View Full Version : Education

03-17-2008, 03:30 PM
Adriano Miguel Tejada, executive editor of Diario Libre, pinpoints the need for more governmental emphasis in basic education when highlighting that many of the weaknesses of Dominican society today are due to a lack of priority of education in the governmental budget. "Those that still doubt the impact a deficit in funding for education has on the Dominican society should ask themselves the reasons behind the poor conduct of public transport drivers on the streets, the terrible behavior of so many people in our society, and the poor grade we are receiving in almost all aspects of life," he writes today. "They should also ask about the impact that low levels of education is having on domestic help, on the low skills of workers and on how many people learn to read and write just to be taken off the lists of illiteracy, but nothing more."
"They also should find out the cost of ignorance in a country that wants to compete selling high quality products in international markets or receiving tourists that demand high levels of service," he writes. "Thus it is so lowly to pretend to justify the unnecessary spending on other "priorities" for resources that should be invested in education," he writes.
He concludes that better educated young girls would get pregnant latter. Better prepared youths would have a different vision of life. And a better prepared society would be more aware of its challenges and possibilities. A more aware society would not rid us of a dictatorship, but it would make more difficult the task of those who want to keep a hold on power and citizens would be more energetic in their rejection of abuses. In a population with characteristics such as ours, the only way to invest less in education of the future is to invest more now. That cannot be postponed any longer," he writes.

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