View Full Version : Bar inside the Jaragua Casino

03-16-2008, 02:14 AM
Hey guys :smile:

Inside the Jaragua Casino (inside the Jaragua Hotel) is a bar and a live band plays there.

A lot of freelancers hang out here. Most of them seem to be hardcore and I did not feel too comfortable. So I passed.

Old thread about the Jaragua Hotel and Casino
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63865 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63865)

Another old thread about the Jaragua Hotel and Casino
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43631 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43631)

A picture taken from the bar

Live band. Sorry for the poor quality of pics.


03-16-2008, 02:23 AM
The bar area becomes active at around midnight.

A lot of cute chicas hang around the slot machine areas.

After midnight, a lot of the working girls from the nearby casas (e.g. Lapsus, The Girl's House) visit this casino, looking for clients.

I saw a lot of new bartenders. But overall, they do not seem as cute.

03-16-2008, 10:07 AM
Last trip I didn't see too many there.

03-16-2008, 10:21 AM
How was the live entertainment ?, it used to be excellent.
Thats my favorite hang out bar. Noone will bother you as you enjoy the band sipping your cocktail and you can scope out who you want to meet. As you said though, the action doesnt really start til midnight.
Thanks for the pics.

03-16-2008, 10:22 AM
It was pretty good in September of last year.

03-16-2008, 02:41 PM
The band in cheenos pictures is sort of different. The bass player manolo is sort of the leader. They don't have a full horn section like the main band does. They have a young kid and old man singing and had a very cute young chica with killer body but I think she bailed. Saw her sitting with a tigre novio otherwise I may have asked manolo to introduce me.

Any way that chcik would actually sing some tunes in english. Whitney houston I think and the young guy does an elvis medley. . . .pretty funny.

If that band is playing you are there at an off peak time as the main band has been there for years and are pretty damn good. Most customers and chicas are there when they are.

03-16-2008, 03:06 PM
I was there in January and it was packed every night. I once had a nonaligned puta "offer" me TLN for $300 US there. She was a 3 in my book and I laughed so hard I had Presidente coming out of my nose.:rofl:

When the band strikes up it's usually too loud in there to have any sort of meaningful conversation and I wouldn't recommend it as a venue for picking up new talent. It is, however likely that one will bump into a familiar Chica from one of the casas after they close and $1,000 -$1,500 PD is the norm. Any Chica there who asks for U$D is a scammer and not to be trusted. I can't count the number of Americans I've seen get scammed for ridiculous amounts ($200-$300 for ST with pigs) at the Jaragua.

I've run into many Chicas in the casino whom I recognized from the casas. They're a lot easier to talk to there and the place is well lit so you can see what you're getting.

03-16-2008, 03:18 PM
Right before xmas I took home a chica that i had never seen before and haven't seen since. Probably needed money for holidays. I am pretty sure I paid 1,500 could have been 2,000 but was a good deal as she was good in the sack.

Most of the semi pros don't enter the bar. they sit at the cheap slots trying to make eye contact. Most of the chicas in the bar are pretty hardcore. I would rather work on a waitress etc.

The Sage
03-16-2008, 06:34 PM
When I've been in the Jaragua I've rarely seen anything I would be comfortable taking back to the hotel. The few smokers I've seen always seem to be affiliated with the casino in some way as in smozzing with the waitresses, dealers, and pit bosses. As GreyDread noted the volume of the music in the bar is too loud for a conversation. I highly recommend ear plugs if you're going to take in a set. Be prepared if you chose to buy a drink.The drink prices are astonishingly high.

03-17-2008, 10:11 AM
True . . . a beer is 200 pesos. I never go to pick up chicas I go after all other bars are closed as jaragua stays open. I can drink a few beers, watch the band and maybe flirt with waitress etc.

03-17-2008, 11:29 AM
There is also another small elevated bar in the back on the right side where you can sit and watch all the action on the floor. This may be an even better vantage point if your eyes are good,but I only sat there once or twice for a nightcap , really late at night(4-5 am?) after the Cabana run & getting rid of the chicas.

03-17-2008, 12:02 PM
That bar is cool. But most of the chicas on the prowl target the merengue bar. I used to go out with a waitress that worked at the back bar. . . .last time I went she was now working the merenggue bar.

If you want to hit on a waitress the back bar is better as it is less loud, and the girls are not nearly as busy etc.

03-17-2008, 12:16 PM
I used to go out with a waitress that worked at the back bar. . . .last time I went she was now working the merenggue bar.

If you want to hit on a waitress the back bar is better as it is less loud, and the girls are not nearly as busy etc.
What's your secret? I couldn't even coax a flirty smile out of the bartenders there. A couple are real cuties but totally stone faced. The dealers are a lot more friendly and approachable, IMHO.

03-17-2008, 02:49 PM
Damn Ive meet a couple dealers from the Jag and had a HELL of a time after their shift..(FOR FREE)..see post on Asian dealer:).. just talk to them while playing and be friendly.
as far as the talent the girls hang at the slot machines near the entrance alot or will roam around the Blackjack tables..I;ve hit a few in there on different trips for 1500-2000.

