View Full Version : German all talk

02-19-2008, 01:50 PM
The deadline Education Minister Alejandrina German gave to journalist Nuria Piera came and went and there was nothing to show for it. Last week German threatened Piera that if she didn't retract comments made about a house German owns in Jarabacoa, she would take legal action. During a press conference last week at the Hotel Lina, German explained that the house was declared under her husband's name and that he had to take out a loan to pay for its construction. According to German, the house is valued at RD$5 million. Hoy writes that even if German delays seeking legal protection she has a period of two months after the accusations were made in order to pursue legal action. These legal woes are only one of many concerns for the Minister, who broke her left wrist yesterday when she slipped and fell while walking down stairs. Doctors have ordered her to take a two-day rest.

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