View Full Version : GFE in the Dominican Republic.

03-31-2008, 07:33 AM
I had posted this about 5 or 6 years ago and was ask if I could repost it for to be read by some of the newer members.

GFE (Girl Friend Experience) in the Dominican Republic.

You're here for a 1 or 2 week vacation or even living here you have to get realistic about Dominican relationships. The reason most men come down here is because of the beautiful chicas. The culture is a little different and sex is a lot freer (but not as in free) but as a point of view. The longer I'm here I realize how little I understand about the Dominican lifestyles and morality when it comes to sex and love. You have to come to the realization that sex is recreation (what else can you do when you have no money); morality has no part in the equation.

A common misconception is that a majority of Dominican prostitutes work in tourist areas and cater to tourists, when in fact this is not the case. Some do but the majority of Dominican part time prostitutes’ clients are Dominican men. The men visit these small discos that litter the country and are filled with Dominican chicas working as hostesses without pay. (Dominican men do pay when they salida a chica out of these bars.) Sometimes, like immediately before Christmas, you will find more chicas than normal working in a tourist location in an effort to earn some quick money for the holidays. They will then go back to their normal lives.

Typically, the girl who works in these tourist areas as a part time prostitute is in her late teens or early twenties. She may be from the surrounding area but quite frequently she may have come from another part of the country. She may have previously worked in a “take out bar” (bar/disco with a salida) that abound in the country that cater to Dominican men but came to realize that she could make more money from tourists. Dominican men frequent the numerous cabanas that you see all over the countryside with their girlfriend “du jour”. The majority of these women have one or more children by a Dominican man and a vast majority of the time, the father has abandoned the family and his fatherly duties so the woman is left the raise the children herself. Generally, this responsibility is handed over to the chicas’ mother. This cycle frequently repeats itself generation over generation. A young beautiful sexy companion here is not a problem.

Chicas that have a good job or goes to school, and lives at home with their middle class or well off family would be off limits for a tourist on vacation. Sure maybe my 28 year old son with his Spanish when he was living here might be accepted into such a family as her date/boyfriend.
But for sure the 50 - 60 year old "gringo" tourist that isn't needed to provide support for the middle or upper class family won't be a welcome guest or dinner date for their 20 year old daughter. (Remember the movie "Guess who's coming for dinner".)

Do you think these 19 - 20 year olds are with us 50 - 60 year olds for our good looks and charm? Again get real, they do like us because we can make their lives better and we do treat them better than the Dominican men but it's a business deal. They prefer Dominican men to us (80% have steady Dominican boyfriends) because they are more comfortable in their own cultural circle (communication, music and dancing). Think about it, just what do we have in common with a woman 1/3 of our age from a different culture, NOT MUCH! Hell in Canada or the States we wouldn’t have much in common with someone 1/3 our age.

We get love (sex) and affection in return for our financial help and that's the bottom line!

Even the most Dominicanized gringo is going to be looked upon as an outsider here, who potentially has money. There is no way to get around this. Their world view is often very narrow - much of their understanding of us comes from TV and other very stereotyped viewpoints. Dominican families (and Dominicans in general) tend to be very good about sharing resources - if someone gets sick or needs some financial help, they will often scrape up money from very extended parts of the family to try and pay the bill. Thus, a Dominican girlfriend EXPECTS that you will have some extra money to share with the family.

A Dominican girl will treat you like you are her boyfriend, hoping that you will send money to her after you leave in order to help support her family. The only long term relationships that have a better chance of working (if we are ready for one that is) is when you find a still attractive older woman (late 20's to early 30's) who realizes the street life has passed her by and isn't fun and games any more out there.

This is off DR1 web site. In case anyone wants to know where all those Dominican men learn to speak English. ******US returns 64 felons****** The United States returned 64 convicted criminals to the Dominican Republic after having served their jail sentences. The Listin Diario reported that the 64 were residents of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey. They had all been convicted of felonies and their return brings the total number of such cases to 3,165 so far this year (October 2003). Stay away from Dominican men who speak English and haven't got a real job here. These guys would rather con you, the tourist than work, so don't put too much trust, or any for that matter, in them. Some of these were criminals deported from US jails in the past 10 years.

Much the same can be said for the Dominican chicas that work in the hotels or restaurants and can speak English, they routinely have 4 or 5 boyfriends that come down once a year but send money to them monthly via Western Union. The real problem for these chicas is when two of their boyfriends vacation in the Dominican Republic at the same time.

The Pro vs Non-Pro.

First of all if you’re young, good looking and have lots of money you can pick up girls in any country in the world. As you age you just need more money to get the quality you want.
Some guys like to trick poor dumb girls with bullshit to get what they want. There are lots of poor and dumb girls here that they can play “the boyfriend game” on for a short time. There is always a new girl arriving in town they’ll be able to trick.

So what is the difference between a "The Pro" and "Non-Pro".
The Pro: Negotiate what you want: Set a price: Relax and enjoy the evening. With a good "Pro" you will never know they are really out to get your money to pay the rent and put food on the table for her children. There are 19 year old girls that can spin anyone’s head. Also a smart pro will be very careful as in “safe sex”.

Non - Pro: Drinks, bullshit talk, maybe dinner, hope you get what you want before she has to go home. If you did not get what you want, tell all your friends you did and how much better it was with a "nice" girl. She is usually a poor young mother who has numerous “non paying” boyfriends in the barrio and the reason she has one, two or more kids is that they don’t use condoms. But she still hopes you’ll give her some of your money for the rent and food for her children.

What is the difference between a "The Pro" and "Non-Pro”?
Not very much to me.

Pro vs Non Pro was posted by “Funguy” on TRAVEL & THE SINGLE MALE.

03-31-2008, 08:21 AM
good read. very honest point of view.

03-31-2008, 09:47 AM
Great post Billy!

03-31-2008, 11:03 AM
Brilliant post!

