View Full Version : Chickens for oil

02-04-2008, 04:50 PM
The Venezuelan ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Francisco Belisario Landis, said that his country was considering the possibility of exchanging Dominican poultry and eggs for oil. Ambassador Landis said that such a deal would be within the framework of the Petrocaribe Agreement. According to Listin Diario, the ambassador said that he had sent his proposal to Dominican Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso. Meanwhile, yet another commission from neighboring Haiti is visiting the Dominican Republic to inspect sanitary processes in the poultry industry. According to some analysis, it would take approximately 45.5 processed chickens to pay for a barrel of oil at today's prices. Even at half the price, if Dominican oil consumption is pegged at 100,000 barrels per day, it would take over two million chickens to pay for a day's worth of oil (or more than 15 million eggs).

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