View Full Version : Monitoring competitiveness

02-29-2008, 04:00 PM
The National Competitiveness Council (CNC) and the United Nations Development Program have presented the Dominican Republic Competitiveness Forum, an innovative system that allows all to monitor how the DR ranks in competitiveness in relation to the rest of the world. The observatory falls under the umbrella of activities aimed at implementing the recommendations made in the National Systemic Competitiveness Plan. During the presentation, Andres Van der Horst Alvarez, director of the CNC, stressed that the new website seeks to serve as an instrument that allows policy makers, legislators, analysts, civil society and international organizations to identify the greater challenges for improving the country's competitiveness. The website compiles competitiveness indicators from domestic and international sources, in addition to reports and legal documents on the topic, as well as a chronology of related achievements and events.
See www.observatoriocompetitividad.com.do/web/guest/home (http://www.observatoriocompetitividad.com.do/web/guest/home)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#1)