Required reading for anybody considering mongering in the DR or any developing country for that matter.

If you monger in your home country with pretty uneducated young ladies whether home grown or immigrant the same rules apply.

03-31-2008, 01:50 PM
Excellent post DominicanBilly!!! :biggrin:

Thank you very much for sharing it with us. We greatly appreciate it!!! :iconTU:

During my 33 trips to the DR, I have met Dominican women from all walks of life. Here is my 2 cents.

**These are just general statements. There may be exceptions.**

Generally speaking, they tend to be 19 to 28 of age with a child or two (or three). Once they are over the age of 30, it is difficult for them to compete against the "fresh talent" or "New Blood".

They need money to help raise their children. Their parents, boyfriends or husbands do not financially support her or their children so she is left with no other choice but to pimp herself.

Their parents tend to be divorced. These women tend to have also been divorced.

Most of them do not have a college education (or even a high school diploma). So it will be difficult for them to find a decent job such as a banker or teacher.

Some used to work as a waiter or bartender at a restaurant or a casino. But if one works six days a week, eight hours a day, then she makes only around 5,000 to 6,000 pesos a month. That is less than what most of us make in a day.

No wonder so many casino dealers and bartenders are more than happy to hook up with us.

Some of these pros have a dream of meeting a financially stable Gringo and settling down with them. They want to get away from this life.

I have seen several pros find a client who is financially stable. So she would quit her job and settle down with the Gringo.

I’m 32, 5’10”, 155 pounds and consider myself “okay” looking. LOL
After my session is over with them, they would tell me that they would like to get to know me better. I kindly decline, take pictures of them, and post them here. LOL :rolleyes:

Some even begged me to be their novio. Thanks but no thanks.

Some showed me pictures of their Gringo novios that they carry in their cell phones or purse.

Some of the Gringo novios would call them while I am in a middle of a session. LOL :mrgreen:

These women will date an ugly Gringo like Chuckuindy because like DominicanBilly has said (and I agree with him)-- "It is business." Again, the key word is “Business”.

These girls are more than happy to date a Gringo (regardless of age, looks, and personality).

Middle Class Women:
They go to college and their parents financially support (only to a certain extent) them. They do not pimp themselves. They tend to work at a mall, bank or recreation center to earn allowance money.

Both parents are still together and they do not have any children and never married.

They either take the bus or have a car (e.g. Around a five-year-old Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic). Angelita from Santiago is a college student, drives a Toyota Corolla. By the way, my very first Colombian. :smile:

I have met several more of these women. One is currently a fitness trainer in Santo Domingo. She is in her early 20s and a former model. She hates my guts. LOL :D

Another girl I met is also a model. Her name is Melissa.
This girl is a vegetarian and it is a pain in the ass to eat with her. I like to eat steak, seafood, burgers, etc. She likes salad and drink water.

I agree with Derek Jeter –“Dating models is a pain in the ass!!!”

These type of girls need to be home by around 10 or 11pm at the latest. Fine with me. LOL :mrgreen:

I met most of these women in upscale malls, university campuses, or even the Metro Bus (Santo Domingo to Santiago route and vice versa).

I met a very cute girl who lives and works in New Jersey while taking the Metro bus from Santiago to Santo Domingo.

I would score with these women after two or three dates. It is not a walk in the park. It takes a little bit of effort, time, and patience.

These girls will be a bit picky when dating a Gringo because they can just date well-established Dominican men their age.

Their personalities tend to be laid-back and cool.

Financially Stable women:
Scoring with these women is as challenging as trying to score with such a woman back home. I have been rejected many times. But again, so what?!? There is another cute girl a few aisles down. LOL :mrgreen:

I tend to meet these women in the airplane. Some of them make more money than me. DAMN where’s my manhood?!? LOL :cheesygrin:

They tend to be a bit arrogant which is in a way, understandable. After all, they came to America, had to work their ass off and are finally academically and professionally successful.

These women are professional and academically successful people (their family members are as well). Their families tend to have large and successful businesses in the DR.

Scoring with these women takes more time and patience. Sometimes I gave up because I had a feeling that it was going no where.

These families spoil me with great food and warm hospitality. They do not let me pay a single peso.

Some of these women drive better cars than me and I drive a 07 Lexus. She told me that I should have gotten a Bimmer. I’m sure Moshy2k is laughing at me right now. LOL :o

Again, this is just a “General” statement. There may be exceptions.

03-31-2008, 02:25 PM
Another girl I met is also a model. Her name is Melissa. This girl is a vegetarian ... she likes salad and drink water ... [she] needs to be home by around 10 or 11pm at the latest.
Sounds perfect for me. That's my preferred bedtime, too. Do you think she would like to be the next Lady Weyland?

03-31-2008, 02:55 PM
Not much has changed in 5-6 years! Great post and a must read for all!

03-31-2008, 05:01 PM
Thank you guys for this great information! :up:

04-01-2008, 11:33 PM
The Op doesn't seem to really have a clue about the DR. Ask him to name these "small discos" that litter the country. There are plenty of hostess bars or "piano bars" but the girls don't work for free and most times there is no salida. if you want to date the girl you need to do it off hours. many times these girls land novios with bucks that "keep them".

I have also known a ton of girls that have worked at hotels, restaurants and bars that would not date clients or tourists. . . . . .

The OP also doesn't understand the age difference issue in the DR. MANY dominicanas prefer guys that are older for a few reasons:

1- they may have gotten being a mujeriego and tigre out of their system

2- may be better established career wise and financially

3-the universities are attended by WAY more women than men. these women want men that are equals or superior, as far as career and education goes. That is hard to find in guys their age.

4- a chica in her 20s dating aguy in her 40s thinks she will always be HOT to him as when he is in hios 50s she will be in her 30s. Most guys in their 50s would snap up a hot 30 sumthin in a heartbeat.

