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Thread: 04/2010 - Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

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    04/2010 - Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Coming Down:
    First off, if you have been lurking on the boards and thinking of heading down, go for it! After reading countless posts I was excited about the thought of a monger vacation, but I was also scared reading about chicas, scams, pick-pockets, robbers, guys getting killed, ect. For my first week in the DR I felt totally safe, and did not have any ‘real’ problems. Most of the guys I talked too have been coming down for years and have never had a problem. I wrote this after my first trip (April 2010) so as you can see it does not take a rocket doctor to get around in Sosua. Anyone with half way intelligence will be just fine. Take a chance and go for it, you will have the time of your life!

    Read the Boards and Research:
    Take time and read as much as can on as many of the boards as possible. There are other boards out there, but this is the best one by far. Cut and paste info you need to bring down with you. Directions, maps, names of places, address and phone numbers of your hotel, ect. The more you know before you hit the ground, the better off you will be.

    Before coming I was worried that this is the 3rd world and I would be staying in some dump that I wouldn’t want to touch anything in. I only stayed at Blackbeards and New Garden and they were both great. They are not the 4 seasons, but they are a lot nicer than any dive hotel in the US or Canada. There is hot water, electricity, AC, satellite TV, mini fridges, good beds, ect. Just like back home. For the first time I would stick with the New Garden, Terra Linda, or the chica friendly section of Sosua Bay.

    Food and Water:
    Everywhere I ate had good cheap food and I never got sick. There is a lot of chicken, fish, pork, and pasta. There is beef, but it is just ok. Do not drink the local water, but don’t be worried about ice. Every place I went had purified ice cubes. Hit the big grocery store near the main highway on your first day. Load up on bottled water, beer, snacks, and whatever else you like. The grocery store is just like the ones at home (same stuff) only smaller. It saves a few bucks, and you need beverages in your room for you and the chicas at night, and water / Gatorade for first thing in the morning. I used bottled water to brush my teeth – some may think I am crazy – but to each their own. Some people don’t eat any salads or vegetables for fear they are washed in local water – I ate them and had no trouble. I never felt sick or had an upset stomach at all. I did have a few very minor problems with the frequency of washroom visits, but it seemed everyone did, and a 7 day bender will do that to a guy.

    Blackbeards / Field of Dream vs Sosua:
    I only stayed one night at Blackbeards to get accustomed to the DR, and it was great. The chicas are all right there, and the prices are set. The flip side is there is not much to do. When guys talk about ‘the hunt’ in Sosua, they are over exaggerating. There is no hunt; you have to beat the chicas off with a stick. It is not stupid crazy like they won’t leave you alone or anything, if you are interested they are interested. Don’t worry about not being able to ‘pick up’, anyone (black, white, asian, indian, 18-70 years old) can meet gorgeous young hotties easy as can be. For me, Sosua was way better than the point and click resorts.

    What to Bring:
    Pack just like you normally would for a vacation, but here a few extras you should bring. Lots of condoms, a small tube of KY, a big bottle of mouthwash, a big bottle of 2 in 1 shampoo + bodywash (you and the chicas will take tons of showers), lots of cheapo toothbrushes (I made every chica brush), travel size toothpaste and shaving cream (for the chicas to use - not keep), a beach / pool towel, CD's for the car, Tums, Imodium, and a bottle opener for your room.

    General Information:
    The POP airport is in between Sosua and Peurto Plata. When you leave the airport it takes you out to the main highway. If you go right (north) you will first hit Playa Dorada (Feild of Dreams), then Peurto Plata (Crystals), then Costambar (Blackbeards). If you go left (south) you will first hit Sosua (Classicos), and then Caberete (tourist beach). In Sosua, Monday and Tuesday are the slowest days, Sunday and Wednesday are average, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday are packed. No need to worry though, there are plenty of chicas around all the time.

