View Full Version : UN racism charges denied

03-03-2008, 01:30 PM
The 72nd Meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has heard testimony from two special observers who visited the Dominican Republic last year. The observers, Doudou Diene and Gay McDougall visited the country at the invitation of the Dominican government. They reported finding persistent forms of racism, xenophobia and intolerance on the part of the government, the Catholic Church, the Central Electoral Board (JCE), the political parties and the justice system. During the hearings, the Dominican Republic is being represented by deputy Pelegrin Castillo and JCE magistrates John Guilliani and Leyda Pina. Not surprisingly, the Dominican Foreign Minister, Carlos Morales Troncoso vehemently denied the accusations, calling them "absurd". The Minister of Public Health told El Caribe that his ministry spends US$17 million per year on medical services to Haitian nationals. These services include hospital care, emergency care, surgery, caesarian sections, laboratory services and vaccinations. Dr. Bautista Rojas Gomez told reporters that, nationwide, services to Haitians account for between 27% and 30% of all services offered by the Dominican state health care services. Deputy Pelegrin Castillo reported that while the committee listened to the arguments, no recommendations or other measures were taken. The large Dominican delegation included members of the National Police, the Sugar Institute, the Office of Human Rights and the Attorney General's office. Several Haitians were quoted in the newspaper, saying that they were treated well in the DR. Students, new mothers, maids and gardeners were interviewed by reporters.

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