View Full Version : You are right; but so am I

04-01-2008, 04:30 PM
During a luncheon meeting with newspaper editors, President Leonel Fernandez argued that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) had broken the law when it passed a decision on the Base Committee scandal without listening to the PLD point of view. Journalist Nuria Piera recently revealed that the government had thousands of party members on their payroll, despite the fact that they carried out no function whatsoever at the institutions that paid out their monthly checks. Fernandez continues to defend the payroll, although he did say that the payment of funds to PLD activists would cease immediately. Fernandez said that he doesn't want the opposition to use that as a motive to claim illegalities in the 16 May presidential elections. The President added that his success in office can partly be attributed to tactical errors by the PRSC and PRD and denied having bought any opposition members to strengthen his campaign.

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