View Full Version : Rio Group - renewable energy a priority

03-07-2008, 03:50 PM
The heads of state taking part in yesterday's Rio Group Summit meetings have approved programs aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy sources like bio fuels, tidal power, hydroelectric, wind and solar energy as a key element of the development process. Hoy writes that the Santo Domingo Declaration by the heads of state will include the establishment of alliances and agreements between public and private sector entities in the area of renewable energy, with the ultimate goal of promoting energy oriented infrastructural investments at the national, sub-regional and regional levels. Still on the agenda is the motion to approve Haiti and Guyana's entry into the Rio Group and Chile's progressive recommendations to use cleaner and innovative technologies in fossil fuel use. A proposal made by Venezuela on a special energy integration and cooperation declaration will also be discussed. The proposals were put forward during yesterday's meeting during which all the member nations' Foreign Ministers were present, including David Choquehuanca from Bolivia, Alejandro Foxley Rioseco from Chile, Celso Amorin from Brazil, Marisol Arqueta de Barillas from El Salvador, Roger Haroldo Rodas from Guatemala, Renald Clerisme from Haiti, Gonzalo Fernandez from Uruguay and Antonio Rivas Palacios the vice minister from Paraguay, Camilo Reyes from Colombia, Edgar Ugalde Alvarez from Costa Rica and Ricardo Duran from Panama.

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