    Before coming down I was worried that there would be no chicas I liked and I would not want to be with any of them. Boy was I wrong. There is something for everyone in the DR. Tall, short, light, dark, skinny, thicker – anything you want – and plenty to choose from. Where I am from in Canada, out of 100 people there will be 1 African Canadian, 1 Latin Canadian, 8 east Indians, 10 Asians, and 80 Caucasians. Because of that I had never been with anyone but a white girl. You will love girls of all types in no time – trust me. The roles are reversed from western society. You have all the power and they constantly hit on you (it’s like heaven).

    Negotiating with Chicas:
    It has been stated many times that it is very important to negotiate with the chica before you get back to your room. I did this about half the time, and the other half I just paid them a fair price in the morning. I had no money problems or arguments with any chicas at all. If you treat them well, they are happy to be with you, and are fine with a fair price. These are the rates I paid and was problem free:
    Daytime short time (1 pop) – 700rd – 1300rd
    Evening short time (1 pop) – 1500rd
    Evening all night (2-3 pops) – 2000rd – 2500rd
    The guys I hung with said I did very well for my first trip on pricing. The other thing I recommend is make yourself presentable when you go out for the night. Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, put on some cologne – just like you would for a date back home. The better you look, the better you feel, the more confidence you will have, and the better experience you will have with the chicas. The good looking ones will more than likely be with someone that night anyways, and they would rather be with someone who at least does not turn them off. I wore shorts and tee's durning the day, and jeans and a nice shirt at night. Remember that you have the power here. Never let them walk you around the club by the hand; you should always walk in front of them. Don’t let them order drinks on your tab – you order them. Basically, if you act like a man, they will treat you like one. If you act like a chump, they will treat you like a chump, and will try the ‘hurry up and finish’ BS, or argue for more money and create a big stink. Lastly, and this is important, get lots of phone numbers from chicas you like (day or night). You never know when you might need to call up a hot chica for some fun. Also put something behind their name like SC for Seacrets or PA for Passions so you remember where you met her and can figure out which one she is. If she looks young check her id (cedula), and make sure it gets left with the security guard at your hotel. Girls are not given a cedula until they turn 18. Don’t even think of messing with an underage chica or one who ‘forgot’ her cedula.

    Travelling by yourself (I did) is just fine, but you have to make a few contacts with wingmen in country (and a plan to meet them) before you leave for your trip. It makes things a lot more fun, and they can really help you for your first time. Everyone I met was great, and at the end I considered them friends not wingmen. Everyone is down there for the same thing, don’t be embarrassed, meet other mongers and have a blast. If you stay at a well reviewed place on here you will meet lots of other guys. I can’t stress enough how important at least one experienced wingman is.

    It is well documented that the more Spanish you know the better your trip will be. I know zero Spanish, and I got around just fine, without any problems. I brought down an English / Spanish translator and used it to send the chicas texts, to set up meetings and stuff. It works great. I have now found out you can covert whole sentences online. Do that and type them into your phone to send to chicas. By all means learn some Spanish (any is better then none) before you come, but don’t think you absolutely need it to have a good time. I would say 75% of the mongers speak little to no Spanish.

    When you read this report it may be out of date. The exchange rate varies all the time but it seems to be between 35-36rd per $1 US. There are bank machines that take US and Canadian cards (including a Scotia Bank). They can run out of money on weekends so make sure you have some cash as back-up. I did not see any place that took debit or credit cards other than hotels and car rentals. There are three main ways to exchange. The bank, the Cambios (like Money Mart), and guys exchanging on the street. Everyone has a different way of doing things when it comes to money. Some like to only use the bank machines. That way if you get robbed they can’t get much. Some like to bring cash and exchange a little each day. I brought all US cash and exchanged $1000 on my first day at the bank in the middle of the day. Banco Popular is 2 blocks from the New Garden and it is just like a big bank back home with one exception. There are two guys with shot guns at the door. If anyone comes in to rob you they get pumped full of lead. For me, it’s not worth and extra 0.05 rd per $1 to deal with a guy on the street or a Cambio. One exchange and back to the hotel safe – then I just took what I needed for each day / night. I did bring my bank card and credit card just in case, but they never left the safe. The exchanges options will also take Canadian, UK Pounds, and Euros.