5-I am sure psycologists could go on for days about how many dominicanas lack a "father figure" as many come from broken homes

I had posted this about 5 or 6 years ago and was ask if I could repost it for to be read by some of the newer members.

GFE (Girl Friend Experience) in the Dominican Republic.

A common misconception is that a majority of Dominican prostitutes work in tourist areas and cater to tourists, when in fact this is not the case. Some do but the majority of Dominican part time prostitutes’ clients are Dominican men. The men visit these small discos that litter the country and are filled with Dominican chicas working as hostesses without pay. (Dominican men do pay when they salida a chica out of these bars.) Sometimes, like immediately before Christmas, you will find more chicas than normal working in a tourist location in an effort to earn some quick money for the holidays. They will then go back to their normal lives.

Pro vs Non Pro was posted by “Funguy” on TRAVEL & THE SINGLE MALE.

04-01-2008, 11:55 PM
The Op doesn't seem to really have a clue about the DR. ...............

This is probably the most offbase and inaccurate comment I have ever read on this site.

My guess is that he has never met the OP (Domminican Billy, i.e. Billy Lane). :confused:

04-02-2008, 04:11 AM
This is probably the most offbase and inaccurate comment I have ever read on this site.

My guess is that he has never met the OP (Dominican Billy, i.e. Billy Lane). :confused:

Billy has a vast knowledge of the DR but he looks at it from a slightly different angle than we visiting mongers.

I have always found prtyr2 to be a very thoughtful and knowledgable poster who knows the "real" DR. Yes, he always plugs the same "party line" but it is a necessary corrective to the vast number of posters here who think they know a lot about the DR from spending all their time in the Merengue Bar and Passions.

Of course, this article that Billy reproduced (he did not write it himself) does not cover every detail and every situation. Billy left a copy of it in each room at the old Field of Dreams as a quick briefing and warning for newbies like myself and many others who might "fall in love" with the first dominicana they spent any time with. If it were much longer no-one would read it. It does not claim to be an exhaustive sociological dissertation and, yes, it does over-simplify some aspects but that does not justify prtyr2 saying that the writer (not Billy himself, remember) "does not have a clue".

I think prtyr2 should delete his opening sentence (as ErikS has pointed out) because I think that if those two guys met and talked they would find that their views of things are 99% identical and they would probably have a lot of respect for each other's experience.

We have enough squabbles and feuds here without the good guys falling out.

When I finally emigrate to the DR I shall invite prtyr2 to dine with me at Billy's on one of the former's infrequent(?) visits to the North Coast and I shall be very surprised if those two guys don't get on just fine with each other.

04-02-2008, 05:01 AM
I thank Billy for the post. I think it is great info for newbies and a good reminder for us all.

04-02-2008, 09:11 AM
I don't think Billy wrote that message. Never met him but have "known him" online since TSM. TSM is where he found that post.

Also I know Billy has been living in DR for years but most of his time has been in the POP-Sosua area. Running a whore hotel and being famous amongst mostly mongers. Nothing wrong with that and he is a wealth of information on that. His recent post of some off the beaten path bars in POP for example.

Whoever wrote the OP that billy had fwded, seems to not have been around the island all that much. When writing on a board that has mostly "newbies" or guys that have never been to the DR. It is easy to say stuff like there are hostess bars where the girls don't get paid, and you can do a salida. Not accurate. The casas work that way. . . . .but not the "hostess: or piano bars.

I have posted about how piano bars work in the past and how they work. Some of my favorite places to hang are piano bars as they are way less hardcore than classicos or girls house etc.

Also the topic of age difference is not as cut and dried. I have known plenty of Dominicanas that prefer older guys. Latin Culture is not the same as the US so making out sound that no 20 year old girl will want to be with an older guy unless she is pretty much a whore is very innacurate. . . .. . outside of sosua and tourist areas.

FYI, Billy was instrumental in getting many TSM guys to head up north as back in the day most hung out in Boca Chica. he was sort of the "patrick" of north coast. Patrick passed away and Billy was on the scene talking about "new" areas to check out. Many headed up north including Bruce the owner of TSM.

This is probably the most offbase and inaccurate comment I have ever read on this site.

My guess is that he has never met the OP (Domminican Billy, i.e. Billy Lane). :confused:

04-02-2008, 09:38 AM
I was not talking about Billy as the OP but the OP of the TSM post from years back.

As for plugging the same party line. . . . .lol. . . not really true. I have not had a novia in over a year. I have been dating and mongering the last year and I bet more mongering than 90% of the members here. Besides the DR I have been to sao paulo and rio twice each, recife once, cartagena, buenos aires, as well as mexico several times.

I go through phases and right now I am single. Any guy that even thinks about having a "novia" is jumped on pretty quick. The reasons given are silly things like he will rat us out if he sees her picture on here etc.

I have never seen pics of any novias or even any of the girls I have dated on here. Trust me there are several "amigas con derechos" that would not shock me to see online. Surprise? maybe a tiny bit. . . .but shocked? No way. I also couldn't care less. Heck if I saw a novias pics on here. . . .I would just ditch her and move on. . . . .lol. . .

I find it funny when people like hempstead say I am "biased" and guys like Louie and Billy arenn't. . . . . . .lol.

Apart from Mr Happy I seriously doubt anyone on this board is an unbiased as I am.

I have lived with 3 dominican novias.

I have an ex wife that is dominican and took to the states.

I have "played dad" to 2 dominican kids and saw the difference I made in their life.

I have done business and am doing business in the DR, with a different level of clients than the guys that run businesses in sosua etc. . . . .

I have mongered more than 90% of the members of this board both in the DR and out.

I have not spent 98% of my time in a whore town working in whore establishments. . . .that is a bit biased.

