View Full Version : Power over principle

02-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Eminent sociologist Rosario Espinal explains in Hoy that the ruling PLD party has replaced Juan Bosch's utopian vision for social change with the conservative Balaguer pragmatism that has dominated Dominican politics for the past 40 years. Espinal says that as a result many have entered politics and the ranks of the PLD as a way of climbing the social ladder and obtaining the perks that accompany government posts.
Espinal, a professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, made her comments in response to President Leonel Fernandez's recent declaration that he is the heir of Balaguerism. Espinal brings up the 'caudillo' culture in Dominican politics to explain the phenomenon. She explains that the country's popular leaders have benefited from a cult of personality. Trujillo was the dictatorial caudillo, Balaguer the educated authoritarian 'caudillo', Bosch was the educated/critic 'caudillo' and Pena Gomez was the 'caudillo' of the masses.
According to Espinal, the PRSC was left in shambles with the death of Balaguer. When the party found itself without a strong 'caudillo' presence, Fernandez stepped into that void. Fernandez, Espinal says, has successfully integrated dissidents into his party ranks and they identify with him, not with the PLD as a political party.
The sociologist went on to explain that bi-partisan support has always been Fernandez's goal, and in this way he has distanced himself and the party from the ideals of Juan Bosch. Espinal challenges the belief that the conservative forces have lost Balaguer, saying that his influence is still strong and that previously opposing parties, like the PLD, are now bowing to Balaguer's political legacy. The professor concludes that Fernandez's comments represent political rhetoric, but also highlight the shift in his political ideology that looks to preserve the ways of the old Dominican political system.

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