    There are two main carriers in the DR – Orange and Claro. I used Claro and it worked great all week. There are many ways to bring phones with you and get them hooked up. Save yourself the trouble and buy a cheap pay as you go phone and keep it for your next trip or toss it away after the trip. My phone had voicemail, text, call display, contacts, ect and was 400rd ($11) and included 100rd phone card. I went to the main Claro store in POP (look for the ones that say distributor on the sign). The girl spoke English, loaded up another 500rd card for me, changed my settings to English, and programmed my number into my contacts. Easy. One of my wingmen had Orange and he was out of service a lot. I would stick with Claro.

    After all the reports I read about driving, I was scared, but I went ahead and rented an SUV anyways. I used Alamo and had no problems and no ‘extra’ charges on my credit card. The roads are in good shape from Costmabar to Cabarete. I did not leave the north coast area and heard the roads are way worse as you head inland. People drive crazy and pass in the wrong lanes and the shoulders, and there are pot holes, and occasional livestock on the road, but really I think people over exaggerate how bad it is. You have to drive aggressively – when you have the right of way you take it. I only drove during the day (because I was drunk at night) and if you have your eyes open and are a good driver it is fine. Also, it is more money, but get an SUV. Being higher up, having 4x4, and a vehicle designed to handle pot holes really helps. Plus the bigger the vehicle is the more right of way it gets. Check with your credit card and car insurance company before you leave for your trip. Neither of mine covered rental car insurance outside of North America. I got an umbrella rider on my house insurance that gave me $1,000,000 liability and $1,000,000 3rd party on rental cars outside North America. It was $14 for the month of April. The rental company insurance was $35 / day – this was way cheaper and gives you piece of mind that’s it’s your own insurance company, and $2,000,000 in coverage. Bring two photo-copies of the insurance policy down with you - one for the car and one for the safe.

    Motos are small motorcycles that are the #1 mode of transportation in and around Sosua. Because I drove, I was never in a taxi or on a bus, so I can't speak as to how they work. The moto drivers sell rides to people to get around town. You just hop on the back and away you go. Motos are 25rd per person during the day, and 50rd per person at night. It does not matter how far you go, as long as it is within Sosua. Just tell the driver where you want to go, and when you get off give him the prices quoted above. Don't bother negotiating before or after, the price can only get worse. Moto drivers will never give change, so make sure you have the correct amount before you leave the bar you are in. You can ride it by yourself, or you and your chica can share one if it is a short ride. Some guys will never get on a moto, for fear of a crash. I usually rode them once a night, and never felt unsafe.

    Again, I was really worried before my trip about safety. The big key here is to use common sense and keep your eyes open. If you are always travelling with wingmen you will have no problems. DR criminals do not target 4 healthy young (18-50) guys walking down the street or partying in the bar. They want easy targets, not guys that might want to fight back. They target people walking alone, and more elderly tourists. This is a general rule, not an absolute, but if you stick to the main roads and don’t travel alone you won’t have any problems. Don’t carry your wallet, credit cards, or tons of money with you – just carry Dominican pesos on a money clip or a throw away (Velcro) wallet. Photo copy your passport, drivers licence, and medical insurance card on to one piece of paper and put it in your wallet / money clip. The originals never need to leave the safe. Keep everything in your front pockets or zip / velcro pockets in cargo shorts. Take your camera and translator out with you during the day; leave them in the safe at night. As for your room, ‘chica proof’ it before you leave for the night – put anything of value in the safe. Don’t pay her until the morning and until you have taken a quick check to make sure everything is still there. Book a room with an electronic safe – don’t mess with a key safe unless you absolutely have to. Always send the chica to the shower first - while she is in there put your wallet, keys, phone, ect in the safe. I never had anything taken from my room with many chicas in and out. Do not go to a local’s or chicas house (on your first few trips) or trust them with anything of value – they are not your friends. Bring down a copy of the contact information to your home country's embassy and consulate in the DR. Program these numbers into your cell phone just in case. Bottom line, use your head and keep your eyes open and you will be fine – if you have ever sent money to a Nigerian Prince do not come to the DR.