I have been to:

santo domingo
rio san juan
monte cristi
san francisco
la vega
san pedro
la romana
juan dolio
san cristobal
san juan de la maguana
and more

I have been coming to DR since 1998 and have spent way more time there than pretty much any member who is not named mr happy, rocky, peter or billy.

I have banged whores, dated virgins, hung out in the campo, partied in most of the hot spots. I have friends that are ex pats as well as many dominican friends. I can hang out with dominican buddies at the local colmado or hang with dominican friends that own TV stations, hotels, casinos, are anchormen on the news etc etc etc

I used to have a WHORE board. . . .lol. . .not really forums based like here but with info on the hotspots in SD. Cheeno and many other mongers would be walking around gazcue with my map.

I have shown many a newbie around as well as hooked up some friends with novias. Heck 2 guys even married girls I introduced them to. One has been married for 6 years and is still really happy. . . .the other for 4 years and they have serious problems mostly because he has a severe drinking problem. I am actually surprised she didn't bail on him as soon as she got green card. . . . . .and would not blame her. . . . .but she still wants to get him help etc.

The only reason I sound like a broken record from time to time is there are many posts that make outlandish claims from guys that have spent very little time in the country and practically zero time outside of passions, classicos and blackbeards. . . . . .

I could post about getting a BJ at passions last time I was in sosua. . . .but I think there is enough of that and my experience there sort of sucked. I know that 95% of rerports from passions are positive so I chalked it up to being an exception and not the rule.

I could talk about taking chicas out of casa azul, la parada, or MC in santo domingo. . .. but again to me that is just the same old same old. . . . .

If I find a new place I try to post about it so others can check it out etc. I try to only post "different" stuff and not "I woke up and had breakfast at rockys. . . .went to beach and hung out at hermans. . . .. headed to passions to get a soapy. . . . had ribs at rockys. . . . .worked my "game" and"pulled" a chica out of classicos. . . . .took her back to my room and . . . . tore da pussy out da frame mutha fuckers;-)

Billy has a vast knowledge of the DR but he looks at it from a slightly different angle than we visiting mongers.

I have always found prtyr2 to be a very thoughtful and knowledgable poster who knows the "real" DR. Yes, he always plugs the same "party line" but it is a necessary corrective to the vast number of posters here who think they know a lot about the DR from spending all their time in the Merengue Bar and Passions.

Of course, this article that Billy reproduced (he did not write it himself) does not cover every detail and every situation. Billy left a copy of it in each room at the old Field of Dreams as a quick briefing and warning for newbies like myself and many others who might "fall in love" with the first dominicana they spent any time with. If it were much longer no-one would read it. It does not claim to be an exhaustive sociological dissertation and, yes, it does over-simplify some aspects but that does not justify prtyr2 saying that the writer (not Billy himself, remember) "does not have a clue".

I think prtyr2 should delete his opening sentence (as ErikS has pointed out) because I think that if those two guys met and talked they would find that their views of things are 99% identical and they would probably have a lot of respect for each other's experience.

We have enough squabbles and feuds here without the good guys falling out.

When I finally emigrate to the DR I shall invite prtyr2 to dine with me at Billy's on one of the former's infrequent(?) visits to the North Coast and I shall be very surprised if those two guys don't get on just fine with each other.

04-02-2008, 09:44 AM
When I finally emigrate to the DR I shall invite prtyr2 to dine with me at Billy's on one of the former's infrequent(?) visits to the North Coast and I shall be very surprised if those two guys don't get on just fine with each other.

Hey. . ..I am not doubting one bit Billy and I would get along great! I never heard a bad word said about the guy! I was talking about the TSM guy that wrote the original post. let me know when you move down and I'll head and up and buy you and billy dinner!

There is a difference between a "warning note" posted bedside for newbies at a whore hotel. . . . and reality;-)

There is a big difference between some guy on his first trip falling for a chicken farmer and guys that have actually met normal dominicans dealing with age differences. . . .I was just pointing out some of the inaccuracies. . . . .

BTW. . . .where are we eating? No british food. . . . . .yorkshire PUDDING is BREAD. . . . lol. . . .and I may just throw your tea in the ocean you limey bastard;-)

04-02-2008, 09:46 AM
Wow prtyr2! No need to bring up the heavy artillery!

Two questions:

1. Are you ignoring my (necessarily raincheck) dinner invitation? I think we better add ErikS to the invitation list.

OK, you didn't ignore it. Our posts crossed. We will eat lettuce and drink water and invite Cheeno's vegetarian model chica as well. She can travel up with you from La Capital.

2. What is the derivation of your weird handle?

04-02-2008, 09:51 AM

your post # 14 was outstanding!!! damn that was a good read! i will be spending some time in Haina in a few weeks with a "amiga"...any thoughts?

04-02-2008, 10:05 AM
Haina is sort of a crappy little town. Does your "amiga" know santo domingo? You may get better results taking her there. Or even nearby san cristobal is better to hang out in than haina.

I'll be back in SD the last week in april. If you are gonna be near SD and want a "tour" or have any questions PM me and I will give you contact info.

04-02-2008, 10:09 AM
If erik is invited he has to cook. . . .. lol. . .jk. . . .I have had the pleasure of eating some of his cuisine at the shark bar. . . . .and damn it was good!

My handle? My handle on the old TSM board was prtyr. Short for partier but not really sure why the hell I picked that. . . lol.. I was recently divorced and going out partying quite a bit but still not sure it was a good choice.

My membership lapsed and when I rejoined it said prtyr was taken so I became prtyr2. Same as on wsg, isg, utopia guide etc etc etc. . . .I get around for a guy that is not a "real monger". . . . ;-)

Wow prtyr2! No need to bring up the heavy artillery!

Two questions:

1. Are you ignoring my (necessarily raincheck) dinner invitation? I think we better add ErikS to the invitation list.

OK, you didn't ignore it. Our posts crossed. We will eat lettuce and drink water and invite Cheeno's vegetarian model chica as well. She can travel up with you from La Capital.

