View Full Version : CB scandal getting more serious

03-25-2008, 04:30 PM
The Central Electoral Board ruled on the CB scandal today, following calls from the private and public sector for investigations into the case. JCE Judge Roberto Rosario announced the JCE has issued Resolution 001-2008 that instructs that the government discontinue payrole payments for services that do not correspond with government employees. TV journalist Nuria Piera had denounced that several centralized and decentralized government institutions had government party leaders on separate payrolls.
While other high profile corruption cases have fallen by the wayside, the "Comite de Base" (CB) payroll scandal has gained some momentum and tomorrow PRD presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado will present the Organization of American States (OAS) with documents allegedly proving that the PLD party has been using state funds to promote the re-election of President Leonel Fernandez. The meeting with OAS officials will take place at 10am at PRD headquarters. Maldonado, quoted in Hoy, said that, "we will provide all proof that clearly and visibly reveals the illegal and abusive use of State funds."

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