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View Full Version : Classico's Mistake or Scam? CHECK TICKET'S DATE!!

03-18-2008, 11:32 AM
as you know, Classico's now charges 100 pesos admission that is redeemable for a drink once you get upstairs.

last week my buddy and i paid, got the drink tickets and went up to the bar. my buddy's ticket was rejected because their stamped date was not from that night. BUT THEY JUST GAVE HIM THE TICKET MOMENTS BEFORE DOWNSTAIRS.

we went back downstairs and he discussed it with the few guys at the gate without satisfaction. and it wasn't worth any real drama for the US$3. involved so we left.

So obviously check the date as soon as the guy gives it to you.

El Tiburon
03-18-2008, 12:10 PM
as you know, Classico's now charges 100 pesos admission that is redeemable for a drink once you get upstairs.

last week my buddy and i paid, got the drink tickets and went up to the bar. my buddy's ticket was rejected because their stamped date was not from that night. BUT THEY JUST GAVE HIM THE TICKET MOMENTS BEFORE DOWNSTAIRS.

we went back downstairs and he discussed it with the few guys at the gate without satisfaction. and it wasn't worth any real drama for the US$3. involved so we left.

So obviously check the date as soon as the guy gives it to you.

this is exactly why dominicans are such stupid people.... obvioulsy they r scaming unless your printing tickets up to get over on 3 dollars. which no american would ever bother to do...so they feel they got over, but really they fuck themselves... im sure that guy probably would have spent more money upstairs and now probably has a bad taste in his mouth,and wont go back for a while... for what? 3 bucks!

03-18-2008, 12:26 PM
i'd have to guess the scam, if it truly were that and not just a mistake (yes, i'm bending over backward to give them the benefit) was an independent operation not known to upper management.

i'm taking such a liberal attitude only because gmalet introduced me to one of the downstairs bartenders and i plan on fucking her! she's got a perfect ass (i/m/h/o) and have to munch it next time. i hope you understand, amigo. i'm just a fool for luv!

03-18-2008, 03:00 PM
Unless the doormen had "kept" some left over tix from the day before. Then when someone pays them 100 pesos, that money doesn't make it into the classico tills but rather the doormans pocket. I am sure the doorman, bouncer, bartenders and DJ could care less about customer satisfaction or "bad taste in mouth". An extra few hundred pesos a night makes a big difference to these guys.

this is exactly why dominicans are such stupid people.... obvioulsy they r scaming unless your printing tickets up to get over on 3 dollars. which no american would ever bother to do...so they feel they got over, but really they fuck themselves... im sure that guy probably would have spent more money upstairs and now probably has a bad taste in his mouth,and wont go back for a while... for what? 3 bucks!

03-18-2008, 03:03 PM
Unless the doormen had "kept" some left over tix from the day before. Then when someone pays them 100 pesos, that money doesn't make it into the classico tills but rather the doormans pocket. I am sure the doorman, bouncer, bartenders and DJ could care less about customer satisfaction or "bad taste in mouth". An extra few hundred pesos a night makes a big difference to these guys.

That would be my guess too

El Tiburon
03-18-2008, 04:22 PM
Unless the doormen had "kept" some left over tix from the day before. Then when someone pays them 100 pesos, that money doesn't make it into the classico tills but rather the doormans pocket. I am sure the doorman, bouncer, bartenders and DJ could care less about customer satisfaction or "bad taste in mouth". An extra few hundred pesos a night makes a big difference to these guys.

in that case, once again... they arent lookin at the big picture.. cuz the owner in classicos is a cheap mother fucker... and when he even thinks about someone stealin.. they r fired... so i hope the "few hundred pesos" is goin to make up for his job... and really how many times could ya pull that scam.. after once or twice of complaining...

03-18-2008, 05:01 PM
Could also be the bartender pulling the ticket switch.

03-18-2008, 05:10 PM
Could also be the bartender pulling the ticket switch.

