• I.S.O.C. Subscriptions

    We can now take credit cards (Visa, Mastercard and Discover)

    • 3 Days is US$8.00
    • 1 Month is US$12.00
    • 3 Months is US$25.00
    • 6 Months is US$40
    • 1 Year is US$60
    • 2 Years is US$90
    • 3 Years is US$115
    • 5 Years is US$250

    *1 year and longer Subscriptions include admission into Jimmy's private stash area!

    E-mail JimmyDR at Jdrent97@gmail.com

    You will need to provide:

    • Name
    • Address including Zip
    • Credit Card Number
    • Expiration Date
    • Card Security Code
    • Website Handle
    • And which subscription you are interested in

    Processing takes place after 6PM Eastern Time M-F and all day Sat & Sun

    *Once processed, your status will change and you will have access.

    Thank you,
    The Management
    This article was originally published in forum thread: I.S.O.C. Subscriptions started by Jimmydr View original post
    Comments 188 Comments
    1. DRguru's Avatar
      DRguru -
    1. Jimmydr's Avatar
      Jimmydr -
      Quote Originally Posted by DRguru View Post
      As a newb I can tell you that It is very shady to provide checking or credit card information over email.
      I'm not trying to say that you will do something crazy with it but shit happens..
      With that said, you (admin) may be losing a pretty high amount of potential clients.

      If you need help with setting up a middle-man provider bitcoin/skrill/paypal/dwolla/wepay,etc please contact me. I'm a senior web developer.
      This site is a hobby. Thanks
    1. obiwon's Avatar
      obiwon -
      Jimmy, I'm trying to get to the subscription page and can't seem to do so... can't renew... what's up?
    1. Jimmydr's Avatar
      Jimmydr -
      Quote Originally Posted by obiwon View Post
      Jimmy, I'm trying to get to the subscription page and can't seem to do so... can't renew... what's up?
      You are in.
    1. Jimmydr's Avatar
      Jimmydr -
      Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
      I can now take credit cards (visa, Mastercard and Discover)

      3 days is $8.00

      1 Month is $12.00

      3 Months is $25.00

      6 Months is $40

      1 yr is $60

      2 yr is $90

      3 yr is $115

      5 yr is $250

      the 1 year and more include admission into Jimmy's stash area

      E mail me at Jdrent97@gmail.com

      I will need

      Address including Zip
      Credit Card Number
      Expiration Date
      Card Security Code

      Website Handle

      and which subscription you are interested in

      Processing takes place after 6PM M-F and all day Sat & Sun(Once processed, status will change)
    1. bigred99's Avatar
      bigred99 -
      email sent
    1. canteen's Avatar
      canteen -
      I am able to sign in, but unable to view DR Trip Report section (displays " Private"). This just began after returning from several days out of country. I have a paid subscription, which I believe is up to date, but not sure of renewal date and unable to find. Any suggestions? Thanks
    1. Malo's Avatar
      Malo -
      Quote Originally Posted by canteen View Post
      I am able to sign in, but unable to view DR Trip Report section (displays " Private"). This just began after returning from several days out of country. I have a paid subscription, which I believe is up to date, but not sure of renewal date and unable to find. Any suggestions? Thanks
      You have expired 3/16/14
    1. BrooklynBeas's Avatar
      BrooklynBeas -
      I need a hobby that rakes in the dough like this...
    1. whynotme's Avatar
      whynotme -
      Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynBeas View Post
      I need a hobby that rakes in the dough like this...
      if you have enough money to cover start up costs and capable of throwing more and more money at it for the first five years you too can be a business owner.........or go bankrupt trying
    1. MH16's Avatar
      MH16 -

      I have a question with regards to subscriptions...
      Is the intent that the longer subscription purchased, the less the cost?

      Your rates are as follows:

      Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post

      3 days is $8.00

      1 Month is $12.00
      3 Months is $25.00
      6 Months is $40

      1 yr is $60
      2 yr is $90
      3 yr is $115
      5 yr is $250
      But If I purchase a 2 yr and 3 yr subscription and ask that they run sequentially, I will pay $90 + $115 for 5 years = $205
      Also, If I purchase two 3 yr subscriptions and ask that they run sequentially, I will pay $115 + $115 for 6 years = $230 as compared to $250 for 5 years.

      I understand that this hinges on the premise that sequential subscriptions can be bought.

      But how often does the subscription fee change?
      That being said, someone who would have shown less commitment (financially) to ISOC previously may have paid less money than someone committed for 5 years.

      Just food for thought and consideration.... If I'm missing some logic, please enlighten me.
    1. Jimmydr's Avatar
      Jimmydr -
      Quote Originally Posted by MH16 View Post

      I have a question with regards to subscriptions...
      Is the intent that the longer subscription purchased, the less the cost?

      Your rates are as follows:

      But If I purchase a 2 yr and 3 yr subscription and ask that they run sequentially, I will pay $90 + $115 for 5 years = $205
      Also, If I purchase two 3 yr subscriptions and ask that they run sequentially, I will pay $115 + $115 for 6 years = $230 as compared to $250 for 5 years.

      I understand that this hinges on the premise that sequential subscriptions can be bought.

      But how often does the subscription fee change?
      That being said, someone who would have shown less commitment (financially) to ISOC previously may have paid less money than someone committed for 5 years.

      Just food for thought and consideration.... If I'm missing some logic, please enlighten me.

      I made a mistake. Its an easy answer.
    1. thunderstar's Avatar
      thunderstar -
      Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
      I made a mistake. Its an easy answer.
      Good job you dont work with numbers for a living!
    1. bigman's Avatar
      bigman -
      I paid my subscription 2 days ago and my status still has not changed. How long does it take after you pay??
    1. Jimmydr's Avatar
      Jimmydr -
      Quote Originally Posted by bigman View Post
      I paid my subscription 2 days ago and my status still has not changed. How long does it take after you pay??
      You never gave me your handle. You now have access.
    1. James21's Avatar
      James21 -
      Hey all. Newbie here just lurking abound the corner....
    1. James21's Avatar
      James21 -
      is there a way to pay with PayPal? I cannot find the link to do this....
    1. Malo's Avatar
      Malo -
      Quote Originally Posted by James21 View Post
      is there a way to pay with PayPal? I cannot find the link to do this....
      There are only 2 ways to pay

      I can take Google Wallet and

      as well as

      can now take credit cards (visa, Mastercard and Discover)

      3 days is $8.00

      1 Month is $12.00

      3 Months is $25.00

      6 Months is $40

      1 yr is $60

      2 yr is $90

      3 yr is $115

      5 yr is $250

      the 1 year and more include admission into Jimmy's stash area

      E mail me at Jdrent97@gmail.com

      I will need

      Address including Zip
      Credit Card Number
      Expiration Date
      Card Security Code

      Website Handle

      and which subscription you are interested in
    1. James21's Avatar
      James21 -
      oh ok.....
    1. Señor JDR of Medellin's Avatar
      Señor JDR of Medellin -
      Quote Originally Posted by James21 View Post
      oh ok.....
      The post above yours was edited.