View Full Version : Workers don't claim compensation

02-26-2008, 02:30 PM
Hoy reports that more than RD$5 billion in workers compensation payments has accumulated in national banks because private and public employees aren't aware of their right to access those funds. Elisaben Matos, director of the Health Risk Administrators (ARL) of the Dominican Social Security Institute (IDSS) says that hardly any workers know that they are entitled to receive financial assistance in the event of a workplace accident. Matos says that last year 8,129 such accidents were reported, 95% of which occurred in the private sector. Matos explains that the confusion is based on a lack of information and the fact that Social Security law 87-01 was initially launched as a pension plan instead of a health plan. Although the amount a worker is allowed to claim will depend on their base salary, a worker is eligible for 20 salaries in compensation.

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