I have a feeling it is the cashier downstairs selling the tickets.
Dominicans are fairly creative when it comes to stealing.
The stamp can also be changed, so he may stamp a dozen with yesterday's dates for a quick 1200 pesos, and pocket the proceeds. The "stamper" may be in on this as well.

I would not be shocked if certain barmaids print up check pads for the restaurant they work in and not spike them!


03-19-2008, 11:52 AM
as you know, Classico's now charges 100 pesos admission that is redeemable for a drink once you get upstairs.

last week my buddy and i paid, got the drink tickets and went up to the bar. my buddy's ticket was rejected because their stamped date was not from that night. BUT THEY JUST GAVE HIM THE TICKET MOMENTS BEFORE DOWNSTAIRS.

we went back downstairs and he discussed it with the few guys at the gate without satisfaction. and it wasn't worth any real drama for the US$3. involved so we left.

So obviously check the date as soon as the guy gives it to you.

This should be a sticky.

03-19-2008, 02:23 PM
So obviously check the date as soon as the guy gives it to you.
When I am in the DR on holiday I don't know what day of the week it is, or what time of the day it is, and I don't care. So how the hell I am supposed to remember the date?

I prefer to trust the guys at the foot of the stairs. They always check the contents of my handbag very sensitively and politely. And if I am wearing my pink shirt they sometimes even give me an encouraging pat on the buttocks as I start to go up.

03-19-2008, 02:37 PM
that's just lovely

03-19-2008, 02:39 PM
When I am in the DR on holiday I don't know what day of the week it is, or what time of the day it is, and I don't care. So how the hell I am supposed to remember the date?

Not to mention that you Europeans mix up the MONTH and DAY when you write it out, ie 06/07/08 would be June 07 08 to us Americans, and July 06, 2008 to you Brits.:rofl:

03-19-2008, 02:50 PM
Not to mention that you Europeans mix up the MONTH and DAY when you write it out, ie 06/07/08 would be June 07 08 to us Americans, and July 06, 2008 to you Brits.:rofl:
Too true, and what a moronic, illogical system you have. It is obviously more intelligent to progress in ascending order of "container": day, month, year. I don't think we Brits can take any credit for that though, more likely the French who are far more rational than the Brits or Americans. We Brits still cling to our illogical weights and measures like miles and pounds (weight).

I am calling myself a "Brit" here to humor jd426, but I think of myself as "English".

03-19-2008, 06:21 PM
When I am in the DR on holiday I don't know what day of the week it is, or what time of the day it is, and I don't care. So how the hell I am supposed to remember the date?

I prefer to trust the guys at the foot of the stairs. They always check the contents of my handbag very sensitively and politely. And if I am wearing my pink shirt they sometimes even give me an encouraging pat on the buttocks as I start to go up.

You got yourself a new handbag? What you got in there, tampons?:corky: :corky:

Why would you bring a handbag to a Club knowing that you may lose something? They never stop to search me.

03-20-2008, 06:45 AM
You got yourself a new handbag? What you got in there, tampons?:corky: :corky:

Why would you bring a handbag to a Club knowing that you may lose something? They never stop to search me.

Not a new bag, just my old favorite I have carried since Trip 2. (Trip 1 was spent almost entirely on campus at Blackbeards so I did not need to carry stuff about with me).

If I am going out for the day from Billy's (old or new place) I carry everything I and my companion might possibly need, starting with a comprehensive farmacia stock, clothing repairs kit, dictionary, celular, notebook and pencils, torch (this has been very useful), chewing gum and sweets, and it's somewhere to store my gorra (baseball cap), camera, and bottled water when not in use, plus numerous other items. If I were both staying and mongering in Sosúa it would be easy to pop back to my room for something, but it's a long trip back to Puerto Plata just to get a Band-Aid if needed after the stores have closed.

For example, last trip I took Renate and her family to the beach at Cabarete. Only one of the girls (a very pretty 15-year-old) did not have a bikini, so Uncle Weyland produced one out of his bag. Curiously, I never got it back. :( Then another girl's bikini bra fastener snapped. After 10 minutes of unsuccessfully trying to persuade her that it was cool to go topless on Cabarete beach Uncle Weyland produced a couple of large safety pins from his bag.