    The drug stores in Sosua have anything you need, and most things without a perscription. They have Tums, Imodium, antibiodicts, Ventolin, and all of the stiffy drugs you want over the counter. The pharmacy 2 doors down from the New Garden has nothing in it, and is way over priced. Go to the one two blocks over near the entrance to the beach. As for the stiffy drugs here is my take. I am 36, and I do not require any help when with the chicas. I tried the generic Cialis (LaPella) because I was curious. One 20mg pill was 50rd and is good for 36 hours. For me, it did not change anything about how hard things were, but it seemed to make it thicker, and it made me last a lot longer than normal. You are not supposed to drink excessivly if you take that stuff - I did both and had no problems. One thing is for sure, if you are a guy that get's 'whisky dick' it will solve that problem for you. Some (good) advice I did not take, is check with your doctor before taking any of this stuff.

    The boards are pretty clear about not getting drunk in the DR. This was some more (good) advice I did not take. I got pretty much smashed every night, but I was always with wingmen, and I never walked anywhere alone. I did not get fall down stupid drunk, but drunk nonetheless. Have a good time and enjoy yourself, just use your head. Never leave your drink unattended – if you mess up just throw it away and get another one. Just tell your wingmen to watch your drink when you go to the bathroom or the dance floor – or do like me and take it with you. Me and my wingmen bought a lot of drinks for the chicas. A lot of people are against this, but I found it makes for a fun night, and a great experience back at the room. We bought drinks for any chicas that we invited to sit with us, and usually one for their friends. Even if we did not session we still got numbers and bought them a drink. Random chicas that walked up and asked for a drink were told straight up no. Have fun with the girls and don’t be cheap – it pays dividends like better sessions, less problems negotiating, and lower prices in the morning (at least for me). At most night clubs Presidente is 100rd – some of the chicas want Corona or some other local stuff. They are only 150rd – big deal. If they want vodka redbull or something like that tell them to take a hike.

    Gift Bags:
    Taking some advice from this board, I made up 6 giftbags to give to 'the quality chicas'. I used small ziplock bags and inside I put a sexy thong, toothbrush, razor, a lip smacker, 2 fancy hair ties, and a Turtle (chocholate), As you might have guessed, these items were to make my sessions better just as much as gifts for her. I got all the items at the dollar store, Superstore (Canada), and Wal-Mart. Total cost for each bag was under $5. With one of the chicas it made no difference, but with the other five it made a huge difference. Plus, every chica that got a thong was more than happy to let me take thier picture wearing it. I gave it to them beffore the session, so they could use the stuff during our session.

    I don’t use drugs of any kind home or away so this was not a problem for me. From what I have heard, don’t even think about buying some. It’s straight to jail and you can not buy your way out. Enjoy the chicas and take a week off. If you are an addict, stay away from me and other ISOC members, or find another place to vacation – it is big trouble down here.

    I had good wifi connection at both hotels I stayed at. Also my DR phone could call Canada if need be.

    Now what the fuck are you waiting for? Get your ass down here, and if you run into me buy me a Presidente for writing this report.
    Last edited by Nakom; 04-22-2010 at 01:15 AM.

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    Thumbs Up Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Thank you, a very accurate post from a newbies perspective. You will find things somewhat different, in good ways, when you learn a little Spanish and are around more lower chica prices, etc...
    When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.
    Your opinions are not my problem...

