In Search of Chicas | Girls FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What are the chica prices for TLN or ST?

This is a very difficult question to answer since there are so many variables, such as: Can you speak Spanish? Can you dance? Can you make them laugh? Are you old, fat, ugly, bald, etc. or any combination? Where are you meeting the chica? Is it your first time in the night club or are you known as "El Puto Grande!" there? The prices will vary from the RD$300 girl who needs to make rent to the $5,000 "dime" you met in a high class night club.

How much does it cost for XXXXXXXX in the DR?

First let me set the record straight!

There are only FOUR places/services were the price is SET in the DR!
1. The Tourist Card (US$10)
2. Bus fares on Caribe Tours/Metro. (various)
3. National Supermarkets (you can't negotiate in Playero or Supermercado National)
4. Phone Cards for cell phones.

Everything else from Hotels, Food, Chicas, Cars, Taxis, etc. is negotiable! Those prices will depend on repeat business, Spanish ability, which way the wind is blowing, etc.

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