Thanks for suggesting the tampons. I will add that to my portable inventory.:iconTU:


03-20-2008, 09:52 AM
not that you should even care, but i suggest you stop calling it a "bag" and call it something more masculine like "ammo pouch" or something a little more testosterone sounding. unless of course you enjoy tampon cracks and getting your ass grabbed cracks. if that's the case, then i imagine you were pretending that wasn't corn on the cob you had in your mouth. that's ok. it's just not my thing. good luck and don't get any stuck between your teeth.

03-22-2008, 07:32 AM
The opposite happened with me. There were a couple of times I didn't use the tickets on the night purchased. One was the night I was sick, and basically turned around after I reached the top of the stairs. The other time, it was too crowded. I planned to return, but never did.

You better believe I redeemed those tickets before I left!! One time, they said something at the bar to me about. I basically shrugged my shoulders and took my drink. The other time the bartender didn't notice (or didn't care).

03-22-2008, 09:49 AM
If that's the case, then i imagine you were pretending that wasn't corn on the cob you had in your mouth. that's ok. it's just not my thing. good luck and don't get any stuck between your teeth.
Your libellous post becomes even more pointless as it was not corn-on-the-cob I was munching but sugar cane. It was part of my Haitian Homeboy training course.

This is the guy "peeling" it before he sold it to me. Of course I first checked that his machete satisfied all the hygiene requirements of the Puerto Plata City Health Department.


03-22-2008, 09:55 AM
i really dont enjoy being up there anymore, it gets packed...wall to wall cant walk, can barely get your 2 step on in one place :(

if dancing is your thing i guess its pretty cool though....

The other time, it was too crowded. I planned to return, but never did.

03-22-2008, 10:12 AM
I was lucky most nights. After the SUper Bowl crowd left. It was nothing but chicas in there. And you didn't to stand under the vent to feel the A/C. It was beautiful...and I danced my ass off without bumping into anybody!

03-22-2008, 10:26 AM
Your libellous post becomes even more pointless as it was not corn-on-the-cob I was munching but sugar cane. It was part of my Haitian Homeboy training course.

This is the guy "peeling" it before he sold it to me. Of course I first checked that his machete satisfied all the hygiene requirements of the Puerto Plata City Health Department.


sorry weyland - thought it was cob corn since it looked yellow. but like we say here in New York City.... Never eat yellow snow!

Now a simple point of fact about the local Health Department's hygiene requirements since you seem informed. My question is.... How many pages actually were there in the Health Code Book or were they all listed on only one sheet of paper?

thank you for the information.

03-22-2008, 10:32 AM
Hey Weyland, why don't you add La Tienda Jimenez gift certificates to your purse. Lending the chica your Bikini may not fit

03-24-2008, 01:53 PM
Okay tried to post this before...but server or router died on me...

...there is nothing "creative" about this scam; one of the oldest and quite common...

...back in the day had a cousin who put me on to some small hustles here and there, I even used to work with a 3 card Monte crew (lookout) - learned some moves - it kept me in milk money so to speak...

...anyway ticket scam (TEAR & SHARE) - back in the day before computers my cousin used to work at a downtown movie theater. He and the ticket seller in the booth had a lil system...as the ticket taker he would "palm" a couple of used tickets - so when "Johnny" and his date gave him the tixs he would "tear" them and palm the real tixs while giving them the stubs - real basic con....no harm to the customers cause they're in.

He then takes those back to his girl in the booth who resells them, only thing they had to be careful on was not "overselling" a show.

By the end of the summer when it was time for him to head to back to college he had $2000 to use towards buying a car!

His boss called him the BEST worker he ever had - cause he would do all the little shit with no complaints, help restock concession, clean the bathrooms and theater...LOVED the guy.:D ...cleaning up is where he would get the stubs.

If the duo at Classicos are that sloppy they're gonna get busted:mad: ;
I don't have an issue with people hustling small...just do it well.