  5. #3
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    I like this list. Good advise. Pretty much sums up what a guy needs to know on a first trip.
    One thing...if you are alone, don't bother with the male "guides", guys that say they can get you chicas. IMHO they are only trouble and not needed.

  6. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Ram For This Useful Post:

  7. #4
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    great report Nakom..welcome to the darkside...hehehehe

    Ram..I agree with you also...any male guide or dominican who asks if you need anything or chicas etc, usually is looking to scam you somehow...thinking you are some rookie gringo tourist (even if you are, you dom't say you are)

    Boca Chica is much worse than Sosua as far as street guys 'trying' to help you...
    more like trying to help you our of your pesos's lol.

    I remember way back to my first trip..did the same stuff, had maps printed out, info of bars n prices..and hit the ground running.

    I also like to drink a few Presidente's and mamajuana shots too. You can get 'buzzed' Just always be aware of your surrounding, and where you are,..and what pockets you have your money hidden in! lol. thank god for Velcro cargo shorts lol.

    Just don;t get drunk beyound recognition lol. a alcohol buzz is ok, might effect your dick, but that's all.

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  9. #5
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    From this and his other threads I have to say that Nakom is a valuable addition to our membership.

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  11. #6
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Nakom, you rocked it JUST like I did my first time. I treated the D.R. like the grad classes I was taking. I studied all the boards for over six months before the journey. Upon arrival I smiled and said "thank you" to all the newbie advice given, but most wasn't needed. Came home happy and fulfilled, and with money left over for the sooner than expected next trip (six weeks later).

    I was still nervous as hell when I first got there. I knew Jimmy and JJ wouldn't be there for four days, but I was fine after my first happy hour. I had a little luck on my side as well. I ventured alone late at night in places where I wouldn't today. Anyway, you did it better than most vets!

    And about the Spanish...if you've taken it or knew it 20 years ago, you'll be surprised at how it comes back to you. If you have any type of foundation in the language, a few days of true immersion will bring it all back to you. I hadn't spoken the language in over 10 years or taken a Spanish class in nearly 20, but before I came home I had no problem communicating at all. And yes, the electronic English/Spanish translator helped out a great deal!

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  13. #7
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Damn I need to print this out.

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to hugrad95a For This Useful Post:

  15. #8
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    Thumbs Up Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Someone should make this a sticky. Very clear, concise, and covers most of the important points.

    Great post!

  16. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Cuba Libre For This Useful Post:

  17. #9
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Good, concise, advice. If you´re a newbie read it and take the advice to heart.

  18. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to continentalmike For This Useful Post:

  19. #10
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    nakom !!!! heads up ive been many times to DR i did read many reports but what u just did oh boy i love that evan i know it all but to read it from someone new as i said heads up for u keep it up

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  21. #11
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    I must say that ISOC is the greatest board and has some honest members. All the advise you get here is usually true and will usuall end out helping you when u r a newbie. The info I got really helped me when I got to Sosua and the info on this thread was on point. The biggest thing I found is that each time I go to Sosua I learn a little more. I am now planning to go for my 3rd visit in July and will try to do a bit more on this visit. The chicas are hot and I did meet some ladies with tight kitty cats there. Nice tight 18 yeard old chicas that love sex.. one big thing I learned is that u can save yourself the classicos entrance fee and just hang out outside the club in front of the stairs. I met the same hot girls that the guys met inside the club for free. Just hang outside and get to introducing yourself when they walk by. Works like a charm for me.