2. What is the derivation of your weird handle?

04-02-2008, 10:19 AM
If I find a new place I try to post about it so others can check it out etc. I try to only post "different" stuff and not "I woke up and had breakfast at rockys. . . .went to beach and hung out at hermans. . . .. headed to passions to get a soapy. . . . had ribs at rockys. . . . .worked my "game" and"pulled" a chica out of classicos. . . . .took her back to my room and . . . . tore da pussy out da frame mutha fuckers;-)

That is hilarious lololololol.... Stop shitting on most of the Sosua posts on this board... And don't knock the game!!!

04-02-2008, 10:27 AM
Who is shitting on it? Outside of pulling a chica out of classicos I have done all that shit. . . .I just think it would be boring if I posted about it.

04-02-2008, 11:57 AM
If erik is invited he has to cook. . . .. lol. . .jk. . . .I have had the pleasure of eating some of his cuisine at the shark bar. . . . .and damn it was good!
Yes, ErikS is a good cook. He even cooks vegetarian if he is blackmailed into it. But we'll give him a break on this occasion. Billy and Wanda are good cooks too and Erik is getting a little too hooked on wearing a pinafore and oven mitts (only), he says it is too hot in the kitchen to wear anything more. It ain't normal for a guy. :(


04-02-2008, 12:10 PM
I don't think Billy wrote that message. Never met him but have "known him" online since TSM. TSM is where he found that post.

Also I know Billy has been living in DR for years but most of his time has been in the POP-Sosua area. Running a whore hotel and being famous amongst mostly mongers.

QUOTE=ErikS;441360]This is probably the most offbase and inaccurate comment I have ever read on this site.

My guess is that he has never met the OP (Domminican Billy, i.e. Billy Lane). :confused:

I am still a member of TSM and for your information I wrote the post on TSM, I didn't find it there.

You obviously do not know me all that well! I live in Puerto Plata but I have traveled throughout the island during my first 10 years of retirement.

I retired here in 1992 and stayed retired until 2005 when I open a hotel "Field of Dreams" across from the Playa Dorada complex.

I have never run a whore hotel. The "Field of Dreams" had husbands with wives, men with girlfriends and families with their children stay there. No different than Lormar or Portofinos here in Puerto Plata. I was never involved with Blackbeards or any other such hotel.

I first vacationed in the Dominican Republic in 1988 at an all-inclusive. I stayed for 3 months in Munoz, a small village outside of Puerto Plata, each of the winters of 89, 90 and 91.

I retired in 1992 married a Dominican woman and bought a home in Puerto Plata. From 1992 till 2003 I lived the winters in Puerto Plata and summers in Canada. Since 2004 I have lived here in the Dominican Republic full time.

The tourist areas on the north coast that I’ve stayed in are Rio San Juan, Las Terrenas, and Semana but let’s include Montecristi, Nagua, and Cabrera as non tourist towns.
In the interior I’ve stayed in Mao, Esperanza, San Francisco de Macoris, Moca and La Vega. We won’t include possible tourist cities of Santiago, Jarabacoa or Constanza which I have also visited.
On the south coast I’ve stayed in San Pedro de Macoris, Consuelo, Higuey, San Cristobal, Auza and Barahona. We won’t include Boca Chica or Santo Domingo because they are tourist towns.

You ask me for names of such bars. One comes to mind in Cangrejo, it's called the "Green River" disco. As far as more names of these small bars/discos I’ve visited on my travels, they change with each new owner.

If you drive from Puerto Plata to the Santiago airport you will pass on the main road 11 cabanas with between 400 and 500 rooms which normally cost 300 to 500 pesos for 3 hours. These are not frequented in the most part by tourists. They are used by Dominican men with their chica “du jour”. Why? Because these chicas need the extra money to live on.

I did not say all chicas work in takeout bars, I said, do not assume that the only places these bars are located are in tourist areas. Most work in at normal jobs in supermarkets, government offices, clothes boutiques, restaurants or as domestics and they make less than $160.00us per month. They need the extra money their older Dominican boyfriends give them.

Lots of guys come down and like to think it’s better to play the boyfriend part and then they can have their pleasure for the price of a rice and beans dinner. Thankfully these are in the minority and the majority of the guys that get in the girlfriend routine and they are the ones who get taken for a ride. I had one older gentleman (with a 3 year old baby) tell me his young wife’s family would tell on her if she was unfaithful when he was gone. Yea! Sure they’d kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

We are and will always be an outsider, all we can hope to be is an accepted outsider.

04-02-2008, 12:19 PM
and for your information I wrote the post on TSM, I didn't find it there.
Sorry Billy, I got that bit wrong. You must have told me originally that you wrote it and I since forgot. I forget lots of things these days :(

04-02-2008, 02:07 PM
Sorry Billy, I got that bit wrong. You must have told me originally that you wrote it and I since forgot. I forget lots of things these days :(

Me too, I hid Jin's telephones so his girlfriend couldn't run up any more big bills when he was away. He came back on Thursday and I couldn't remember where I had put them. luckily the place isn't that big, I found them in about 30 minutes.

04-02-2008, 02:49 PM
We are and will always be an outsider, all we can hope to be is an accepted outsider.

Here's another sign to hang in plain view at the airport so we can see it every time we get off our planes.

04-02-2008, 03:05 PM
Ive Just added this line to my top 10 best ISOC qoutes...

Outstanding :iconTU: :iconTU:

We are and will always be an outsider, all we can hope to be is an accepted outsider.

04-02-2008, 04:58 PM
I had one older gentleman (with a 3 year old baby) tell me his young wife’s family would tell on her if she was unfaithful when he was gone. Yea! Sure they’d kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Billy, I think I may know this man. Does his name start with a P?? If this is too private you can PM or email me...just curious if this is the same guy, because the guy I am referring to told me the same exact thing!