Cause if its up on this board then its not being done well!:icontd:

03-24-2008, 02:13 PM
One of the nights on a previous trip to sosua they made all the chicas pay to go upstairs to Classico's. I paid for me and my chica and as we were going up the stairs she asked me for my ticket. She took both tickets and half-way up the stairs she passed them down to her sister over the side of the steps. No one was the wiser and I know that they used our two tickets to get about 8 Haitians upstairs without paying......I never did see my ticket back, but thought these chicas know how to work the system....:p

03-24-2008, 03:42 PM
One of the nights on a previous trip to sosua they made all the chicas pay to go upstairs to Classico's. I paid for me and my chica and as we were going up the stairs she asked me for my ticket. She took both tickets and half-way up the stairs she passed them down to her sister over the side of the steps. No one was the wiser and I know that they used our two tickets to get about 8 Haitians upstairs without paying......I never did see my ticket back, but thought these chicas know how to work the system....:p

In my broke ass college days my boy and I would work something like that. One of us would go in and step out a few minutes later, getting hand stamped at the door. Meet the other outside of view of the club, a little water press backhand to backhand - bam two in for the price of one.

One time we were club hopping and it turns out the second club used the same "star" stamp ....so in for free there too...

03-24-2008, 03:54 PM
i really dont enjoy being up there anymore, it gets packed...wall to wall cant walk, can barely get your 2 step on in one place :(

if dancing is your thing i guess its pretty cool though....

What's your fav spot Hemp - I ask cause your taste in chicas runs about the same as mine - sexy thick mamis.

03-24-2008, 04:34 PM
i still like downtown sosua, but the classicos club and latinos club gets really really crowded...wall to wall, so i mainly hang in the bar area, you can see them all swimming back and fourth between clubs anyway...thats all they do is walk up and down back and fourth between the two main clubs.

What's your fav spot Hemp - I ask cause your taste in chicas runs about the same as mine - sexy thick mamis.

03-24-2008, 06:06 PM
I once paid for myself and a few well-known chicas - not knowing that chicas are free - and the guy, of course, took my pesos. Upstairs the chicas were able to use the tickets for their drinks, anyway. Guess I was hussled. Oh well. No harm. No foul.

03-27-2008, 09:23 PM
I think the best one was saturday night after Easter Friday when the bar opened up...the music would start up again at midnight and the people were garthering around ready to go upstairs...they jacked up the price to 200 pesos not only for the men but the women too...now how many chicas can aford this...so here is the situation is only a few men went up along with a handful of chicas.....now everyone knows if you let in the chicas for free our horny cocks will follow...plus we hook up with someone we may buy them a drink..I can now get over how greedy they got over the cover charge....not very good business decission..

03-27-2008, 09:58 PM
I think the best one was saturday night after Easter Friday when the bar opened up...the music would start up again at midnight and the people were garthering around ready to go upstairs...they jacked up the price to 200 pesos not only for the men but the women too...now how many chicas can aford this...so here is the situation is only a few men went up along with a handful of chicas.....now everyone knows if you let in the chicas for free our horny cocks will follow...plus we hook up with someone we may buy them a drink..I can now get over how greedy they got over the cover charge....not very good business decission..

i don't drink and dance so if i won't pay 100 i'm sure the hell won't pay 200 ,fuck them!!!!!:fu::fu::2up::2up:

03-27-2008, 10:18 PM
i don't drink and dance so if i won't pay 100 i'm sure the hell won't pay 200 ,fuck them!!!!!:fu::fu::2up::2up:

The last thing any nightclub wants is a customer who doesn't drink and dance so i'm sure the feeling is mutual. ;)

Seriously, who wants to hit a club that's packed with totally sober people all staring at an empty dance floor, lol.

03-27-2008, 10:23 PM
i don't drink and dance so if i won't pay 100 i'm sure the hell won't pay 200 ,fuck them!!!!!:fu::fu::2up::2up:

I was buying some rounds in NYC a few weeks ago out with some friends, @ $8.00-$12.00 per drink.

