View Full Version : Lots of talking going on

02-20-2008, 02:20 PM
Dominicans spend about 1.2 billion minutes on the phone each year, and they spend RD$42 billion doing it. Of course, the government is happy, since they receive RD$3.866 billion in taxes from the phone companies. In total, there are three taxes on phone calls. There is the 16% VAT (ITBIS), the 10% Selective tax, and the 2% connection fee. The first two are collected by the Internal Tax office (DGII), while the third is taken by the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL). As a nation, the Dominican Republic has some pretty impressive statistics. There is a 66% density rate, nearly six million phones are in use in the country, more than five million of which are cell phones, and of these over 95% are digital units. New investments in networks, optical fiber and underwater cables will total more than two billion dollars this year, according to the Indotel spokesperson.

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