We are and will always be an outsider, all we can hope to be is an accepted outsider.


04-03-2008, 03:52 PM

I have never run a whore hotel........ I was never involved with Blackbeards or any other such hotel.


Whoa... Something is a little wacky here.

Most guys on here don't know that Blackbeards was originally called the "Sand Trap Inn", and I believe it was also called the "Girls Trap Inn", if I remember correctly. That's when you were running it, remember? Before Alberto sold it to John.

I'm betting I still got webpages saved on one of my old hard drives that have pictures of the girls available.

Are you saying you didn't run that hotel before it was Blackbeards? Before it was sold to John? That I never paid a chica for sex there??

04-03-2008, 03:54 PM
this thread is taking some weird twist and turns???????

04-03-2008, 03:55 PM

your post # 14 was outstanding!!! damn that was a good read! i will be spending some time in Haina in a few weeks with a "amiga"...any thoughts?

You should stop by and say hi while you're in Haina. We can go to the Provocon for some chicken!

04-03-2008, 07:22 PM
Whoa... Something is a little wacky here.

Most guys on here don't know that Blackbeards was originally called the "Sand Trap Inn", and I believe it was also called the "Girls Trap Inn", if I remember correctly. That's when you were running it, remember? Before Alberto sold it to John.

I'm betting I still got webpages saved on one of my old hard drives that have pictures of the girls available.

Are you saying you didn't run that hotel before it was Blackbeards? Before it was sold to John? That I never paid a chica for sex there??

Those old webpages would be real interesting to see again. Please.

04-04-2008, 06:05 AM
Whoa... Something is a little wacky here.

Most guys on here don't know that Blackbeards was originally called the "Sand Trap Inn", and I believe it was also called the "Girls Trap Inn", if I remember correctly. That's when you were running it, remember? Before Alberto sold it to John.

I'm betting I still got webpages saved on one of my old hard drives that have pictures of the girls available.

Are you saying you didn't run that hotel before it was Blackbeards? Before it was sold to John? That I never paid a chica for sex there??

I'm sure you did!

I supervised the renovations of the apartments into hotel rooms and opened the Sand Trap Inn for an friend in October 2001. I left for Canada in April 2002. The owner then gave the operations over to a French Canadian manager who renamed it to the "Girls Trap Inn". It was then sold to John in the fall of 2002.

When I ran the operations from October 2001 to April 2002 we had single men as guests but we also had families as guests as well. One family I particularly remember was some grandparents with 2 granddaughters who stayed for 2 weeks over the 2001 Christmas holidays. There were never any chicas hanging around trying to pick up clients. That is not to say guys didn't bring back chicas from the city.

04-04-2008, 07:13 AM
The owner then gave the operations over to a French Canadian manager who renamed it to the Girls Trap Inn.
Very subtle and tasteful!

Are we going to ask everyone who posts helpful information on here to account for their movements for the last eight years?

Billy is a lot more patient than me. I would have told Mr Happy to fuck off.

04-13-2008, 07:52 AM
Hey guys, have been checking out the site for a few weeks now. And I'm highly impressed with the vast wealth of mongering knowledge that each of you guys have about my beloved D.R. Have been down over 15 times since 2001. I'm looking at rolling down again for some divertida sometime the first of June. Hope to take a few pics while down the way. Cheeno, I love to pick your brain about few things when you're available to holler reference my upcoming trip.

04-13-2008, 10:57 AM
Very subtle and tasteful!

Are we going to ask everyone who posts helpful information on here to account for their movements for the last eight years?

Billy is a lot more patient than me. I would have told Mr Happy to fuck off.

Hey Weyland;

Mr. Happy is a righteous guy. I think he was responding to what he thought was an omission or mistake in what Billy was saying.

That's certainly no reason to tell him to fuck off.

I have read and been told the story of Billy's involvement with the property now called Blackbeards more than a few times, and this is the first I've heard that there were no chicas working there when he was there.

If you mispeak yourself while telling a story and someone else thinks what you said or appear to be saying is not true, will he not ask clarifying questions?

Mr. Happy doesn't deserve your vitriol.

04-13-2008, 10:59 AM
Hey guys, have been checking out the site for a few weeks now. And I'm highly impressed with the vast wealth of mongering knowledge that each of you guys have about my beloved D.R. Have been down over 15 times since 2001. I'm looking at rolling down again for some divertida sometime the first of June. Hope to take a few pics while down the way. Cheeno, I love to pick your brain about few things when you're available to holler reference my upcoming trip.

Hello dewon110 :smile:

If you have any questions, please feel free and let us know.

Take care.

04-18-2008, 12:53 AM
Hey Cheeno, glad to hear back form you man. A buddy that visited recently told me about a spot called Dreamhouse. Said the chicas there were about 6's to 9's in appearance. Suppose to be a MP, going for 1800 (1hr) to 2500 (3hrs on premise) depending on what you want. Only problem was the dominican host gouges us gringos too much for beer. Even a Coke cost like 170 pesos. Are any of you guys familiar with this place? Sounds like a spot to check in on, but work those prices down. Like I've heard some of you fellow chime in about, some of us pay too much sometimes for what we think we want. Of the 16 times that I've visited Santo Domingo, had never heard of it. Suppose to be in a residential area somewhere off of carretera 27 Febero. Your thoughts on the matter Sir, or any of the guys that read this.


04-18-2008, 02:19 AM
Hey Cheeno, glad to hear back form you man. A buddy that visited recently told me about a spot called Dreamhouse. Said the chicas there were about 6's to 9's in appearance. Suppose to be a MP, going for 1800 (1hr) to 2500 (3hrs on premise) depending on what you want. Only problem was the dominican host gouges us gringos too much for beer. Even a Coke cost like 170 pesos. Are any of you guys familiar with this place? Sounds like a spot to check in on, but work those prices down. Like I've heard some of you fellow chime in about, some of us pay too much sometimes for what we think we want. Of the 16 times that I've visited Santo Domingo, had never heard of it. Suppose to be in a residential area somewhere off of carretera 27 Febero. Your thoughts on the matter Sir, or any of the guys that read this.


