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Thread: Trip report -- Puerto Plata -- Easter 2004

  1. #1
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    Trip report -- Puerto Plata -- Easter 2004

    Part One—On the Run From the Novia.

    Once more I was met at Puerto Plata airport by Juan and whisked away to Blackbeard’s. We stopped at the Orange office in Puerto Plata to get my cell phone hooked up. There were several gorgeous women in the telephone store, but we escaped unscathed, proceeded to the ATM for chica fodder, then to La Barba Negra for check-in. As La Barba Negra offers a 10% reduction for cash, I had taken several large denomination dollar bills for that purpose, intending to use ATMs for pesos, and the dollar bills for backup, as they can always be used at home, which the pesos cannot.

    On my last trip I had spent my final two nights in the passionate embraces of a woman who wanted to be my novia, and I had spoken to her a couple of times on the phone, though not in the last week before my trip. I had some reservations about hooking up with her again, not because of any doubts about her ability in the lovemaking department, but because I thought that she might soon get bored with me, and that if I made a long term commitment, an eight-night stay could turn into a nightmare.

    In the bar at La Barba Negra were a number of young ladies, all of whom made discreet attempts to catch my eye, none more so than ‘Julia’ whose pupils seemed to have a direct connection to my gonads. Try as I might to avoid her gaze… it was hopeless. As I have said in previous reports, I have a strong predilection for girls who are tall and dark, and while ‘Julia’ wasn’t as dark as I usually like, she was definitely above average height, which meant that I had no defences against her.

    So I offered her a drink, and a short while later I was enjoying the view of her freshly shaved pubic mound from extremely close quarters. I had a very nice session with her, followed by a bite of supper, during which she offered me some extremely tempting terms if I was to spend the whole of my stay with her, one of which was that we could dispense with the condoms. This was quite tempting, but to accept her offer when I was trying to avoid a similar situation with another proven performer would have been, almost literally, from the frying pan to the fire. So I took her number and promised to give the matter some serious thought and that I would call her on the morrow. My self restraint was quite amazing, and though she very nearly had me back in the bedroom again, I fought temptation manfully, and, for one of the few times in my life, successfully.

    After a while at Blackbeard’s you become fairly used to the fact that all the guys lie to the other guys about things like how much they pay the girls. This undercuts the other guys by luring them into offering the girls unreasonably low amounts, and enhances the reputation of the liar who actually pays full price, but claims to get 75% discounts. What is less well-known is that the girls lie to each other too, all claiming to use condoms at all times, while secretly trying to undercut the opposition by offering sex without condoms.

    Of course my success in resisting temptation turned out to be purely temporary. A short while later I encountered the girl I will call ‘Silvia’ with whom I had a couple of quickies on an earlier visit. I explained to ‘Silvia’ that I was unable to entertain her due to the fact that I was still convalescent from my recent romp with ‘Julia’ and that I was scheduled to go out on the town with Juan a little later. She offered me a highly unusual deal—that since I was tired, if I took care of her womanly needs now, she would come back tomorrow and service mine. However this conversation was reviving my spirits, and we reached an agreement that I would take her upstairs right away, but that although I would take care of her first, she was not to completely flake out, as she had done before, because I would be wanting satisfaction too. Everything went to plan, and in fact, in my bathroom she found a loofah on a stick which delighted her, and she took that in lieu of her normal fee.

    An hour or two later Juan and I were headed towards Long Beach, when we stopped to pick up what we both thought was a female hitch hiker, though it turned out she was looking for business. We bought her a drink in a Long Beach bar, and made further plans. I was not really interested in this girl, who, while reasonably presentable by most standards, obviously didn’t have the nice clothes, manicures, eyebrow plucking, and other accoutrements of the high class operator. Juan and I intended to go into Crystal, but then our new companion started to wail floods of tears. She was sad because she was not attractive and didn’t have money for nice clothes and didn’t know what would become of her. She had nowhere to stay because she had no money to rent a room.

    She did have a point. With all these stunning women everywhere, how was your average women supposed to compete and make a living? Call me stupid, if you like, but with some misgivings I agreed to take her for the night in exchange for 800 pesos. This effected quite a transformation, as she clapped her hands and said: “Now I am rich!” I have to think that she is a bit simple, though possibly she thinks the same of me.

