View Full Version : An attempt to prevent election clashes

02-20-2008, 02:20 PM
Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, the rector of the PUCMM University, met with the three main party leaders at his home in Santo Domingo yesterday in an attempt to reduce tensions in the current presidential campaign. Orlando Jorge Mera of the PRD, Francisco Javier Garcia, PLD campaign coordinator and Reinaldo Pared Perez, the PLD Senate leader as well as Victor Gomez Casanova of the PRSC all met with Monsignor Nunez for nearly three hours. According to the prelate, the theme of the meeting was to "prevent conflicts, confrontations and other incidents between supporters of rival parties." Generally speaking, when political activities are held in the same place, heated discussions between rival supporters can lead to clashes, often resulting in injuries and even deaths. According to Monsignor Nunez Collado, "basically we tried to establish some mechanisms to coordinate campaign activities to prevent planning activities for the same place in order to prevent such incidents."

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