03-17-2008, 04:48 PM
What's your secret? I couldn't even coax a flirty smile out of the bartenders there. A couple are real cuties but totally stone faced. The dealers are a lot more friendly and approachable, IMHO.

years ago on a night I was really bummed. I had just talked to an ex and realized I'd never see her son again. I head to jaragua to hang out and drink a few beers. I have my taxi driver coming to pick me up and take me to airport.

Every time I walked past the back bar to use mens room the barmaid smiled BIG time. After a few trips I decided to sit down for a beer. She brings me a beer and starts conversation. Where am I from? Have I been to santo domingo before? Where do I live? Am I married" Novias? Kids?

She has 2 kids and loves her job. She works from s til 10 or so. I have afew beers and head on out. Figuring I laid groundwork and I am leaving anyway.

A few days later I think. . . dumb move. . .she may get canned or leave work. I call my taxi driver and send him to ask her for her digits. She happily hands em over. I called her and she was HAPPY to hear from me. Remembered my name and all the crap we talked about etc.

I keep telling her we have to go out when I go back down. I am unemployed at the time so trips were whenever I could make one and I was definitely on a budget.

When I make it down we make plans for meeting out front after she gets off, but when I called her after 10. . . she says she had to run home as her kid was sick. . ..

She says we can go out another night. A few days later we make plans and I show up at bar at like 9:30 and she is glad I am there but has to bail again. . . .lol. At that point I write her off.

Not sure if it was same trip or the next trip but after some time had passed. . .could be a week could be months. . .don't remember. I am at jaragua and walking to cashier to get change and she calls me over. She says when are we going out? I laugh and say never. . . .she gets bummed out and apologizes. I say no problem, aint gonna die over it. She says how about tonight. I say nah. . . .she says tomorrow night. I say ok 10:15 out front.

Funny how at jaragua they want to meet you out front rather than out back as they all leave out the back.

Sure enough at 10:15 or so she shows up all dressed up and we walk to la ceniza. There is live music and we sit out on some plastic table in the parking lot as they were full. She is flirting and before long cuddling in my arms and making out with me. I ask if she wants to head someplace else as I know SD very well and she doesn't. She says OK.

We hail a cab and as we are getting in she says sumthin to the driver which I don't hear as I am still half way in the street. I aske where are we going and she says "surprise". Dude drives me to cabana!

Turns out she was on the rag but gave me very good head. We hang out till like 3 am and she heads home to be ready to get kids ready for school.

I give her cab fare.

We stay in touch and next time we went out we wind up back at my hotel. This time not on the rag so we have a good time. Again cab fare.

We went out at least once more and wound up in cabanas. never paid more than cab fare but one night while I was sitting at the bar she asked me to order her a pizza. So I did.

Didn't see her for a while and then on valentines day a buddy of mine is down and wants to go out with his novia. Iam single at the time but we are at jaragua having beers so we stop in and ask the waitress what she is doing later. She said she has plans. I figure she has a novio or fuck buddy out in haina and from that point on we are just buddies.

I still see her and we chat etc but never speak about any cabana trips. Just buddies.

Nowadays they have a new crew. the crew before were very flirty with me. realize they see me there sometimes several times in a week and never see me with hookers. After a while they wind up asking where I am from and I say I live in santo domingo. That opens up more possibilities.

if I am a known gringo monger there are some that will go out with me or pay attention, but some will tune you out. I have avoided dating any others as I like ahnging at jaragua and don't need drama.

I know a dealer that works there or may have just quit. She is a pure fuck buddy and would just come over a few times a week to flirt, have dinner and screw around. Since she was tied to a table it was easy for me to hang there without her keeping an eye on me.

I think if a new crew comes in and they have not been spoiled by the older and more hardened girls they can be fun. in fact that is what many dominicans do. When a new waitress shows up at a bar they hang out in. . . .they grab her and make her a "kept" girl.

One very cute barmaid was flirting with me and last time I saw her she was there with an older guy. I am sure he got her to quit. She was dressed to the 9s and I am sure she was back there to flaunt it in front of amigas.

The longer they work there the bigger the temptation. A girl working all month for 5k - 8k pesos watching the hookers get 100 bucks per night and even their co workers making some extra cash gets tempted pretty quickly. Many wind up signing up for the game while other land a novio and move on.

03-18-2008, 02:02 AM
years ago on a night I was really bummed. I had just talked to an ex and realized I'd never see her son again. I head to jaragua to hang out and drink a few beers. I have my taxi driver coming to pick me up and take me to airport.

Every time I walked past the back bar to use mens room the barmaid smiled BIG time. After a few trips I decided to sit down for a beer. She brings me a beer and starts conversation. Where am I from? Have I been to santo domingo before? Where do I live? Am I married" Novias? Kids?

She has 2 kids and loves her job. She works from s til 10 or so. I have afew beers and head on out. Figuring I laid groundwork and I am leaving anyway.