    Back at the hotel she was quickly into action, and gave me a taste of her wares (not literally), offering sex with or without and then announced that she had to go home to get a babysitter, and that if I gave her the money now, she would be back in an hour for the rest of the all-nighter. “Not so fast, young lady” sez I. Anyway, after some discussion I agreed to give her half the dinero now, and the rest on completion. Quite honestly I did not expect to see her again and had already fallen asleep when she came back a couple of hours later to finish the job. The sex was not very noteworthy, but I did manage to finish, and went back to sleep.

    Why did I spend the night with this ordinary little woman who was actually or virtually homeless.? Just curiosity, I guess. One of the great things about the DR is that it enables you to act out all kinds of impulses that you would normally never even admit to.

    Next day, I was with Juan again and was introduced at the beach in Costambar to an extremely pretty young lady with fair skin and light eyes , who looked as if butter would not melt in her mouth. However , clearly it would have melted, for I understood that she had a baby a couple of months earlier, and had been an enthusiastic participant in a recent four-or-five in a bed romp. We adjourned to one of the Costambar cabanas, my first such trip, which was very interesting. As you probably know, cabanas are sex hotels, but what interested me so much was that these places are clearly where the money is, as the grounds are superbly landscaped and the rooms beautifully equipped to a better standard than all but the most luxurious hotels. For a couple of hours this cost 360 pesos (less than US $10) including a free Presidente beer and condoms. Quite a deal, and the Dominican condoms, while best avoided for sex, make great souvenirs of your trip.

    Back at the beach, I was starting to think that it might be about time to think about calling the dreaded novia, when I saw, less than fifty yards away, a fine example of the last species on earth I expected to see on the beach in Costambar in the afternoon… novia dominicana, previously though to be exclusively nocturnal, but now on the prowl in broad daylight.

    Part Two -- The Novia Strikes Back

    Not terribly pleased that I hadn’t called her, but pleased to see me all the same was my interpretation. We went back to the hotel and made passionate love, which was just as good as on the previous trip. I don’t know exactly what it is about this girl. She is not the best looking. Her complexion is not perfect, and her dress sense is decidedly bizarre, vaguely reminiscent of Haight Ashbury in the late 60’s minus the flowers in the hair. But she is tall, and elegant, and proud, and when walking on her long, slender legs reminds me somewhat of a wading bird like a heron or a crane. In her high heels she is almost as tall as me at over 6ft. She is not much of a kisser, her blow jobs are adequate, but not outstanding, her reverse cowboy only competent, and her fucking technique isn’t outstanding either. Yet she seems to bring a passion to her lovemaking that leaves the other girls standing. Often with other girls I feel vaguely detached, as if in those out of body experiences when people describe seeing themselves from a distance. With her I have never felt anything but totally involved in the moment.

    And even when not having sex, I love to watch her. Whether talking, eating, or sleeping, she is always totally involved in what she is doing, totally unselfconscious, and totally original.

    We are not talking here about a sweet young girl either. This is a seasoned prostitute for whom being on the street is a long term career. At almost 32 years of age, her best years are surely behind her, with new, younger, fresher competition reaching qualifying age every month. She has worked in ----- bar for a couple of years, and before that was at El Bohen for ‘mucho tiempo’ though she wouldn’t say how long. She is evidently well known, for everywhere we went she was greeted with respect and affection by all sorts of people. When I took her to the casino, she asked for 1000 pesos to play Caribbean poker and then played for penny stakes for the best part of three hours, with great, though quiet, enjoyment, chatting with people at her table and ordering the drinks waitresses around with relish. Each time she picked up her cards she would fan them secretively so that the numbers on each card could barely be seen. In fact looking over her shoulder, even I could not see what cards she held, yet there was no advantage in the game in hiding the cards. I have rarely seen anyone enjoy themselves so much for three hours. She seemed perfectly adapted to her environment. She surprised me, too, when I thought she had lost the 1000 pesos, she refunded 700 pesos to me that she might have kept. A cunning move to build trust and sucker me in later? Perhaps.

    We had our occasional rows too. She was not slow to label me as ‘estupido’ or ‘loco’ when I transgressed, as when I forgot to bring her a bowl of soup for lunch in bed, and she told me I was a pretty poor apology for a novio. More serious was the argument when she brought the Girl Friend Experience to a new level by complaining that I was leaving her hanging on the verge of orgasm when she wanted to be finished off. On this particular occasion I had been slaving, or slavering perhaps, down below for the best part of three quarters of an hour (my version) or fifteen minutes (her version) while she teetered on the edge of orgasm, eventually collapsing (me, that is) with a bad case of chupar’s cramp of the tongue and lips and a case of chica leche intolerance. She would have none of it. ‘Come me’, (eat me), she snarled. ‘Tu no cansardo. Come me’, mimicking a child whining, her interpretation of my behavior.

