View Full Version : The new social class

02-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Diario Libre editor Adriano Miguel Tejada writes today about a reality that is being rubbed into Dominican taxpayers on a daily basis. "The quickest way to climb the social and economic ladder is to get involved in politics," he writes, explaining that this reality has created a new social class: politicians.
He writes: "Politicians have their own ways, their interests and impunities to preserve and above all, they seek to improve and maintain their economic status. To be a politician is now the new objective of all social groups. Unlike baseball, athletic prowess or youth are not necessary in the case of politicians. Neither is a great intellect. To be quick-witted is important, as well as daring and willing to pick a fight. If you have a talent for deceit and can keep a poker face when telling the biggest lie, then you have what it takes. Dominican politicians have done so well that they no longer need the help of their traditional bourgeois backers to participate in an election. All they need is to have served in a government post and possess ambition, so that suddenly they get contracts, covert money and several other ways of appropriation of capital that are included in the manual of how to get rich fast. Politicians also have their own culture. They are addicted to hugs, luxury SUVs and mistresses. They are all on the lookout because there will always be someone, from the same party or the opposition, who will want to take their position, but it is unlikely that they will pick a physical fight. That is for the grassroots, not for politicians. They enjoy good food and demand expensive beverages. It is a matter of hard-earned status. In general, they are like meteors: when they are on the up, they can be seen by all, but when they hide they are on the down, and to be down "stinks."

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