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  23. #12
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by LJDMV View Post
    I must say that ISOC is the greatest board and has some honest members. All the advise you get here is usually true and will usuall end out helping you when u r a newbie. The info I got really helped me when I got to Sosua and the info on this thread was on point. The biggest thing I found is that each time I go to Sosua I learn a little more. I am now planning to go for my 3rd visit in July and will try to do a bit more on this visit. The chicas are hot and I did meet some ladies with tight kitty cats there. Nice tight 18 yeard old chicas that love sex.. one big thing I learned is that u can save yourself the classicos entrance fee and just hang out outside the club in front of the stairs. I met the same hot girls that the guys met inside the club for free. Just hang outside and get to introducing yourself when they walk by. Works like a charm for me.
    Just a note to any Newbies, from a vet, who rarely tells another what they need or have to do... BUT... If your worried about the entrance fee at classico's, maybe you should reconsider your visit to sosua, and participation in "this thing of ours."

    Just mi dos centavos worth.....
    Last edited by balcoach; 04-21-2010 at 08:44 PM.

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  25. #13
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Great info for a newbie on this post and on this site in general. I am new to the site but not new to chicas

    I wanted to start a thread in the newbie section where thought was fit for my first thread but it wouldnt let me. can someone please tell me why that is?

    dont be to harsh on me thank you in advance.

  26. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to imrealareyou For This Useful Post:

  27. #14
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Nakom...Never leave your drink unattended – if you mess up just throw it away and get another one. Just tell your wingmen to watch your drink when you go to the bathroom – or do like me and take it with you.

    Great advise section, living here the last 4 years, I'm still amazed how many guys walk away from their drinks, especially when going to the dance floor at Latinos or Classico.....

  28. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to steviewonder For This Useful Post:

  29. #15
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Fantastic post Nakom .. after a week of worrying about volcanic ash over British airspace, I'm set to make my first trip to Sosua in four days time, and your advice is very helpful .. I'm glad you didn't have too much trouble with your lack of Spanish, as my Spanish is virtually zero too.

    Good idea buying a cheap pay as you go phone, I'll do the same .. I assume they can be bought in Sosua too..?

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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by brian101 View Post
    Fantastic post Nakom .. after a week of worrying about volcanic ash over British airspace, I'm set to make my first trip to Sosua in four days time, and your advice is very helpful .. I'm glad you didn't have too much trouble with your lack of Spanish, as my Spanish is virtually zero too.

    Good idea buying a cheap pay as you go phone, I'll do the same .. I assume they can be bought in Sosua too..?
    Go into Hideaway (Red Barn Door) , next to Classico and you can buy a 200 peso Claro pre paid phone w/ a 100 peso credit from the bar, Phone to go, just need to add the chicas numbers!

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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by brian101 View Post
    Fantastic post Nakom .. after a week of worrying about volcanic ash over British airspace, I'm set to make my first trip to Sosua in four days time, and your advice is very helpful .. I'm glad you didn't have too much trouble with your lack of Spanish, as my Spanish is virtually zero too.

    Good idea buying a cheap pay as you go phone, I'll do the same .. I assume they can be bought in Sosua too..?
    There is also a Claro distributor across the street from Bailey's.

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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by LJDMV View Post
    ... one big thing I learned is that u can save yourself the classicos entrance fee and just hang out outside the club in front of the stairs. I met the same hot girls that the guys met inside the club for free.
    I agree that there are ample chicas downstairs to satisfy anyone, unless you want to dance, and by approaching them before they go up the stairway to heaven you get first round draft picks. But the entrance fee (150 pesos last time I was there) does include a free beer or cuba libre so as Balcoach says, it shouldn't be a deal breaker.

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  37. #19
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Great info and advice. I'm going down in May for the first time and I'm still doing my homework. The vets really give good insight to about everything I can think off. My (so called) friends back out on me so I was a little nervous about going solo. Now I can't wait! Thanks for all the great post. Best board I've read in a long time and prividlged to be a member of.
    Last edited by hwyrider37; 04-24-2010 at 06:06 PM.

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  39. #20
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    Re: Sosua Newbie Advice from a Newbie

    Thanks for the valuablke info, Nakom. I will be down in Sousa for my first trip July 18-30. This is VERY useful and reassuring information. Thanks for posting!

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