A few days later I think. . . dumb move. . .she may get canned or leave work. I call my taxi driver and send him to ask her for her digits. She happily hands em over. I called her and she was HAPPY to hear from me. Remembered my name and all the crap we talked about etc.

I keep telling her we have to go out when I go back down. I am unemployed at the time so trips were whenever I could make one and I was definitely on a budget.

When I make it down we make plans for meeting out front after she gets off, but when I called her after 10. . . she says she had to run home as her kid was sick. . ..

She says we can go out another night. A few days later we make plans and I show up at bar at like 9:30 and she is glad I am there but has to bail again. . . .lol. At that point I write her off.

Not sure if it was same trip or the next trip but after some time had passed. . .could be a week could be months. . .don't remember. I am at jaragua and walking to cashier to get change and she calls me over. She says when are we going out? I laugh and say never. . . .she gets bummed out and apologizes. I say no problem, aint gonna die over it. She says how about tonight. I say nah. . . .she says tomorrow night. I say ok 10:15 out front.

Funny how at jaragua they want to meet you out front rather than out back as they all leave out the back.

Sure enough at 10:15 or so she shows up all dressed up and we walk to la ceniza. There is live music and we sit out on some plastic table in the parking lot as they were full. She is flirting and before long cuddling in my arms and making out with me. I ask if she wants to head someplace else as I know SD very well and she doesn't. She says OK.

We hail a cab and as we are getting in she says sumthin to the driver which I don't hear as I am still half way in the street. I aske where are we going and she says "surprise". Dude drives me to cabana!

Turns out she was on the rag but gave me very good head. We hang out till like 3 am and she heads home to be ready to get kids ready for school.

I give her cab fare.

We stay in touch and next time we went out we wind up back at my hotel. This time not on the rag so we have a good time. Again cab fare.

We went out at least once more and wound up in cabanas. never paid more than cab fare but one night while I was sitting at the bar she asked me to order her a pizza. So I did.

Didn't see her for a while and then on valentines day a buddy of mine is down and wants to go out with his novia. Iam single at the time but we are at jaragua having beers so we stop in and ask the waitress what she is doing later. She said she has plans. I figure she has a novio or fuck buddy out in haina and from that point on we are just buddies.

I still see her and we chat etc but never speak about any cabana trips. Just buddies.

Nowadays they have a new crew. the crew before were very flirty with me. realize they see me there sometimes several times in a week and never see me with hookers. After a while they wind up asking where I am from and I say I live in santo domingo. That opens up more possibilities.

if I am a known gringo monger there are some that will go out with me or pay attention, but some will tune you out. I have avoided dating any others as I like ahnging at jaragua and don't need drama.

I know a dealer that works there or may have just quit. She is a pure fuck buddy and would just come over a few times a week to flirt, have dinner and screw around. Since she was tied to a table it was easy for me to hang there without her keeping an eye on me.

I think if a new crew comes in and they have not been spoiled by the older and more hardened girls they can be fun. in fact that is what many dominicans do. When a new waitress shows up at a bar they hang out in. . . .they grab her and make her a "kept" girl.

One very cute barmaid was flirting with me and last time I saw her she was there with an older guy. I am sure he got her to quit. She was dressed to the 9s and I am sure she was back there to flaunt it in front of amigas.

The longer they work there the bigger the temptation. A girl working all month for 5k - 8k pesos watching the hookers get 100 bucks per night and even their co workers making some extra cash gets tempted pretty quickly. Many wind up signing up for the game while other land a novio and move on.

Very true prtyr2. :smile:

The dealers at the casinos work 6 days a week, 8 hours per day, and they make around 6,000 pesos.

So if a dealer or bartender spends one night with a tourist, then she can make a two-week salary overnight.

I usually play highstakes Roulette at the V.I.P. room at the Majestic Casino at the Hilton Hotel. A lot of hot Dominican women would walk in and ask me if I would like some company. I would decline and focus on making some money. :mrgreen:


Here is a summary of casinos from my last trip.

Casino (Napolitano Hotel)

Still under construction.

Atlantis Casino (Intercontinental Hotel)

I did not recognize any of the dealers or bartenders. I have not been to this casino in a year.
A lot of middle-aged Dominicans would hang out here.
The former owner of The Girl's House (Freddy) would always play Roulette here.Jaragua Casino (Jaragua Hotel)

A lot of new dealers and bartenders as well. They still serve the same old food--rice, fried chicken and salad. They served free food at around 10:40pm on a Friday night.
A lot of freelancers hang out here.

Majestic Casino (Hilton Hotel)

A lot of cute dealers and bartenders at this casino.
The Pina Coladas (spelling?) are very good. They also make very good food.
A very nice, clean, and cozy atmosphere.
A lot of rich Dominicans gamble here.
A lot of financially stable Dominican women hang out here.

Casino at the Embajador Hotel

Ugly dealers and bartenders. :icontd:
The place stinks and is dirty.