getting all kinds of good info here... thanks

Just curious if Sosua beach has a collections of touts that work on tips (or kickbacks from the girls) to help one find girls of one's specification. I like a wide variety, but one of my goals is to find a couple 18-20 year old dark skinned fairly fresh Haitians with petite builds and long legs. Adding a little French to my vocab to help with this.

As for finding Haitians, where? As I understand they are not so much in MPs or discos?Both Sosua and Boca Chica are loaded with thin Haitians.

I'm not sure what touts are, but as Incogneg said, you don't need any middle man, especially if you are going to Sosua.

01-31-2008, 06:14 PM
As a general rule, stay away from any male Dominicans offering you any sort of service. 95% of the time they are harmless but won't provide anything you cannot find yourself at the same price or cheaper. And the other 5% of the time they could get you into some sort of trouble.

Many Dominicans who speak fluent English have been deported from the US after involvement in criminal activities. As a general rule, the better English a puta speaks the more hardcore she is likely to be (though there are many exceptions both ways because of special circumstances). I now always avoid chicas who proposition me in English.

Slim haitianas are everywhere (as the guys here know, my favourite flavour of chica). They make up about 20% of the puta population (an off-the-wall guess - do others agree?) but are less seen in the more expensive places.

01-31-2008, 06:30 PM
In Sosua theres loooooooooaaaaaaaaaddss of haitianas. Youll find them in all shapes and sizes wandering around. Some speak english but those are the ones to watch out for as they have probably been around a while.

01-31-2008, 11:17 PM
THanks for the replies.

I was starting to wonder about the thin Haitians as I do not see many of them featured in pictures.

On touts, I had a couple helpful experiences with enterprising locals which were worth a few dollars for their time and legwork. Very true they may be the local dirtbag though.