    But we worked things out. I pointed out that possibly when she played with herself at home while thinking about my pinga, as she had demonstrated to me earlier with full sound effects, she came in about 2 minutes flat. She laughed and agreed that this was true. I further suggested that if she devoted a bit less energy to the porno movie sound effects, she might also get to her destination a bit more easily. In fact these modifications were introduced and subsequent results were generally achieved more easily.

    Of course, I always held the ultimate high card, the threat of ‘otra chicas’ being introduced into the equation if I was not happy with her. A constant gripe was that I was always looking at other girls. Guilty as charged, and the only possible reply to these charges is ‘es que soy un hombre’. ( It is because I am a man.) However she apparently evolved a counter strategy. One day she announced that her ‘daughter’, actually a friend 10 years younger was coming over to spend the day with us. The daughter, who had the same (common) name as the ‘mother’, so let us call them M1 and M2, was that unusual thing, a white, blond haired, blue eyed Dominican, but not a very attractive one, being skinny, with crooked teeth, and ugly stretch marks. I wasn’t sure why she was there with us. Perhaps she was lonely on the Easter holiday. In the afternoon M1 asked me if I wanted sex with M2. I wasn’t at all enthusiastic, but said yes, purely as a favor to M1. M2 joined us on the bed and we set to work. Initially all systems were go, but after a condom was installed and prior to intromission I lost all lift off, and after both ladies serially and in combination had worked at the offending organ for about half an hour, inducing total numbness equivalent to a shot of benzocaine, I suggested that a hit of Viagra might be just the thing. “Biagra?” . Both were horrified, but there was no alternative if M2 was to get paid.

    In general it is not a good idea to let chicas know you are using Viagra. Mainly because they take it as a personal affront: “Toto no te gusta?”. Partly because it can make you last longer and create more work for them. In this case I was beginning to think that even Viagra might not be up to the challenge, but finally after about 40 minutes it did come through and I wasted no time in getting the job done. M2 actually seemed to quite enjoy it too. Probably she did not get a good hard fucking too often, though in this case, from her point of view, though it may have been sweet, it was all too short.

    Now life started to get even more complicated. One of the other guests at the hotel had a very beautiful, but demanding chica called Carmen (real name) whose photograph seems to be widely available on the Net, and which I will attempt to reproduce here. This photograph in NO WAY does justice to Carmen who I like very much. She is 22, childless, intelligent, has an excellent sense of humor, beautiful skin, and lovely light colored eyes. In a word, she is adorable. She is also an extremely hard-working, diligent, and thrify young woman who works every night and has saved up a good deal of money towards buying a home. She also speaks un poquito de Ingles, which is always a good selling point.

    The guy she was with had come for a cheap vacation from the United Kingdom with no idea what he was stepping into a house of hoes, but with admirable aplomb he had entered into the spirit of activities at Blackbeard’s as if to the manner born. The problem was that Carmen’s sexual demands were getting to be a bit much for him, and he was suffering from sleep deprivation as her electric touch constantly repolarised him every time he tried to take a break, plus he was also getting the old ‘don’t stop until you finish me off’ treatment too. For some reason this guy decided that he wanted the ugly M2, which was fine with me as I was hatching a plot to have a bit of fun with Carmen, once her bonds to the other guy were severed.

    My novia had gone home for a couple of hours for a change of clothing and I was acting as ‘bilingual’ interpreter for Carmen and her male guest. Hey, my Spanish may not be much, but in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. For a bit of practice with numbers I entered Carmen’s cell phone number into my cell phone for future reference. But this backfired, as when M1 returned she decided to buy Carmen’s cell phone from her to replace her old one which beeped all night. (Carmen has another.) A great deal of social life in the DR seems to revolve around the buying and selling of cell phones, fucking for cell phones etc., and it seems that most people change their number every few weeks, which hardly helps for continuity of communications.

    Anyhow, I will cut a long story short. Carmen’s boyfriend decided that he didn’t want the ugly amateur M2, who had been summoned up for him, but fate intervened in the form of another hotel guest who decided to bang her. I explained to M1 that I had done her and M2 a huge favor the previous day, and that now I wanted a regalo (present) as a reward for my good behavior, for which I would like to be paid in the currency of Carmen.