Ahn Nyung Ha Sae Yo Dewon Shee :biggrin:

I have never been to Dreamhouse. I heard about it in this site. But that's about it.

In terms of price, this is what I would do.

Get the chica's number and meet her on a day that she is not working. That way, the two of you can avoid paying the middleman (house fee). In other words, you and the chica and negotiate directly.

Here are a few Korean places in Santo Domingo. Enjoy and take care. *^^*

Restaurante Jardines SEUL
A guy name Mr. Williams (Dr. Won) runs this place. He used to run a casa called "52". "52" was the shit!!!
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63773 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63773)

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35562 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35562)

Cafeteria Casa de Pedro
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39437 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39437)

"Hot Chick"
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33069 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33069)

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33041 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33041)

04-18-2008, 08:30 PM
Ive Just added this line to my top 10 best ISOC qoutes...

Outstanding :iconTU: :iconTU:

This one from his sig needs to be at the top of that list ......

If you think it's love, try not paying her in the morning.

04-19-2008, 08:51 PM
Thanks Cheeno for the words of wisdom. Now I see why the guys on this page hold you in such high esteem! I'll been be rolling down in June and counting days buddy, till I'm on my way. I've got some new wingmen that are looking forward to it also. They're seasoned Brazilian hombres, but have heard so much about the D.R., thought they're roll with me this time. Oh yeah , do you know anybody that's stayed at the Hotel Royal Palace on avenida Abraham Lincoln? I've heard some good things and some bad.
OjOs: I'll check theses spots out while in town and let you know what I think!

Thanks buddy!

04-19-2008, 09:33 PM
I have been to dreamhouse a few times. the first time I took two mongers there and they both got massages. One of em with a very hot chica. the next few times there were only 2 girls each time and nothing great. It has been several months at least and things can change quickly in SD casas.

The place is a bit hidden and I don't remember the address but the phone number is 809 412 8742

Hey Cheeno, glad to hear back form you man. A buddy that visited recently told me about a spot called Dreamhouse. Said the chicas there were about 6's to 9's in appearance. Suppose to be a MP, going for 1800 (1hr) to 2500 (3hrs on premise) depending on what you want. Only problem was the dominican host gouges us gringos too much for beer. Even a Coke cost like 170 pesos. Are any of you guys familiar with this place? Sounds like a spot to check in on, but work those prices down. Like I've heard some of you fellow chime in about, some of us pay too much sometimes for what we think we want. Of the 16 times that I've visited Santo Domingo, had never heard of it. Suppose to be in a residential area somewhere off of carretera 27 Febero. Your thoughts on the matter Sir, or any of the guys that read this.


04-21-2008, 10:38 AM
Hey Prtyr,

The girls at Shilo keep asking about you.. it's about time you stopped by to say hi.

Erika the spinner told me she's leaving.

04-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Hey Prtyr,

The girls at Shilo keep asking about you.. it's about time you stopped by to say hi.

Erika the spinner told me she's leaving.

Erika has the thinnest waist. She probably weighs 90 pounds.

I wonder what she eats. lol

04-21-2008, 02:27 PM
Erika has the thinnest waist. She probably weighs 90 pounds.

I wonder what she eats. lol

I'm guessing next to nothing.. although it could be she just has a very high metabolism.. I've got a friend with a wife that's smaller than her, and she eats twice as much as me everytime we go out..

I honestly don't know where she can put it all..

04-21-2008, 08:21 PM
I have not been there in a while. I will be back next saturday so will try to stop by shilo this week. never had erika. . . . .I think maybe I should. Cute girl.

Hey Prtyr,

The girls at Shilo keep asking about you.. it's about time you stopped by to say hi.

Erika the spinner told me she's leaving.

04-21-2008, 08:48 PM
I have not been there in a while. I will be back next saturday so will try to stop by shilo this week. never had erika. . . . .I think maybe I should. Cute girl.

Here is a thread about Erica and Shylo Bar. Thanks to MrHappy and prtyr2 for the info!!! :biggrin:

04-25-2008, 09:31 PM
prtyr2, Thanks man for the information about Dream House.


05-05-2008, 05:24 AM
WHAT YOU MEAN ON THIS DUDE??? There Actually ARE AMPS IN Santo Domingo??? Is there Like some kind of large Asian Population in Santo Domingo??? I Never heard of a chinaTown too in Santo Domingo or in San Juan Puerto Rico So I am confused on all this.. WOW Korean AMPS IN THE DR??? Thats Weird Man.. What other working girls from other countries are IN THE DR TOO??? OK Cheeno answer when you can,, A.M.
Ahn Nyung Ha Sae Yo Dewon Shee :biggrin:

I have never been to Dreamhouse. I heard about it in this site. But that's about it.

In terms of price, this is what I would do.

Get the chica's number and meet her on a day that she is not working. That way, the two of you can avoid paying the middleman (house fee). In other words, you and the chica and negotiate directly.

Here are a few Korean places in Santo Domingo. Enjoy and take care. *^^*

Restaurante Jardines SEUL
A guy name Mr. Williams (Dr. Won) runs this place. He used to run a casa called "52". "52" was the shit!!!
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63773 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63773)

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35562 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35562)

Cafeteria Casa de Pedro
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39437 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39437)

"Hot Chick"
http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33069 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33069)

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33041 (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33041)

08-02-2008, 11:45 PM
Hey men,

So let me ask you guys a staright up question-what city in Dr is best for chicas? PP, PC or Boca Chica? Or another? I've never been and I want this to be a blast.