So $3.00 for my Granberry and getting raped with an ear to ear grin :corky: by many chicas is a small price to pay. I enjoy the nightlife in the company of my good friends as much as I enjoy the girls..and getting to know them a bit and grinding on the floor is great foreplay :p

03-27-2008, 11:14 PM
Ditto on the price of poker in Sosua. Travel, velvet ropes, VIP, Drinks, & Guaranteed Chicas in Sosua v. SOBE OUCH! Thanks for the memories and no worries on the cien pesos. I tip that much for a round with my buds and ladies. Keep em coming and dont forget me cause when I dance cuz, I get thirsty and my girl says rum makes her P*ssy twitch hot and ready for me. Priceless!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Peace Out!

03-28-2008, 02:44 AM
I was buying some rounds in NYC a few weeks ago out with some friends, @ $8.00-$12.00 per drink.

So $3.00 for my Granberry and getting raped with an ear to ear grin :corky: by many chicas is a small price to pay. I enjoy the nightlife in the company of my good friends as much as I enjoy the girls..and getting to know them a bit and grinding on the floor is great foreplay :p


New York is not the same as Sosua. Do not, I repeat do not, compare their pricing structures. WE go there to enjoy CHEAP entertainment at local prices. Not reacting to price gouging will only serve to see the prices go up to the NY level, thusly increasing our cost per nut greatly.

If you get hussled this is not OK.

03-28-2008, 05:26 AM

New York is not the same as Sosua. Do not, I repeat do not, compare their pricing structures. WE go there to enjoy CHEAP entertainment at local prices. Not reacting to price gouging will only serve to see the prices go up to the NY level, thusly increasing our cost per nut greatly.

If you get hussled this is not OK.

with all due respect, can you make the font a bit larger so i can get your point ?

A $ 3.00 cover to enter a nice CLUB is well worth the entertainment value for me.

just my 2cents.

And in reality it is not even a cover, they ask you to buy (1) drink to enter....., they provide Air conditioning, great music, Security and a fun nightly atmosphere for those that want to get their grove on a bit...

There are plenty of other places in sosua to pick up chicas, for those that want to base their vacation solely on the Nut/Dollar ratio.,

Personally I like to enjoy the culture, music, the people Too ... Don't hate da player....

BTW I usually am the one doing the Hustle..

And the pool/courtyard at the NG has no cover, for those nut/dollar ratio consious mongers...


03-28-2008, 07:32 AM
with all due respect, can you make the font a bit larger so i can get your point ?

A $ 3.00 cover to enter a nice CLUB is well worth the entertainment value for me.

just my 2cents.

BTW I usually am the one doing the Hustle..

It was free as were most of the other places. First it will be $3, then $5, then $10!

03-28-2008, 07:54 AM
Do chicas pay the 100 peso admission ? I haven't gone to Classicos in a while..

03-28-2008, 07:54 AM
Do chicas pay the 100 peso admission ?

They don't have 20 pesos for a moto.

03-28-2008, 11:30 AM
Do chicas pay the 100 peso admission ? I haven't gone to Classicos in a while..

Normally the chicas pay nothing to go upstairs.

03-28-2008, 12:16 PM
with all due respect, can you make the font a bit larger so i can get your point ?

A $ 3.00 cover to enter a nice CLUB is well worth the entertainment value for me.

just my 2cents.

And in reality it is not even a cover, they ask you to buy (1) drink to enter....., they provide Air conditioning, great music, Security and a fun nightly atmosphere for those that want to get their grove on a bit...

There are plenty of other places in sosua to pick up chicas, for those that want to base their vacation solely on the Nut/Dollar ratio.,

Personally I like to enjoy the culture, music, the people Too ... Don't hate da player....

BTW I usually am the one doing the Hustle..

And the pool/courtyard at the NG has no cover, for those nut/dollar ratio consious mongers...


I understand your POV, I really do.. you're thinking, what's 3 bucks to to enter into a club.. nothing really and this is correct when thinking about NY club prices..

