View Full Version : Roberto Salcedo is most accepted

02-13-2008, 02:20 PM
The CID Latinoamericana poll shows that Santo Domingo Mayor Roberto Salcedo is the most accepted politician, with 71% of the favor of citizens. He has a 21% unfavorable rate.
PRSC candidate Amable Aristy Castro is second in scoring less negative opinion, with the favorable opinion of 58% of citizens. He has a 36% rejection rate.
Eduardo Estrella, candidate for a coalition of parties known as Cuarta Via, is in fourth place with 55%, and 34% negative.
Miguel Vargas, presidential candidate for the PRD, is next with an approval rate of 53%, and a disapproval rate of 24%.
President Leonel Fernandez, who is running for the PLD, has a 46% favorable vote and a 34% unfavorable rate.
Former President Hipolito Mejia has a 26% approval rate and a 71% disapproval rate.
Compared to a prior November poll, Vargas lost 2% of approval and Fernandez 1%.

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