08-02-2008, 11:51 PM
If you have never been there, Sosua is a good start to get your feet wet and acclimated to the mongering scene there. Once you got that down get out and explore the other cities. Santo Domingo, Boca Chica, etc...

if you dont speak it, start practicing spanish. although you dont really need it in Sosua. once you start branching out you will need a good handle on some.

good luck and begin reading and doing your homework on here...lots and lots of good reading all your questions will be answered within the forums.

Hey men,

So let me ask you guys a staright up question-what city in Dr is best for chicas? PP, PC or Boca Chica? Or another? I've never been and I want this to be a blast.


08-02-2008, 11:55 PM
So let me ask you guys a staright up question-what city in Dr is best for chicas? PP, PC or Boca Chica? Or another? I've never been and I want this to be a blast.

Read everything you can here on this site ... study it and learn it!!!

1st trip ... Sosua .... stay at the New Garden Hotel ... hook up with other ISOC dude(s) there, and go practice what you've learned. Passions is a must!!

If you've taken the time to learn the stuff here, and you remember to apply it ... you will have a BLAST!!

08-03-2008, 04:49 AM
There are almost always some ISOC members in Sosúa. Contact them via this board's PM system or ask at the New Garden Hotel, the Shark Bar, Rocky's, Passions, or Herman's Siempre Sol Bar on the beach. Meet as many of them as you can during your first day or two and pick up some starting-out info. After that socialise with them as little or as much as you want. Obviously use all the normal precautions you would when meeting strangers anywhere. Not all ISOC members are choirboys, though no doubt Choirboy is.

08-03-2008, 08:46 AM
There are almost always some ISOC members in Sosúa. Contact them via this board's PM system or ask at the New Garden Hotel, the Shark Bar, Rocky's, Passions, or Herman's Siempre Sol Bar on the beach. Meet as many of them as you can during your first day or two and pick up some starting-out info. After that socialise with them as little or as much as you want. Obviously use all the normal precautions you would when meeting strangers anywhere. Not all ISOC members are choirboys, though no doubt Choirboy is.

absolutely 100% agree with this post!!! couldnt agree with you more :)

08-03-2008, 12:37 PM
Not all ISOC members are choirboys, though no doubt Choirboy is.

Gracias, Weyland. Although regrettably we have never met, your assumption is, at least figuratively, correct.

08-07-2008, 10:45 AM
Hello All,

New to the site but not the life. Taking first trip to DR and wanted to know if anyone will be at BB on the 26th of September to help the new guy out. I'm looking to have one of those off the chain vacation in the DR if you know what I mean.

08-22-2008, 08:28 AM
I'll be visiting Santo Domingo within a couple of weeks and intend to make use of all the helpful information on this board and report back. Appreciate any additional Santo Domingo specific information. Will report back after my trip.

08-22-2008, 08:33 AM
Have a great time dude :)

I'll be visiting Santo Domingo within a couple of weeks and intend to make use of all the helpful information on this board and report back. Appreciate any additional Santo Domingo specific information. Will report back after my trip.

08-22-2008, 08:53 AM
Hello All,

New to the site but not the life. Taking first trip to DR and wanted to know if anyone will be at BB on the 26th of September to help the new guy out. I'm looking to have one of those off the chain vacation in the DR if you know what I mean.
I will be there sept. 27, and 28 before going to sosua.

04-06-2009, 01:56 AM
Great reading, I am looking at traveling to the DR, not sure if I want to go to the N coast or E coast. Sounds like not to much action outside of the Passions area or big cities. I am 35 white with little Spanish so I have a down curve here.. But have done Costa Rica and managed to find my way. I was hoping to find a nice GFE to stay with me for the week that would play with other girls (3somes). With that said a little input on best locations, should I stay in small hotel rather then just do inclusive and just book for two. I travel to Asia and know that well so need your help my friends. Bottom line just want the best BANG for my buck boys...

04-06-2009, 06:34 PM
Great reading, I am looking at traveling to the DR, not sure if I want to go to the N coast or E coast. Sounds like not to much action outside of the Passions area or big cities. I am 35 white with little Spanish so I have a down curve here.. But have done Costa Rica and managed to find my way. I was hoping to find a nice GFE to stay with me for the week that would play with other girls (3somes). With that said a little input on best locations, should I stay in small hotel rather then just do inclusive and just book for two. I travel to Asia and know that well so need your help my friends. Bottom line just want the best BANG for my buck boys...

Just read about the last 10 trip reports and then ask us again, if you still don't know, but you will so you won't need to ask.:eek:

04-06-2009, 06:44 PM
Great reading, I am looking at traveling to the DR, not sure if I want to go to the N coast or E coast. Sounds like not to much action outside of the Passions area or big cities. I am 35 white with little Spanish so I have a down curve here.. But have done Costa Rica and managed to find my way. I was hoping to find a nice GFE to stay with me for the week that would play with other girls (3somes). With that said a little input on best locations, should I stay in small hotel rather then just do inclusive and just book for two. I travel to Asia and know that well so need your help my friends. Bottom line just want the best BANG for my buck boys...

Welcome to the Carribbean you will have a ball and whatever experience you are looking for (GFE, 3somes etc.) you certainly can find; and it would be great to hear of some of your adventures in Asia!!!

04-06-2009, 07:13 PM
You may want to ask Suns and Buns about this topic:corky:I ran across a thread about him on this Topic it was quite interesting reading:corky:

04-06-2009, 07:20 PM
With that said a little input on best locations, should I stay in small hotel rather then just do inclusive and just book for two.

Most guys on this site and I tend to agree will tell you to stay away from all inclusives, if you plan on bringing anyone back to enjoy. If you are with your lady there are some advantages to all inclusives however. Plus if you find someone you would like to have a 3some with, you can always book a cabana for 3 hrs at a reasonable price, less than $15.00, that way you can have the benefits of the AI, plus when you want another chica. As others have suggested read some trip reports, search with the criteria of threesomes and see what you get, then enjoy.