Now, when you're in Sosua you're in the DR and in the DR they do things differently than in NY... it used to be free to enter into the clubs and they were grateful for the clientele to enter. You were treated like a king and there was no BS about leaving any hats at the door, paying money to get in or something like that... hell you could even bring your gun into the club in those days (if you were considered cool enough).. the girls were aiming to please, there was good service, the prices for the drinks where reasonable and there where hardly any hustlers inside the club..

Nowadays there's hustlers wherever you look, you pay to enter the club, inside you get hussled for drinks by hard-core chica's who don't even know you, you get scammed at the door for a measely 3 bucks... well you get the picture..

Why did this happen? I'll tell you why, because they get away with it, that's why... they get away with overcharging for the drinks, they get away with scamming you at the door, they get away with higher pricing for services rendered, they get away with trying to hussle you in the club..

When nobody speaks up, you will get bullied.. this ain't about being cheap or not, it's preserving paradise, it's about preventing the DR from turning into a new Costa Rica..

03-28-2008, 01:11 PM
It was free as were most of the other places. First it will be $3, then $5, then $10!
They will keep raising the prices til the gringos finally get pissed & refuse to pay it,only then will they back off . And how much do you think the pussy will cost if the gringos gladly hand over $10 just to walk in the door ? Thats just sick. Tell them "FUCK you" at the door, and walk awayand do it in large GROUPS , only then will they get the message cause they are greedy and THICK in the head. Its in their nature to fuck with gullible Americans.
I would not go to this place now, just from what I am reading here.

03-28-2008, 02:44 PM
again...unless you like getting your dance on or you like that disco atmosphere i dont see much reason to go up there??????

cause they walk back and fourth up and down all night anyway. and if you want to snag one of the "stunners" outta there just show up at about 11:30pm-12:00 when they start doing there "nightly march" LOL

03-28-2008, 05:45 PM
so i wonder what's next. Latin Club still doesn't have a door fee.

Does arrogant Classico's rescind the admission price because people are voting with their feet and wallets?

Or does the Latin Club start charging admission too?

Maybe Classico's in their great arrogance is inadvertantly helping increase customers to Latin Club and/or Sea Crets (which for some reason i don't care for) or a future dance joint.

finding chicas in sosua is obviously no problem, so i don't need Classico's for that. It's just a matter of whether i want to bother or not with their whole setup and encourage them and other places to raise prices even more because they tested the ceiling and realize they can still get away with going even higher.

03-29-2008, 10:08 PM
On one hand I truly understand the concern of the vets and regulars of the DR scene about the precedent Classisco's may be setting...

...the first problem seems to be consistency...clearly they are not managing the cover charge situation well which leads many to feeling like they're being ripped off...if they resolved it with a straight forward system that got you in for $3 but got you comped on that first Presidente - most patrons could live with that...

...charging the chicas - even if they are with a "date" is just plain STUPID!
because when the chicas don't come in the fellas don't cum.

For those who think $3 is too much as opposed to what it used to be - NADA - read the report - "Should have saved my $ for the DR" in Mongers shooting the breeze section I believe.

Get it together Classicos - you could be losing some serious business!

03-29-2008, 11:42 PM
this is an outstanding post!!! and really sums up the on-going board argument on cheap/not cheap, over spending, hustlers, etc...

preserving paradise...well put.

Now, when you're in Sosua you're in the DR and in the DR they do things differently than in NY...
Nowadays there's hustlers wherever you look, you pay to enter the club, inside you get hussled for drinks by hard-core chica's who don't even know you, you get scammed at the door for a measely 3 bucks... well you get the picture..

Why did this happen? I'll tell you why, because they get away with it, that's why... they get away with overcharging for the drinks, they get away with scamming you at the door, they get away with higher pricing for services rendered, they get away with trying to hussle you in the club..

When nobody speaks up, you will get bullied.. this ain't about being cheap or not, it's preserving paradise, it's about preventing the DR from turning into a new Costa Rica..

03-30-2008, 03:51 AM
this is an outstanding post!!! and really sums up the on-going board argument on cheap/not cheap, over spending, hustlers, etc...

preserving paradise...well put.

thanks buddy, I knew you and a few others would understand.