    I did not actually know this at the time, but Carmen and M1 both work in the bar across the road from Crystals and Carmen had actually been present (though offstage) at the historic meeting of myself and M1 on my previous trip, so Carmen and M1 were work colleagues and old friends. M1 arranged for herself, Carmen and me to spend some time in the Jacuzzi, then adjourn to my room for my ‘regalo’ session with Carmen.

    The regalo session was an anticlimax, in the most literal way. There was I on the bed with Carmen sucking my dick, while M1 sat on another corner of the bed watching the soap opera Amar Otra Vez (Love one more time) on the TV, with M2 running in and out of the room making cell phone calls. There is no worse put down in the world than having the woman you love totally ignoring you getting a blow job from her friend because she is more interested in the soap opera (novella). But, hey, you probably feel the same about your work. To be fair, M1 did make sure that a condom was used, and put out money from my wallet at the bedside for Carmen, but you could tell that she wasn’t really into the whole thing. Nor, for that matter was Carmen who said that she felf a bit awkward having sex with her friend’s novio, nor, truth be told, was I, for pretty much the same reason. I really like Carmen a lot, and I still have her new cell phone number programed into mine, but this was not an ideal encounter. Still we gave it our best shot. Three times Carmen got me hard as a rock—no Viagra with this girl—and three times we fucked a while and I gradually ran out of steam. I don’t mean to diss Carmen here at all. Her cowgirl was as good as it gets, and had me on the edge even though I never come that way, but it just wasn’t fated, so after three tries I dismissed Carmen and she returned home, only to reappear later in the evening, greeting me with a grave handshake as she was reunited with her other client who had appparently now caught up on his sleep.

    After this I resolved to remain monogamous with M1, who continued to behave with tremendous grace under pressure. To be honest, considering how I had treated her since my arrival, her behavior was exemplary at all times, and my feelings for her were growing deeper all the time. One of the guys at Blackbeards was a massage therapist and had initiated a program of massages for chicas, for which he received discounts for other services provided by the girls. In fact he was doing so much of this massaging, that he was even doing outcalls for girls who lived in the neighborhood around Blackbeard’s. Other guys had started giving chicas massages, and the general opinion was that the chicas enjoyed having something done for them for a change, and that everyone was happy with the evolving massage culture at Blackbeard’s. I had some dry skin in an intimate area and had purchased a bottle of baby oil from the corner pharmacy, and one day ended up giving MI a massage, which both of us really enjoyed. Of course it ended up with sex, but was also very relaxing, surprisingly, for both of us, as well as being a great intimacy builder, and her requests for massage soon became part of the daily routine.

    And it went on. Days of breakfast, swimming, sex, sleep, restaurants, nighclubs, more sex, until one day I woke up and it was my day to go home. Leaving my novia asleep in the room, I took breakfast and in the bar ran into Paulina, the sweet 18-year-old with whom I had spent an hour on the final morning of the first of my three trips. Suddenly I developed a tremendous craving for a chocolate muffin, which quickly overcame all my good intentions, and borrowing a room for an hour, I gave in totally to the craving for eating junk pussy, with great satisfaction only mitigated by the fact that the chambermaid burst into the room exactly at THAT moment, and retreated with muttered apologies. As this was the second time for me on this trip that a gynaecological procedure had been interrupted by the same maid, I have to think that there is a pattern there. Howver Paulina did not seem too distressed as she gave me her phone number and offered to be my novia on my next trip, and to give me the tour of her home town of Santiago.

    Just time to go back up to my room, and give a final massage to my sole client who then demanded oral sex. I remonstrated that it was totally unprofessional for a masseur to breach professional etiquette in this way, but she just snarled “chupa me”, so that was that.

    M1 escorted me to the airport to make sure that I didn’t get diverted to any cabanas on route and hit me up for a couple thousand pesos after I had checked in at American airlines.

    I really hadn’t paid her much on this trip, so I acceded, although it was probably a bad idea. A few days after my return, I spoke to her on the phone and she related a story of having been in hospital three days with asthma and desperately needing four thousand pesos via Western Union to keep her alive until my next trip next month, otherwise she may be dead before I get there. She certainly does suffer from congested sinuses, but this is the first I had heard about asthma.

    I have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end, which is a pity, because if she had played her cards right, she could have kept me loyal for years. I also enjoyed going out to dinner and clubs as a foursome with M1 and my driver Juan and his girlfriend, who also features somewhere in my chronicles

    I have a feeling that I may be seeing a lot of Santiago next time around. And if that doesn’t work out, there are two others who want to be my novia.

    As time has gone on over my three trips to the DR, I have grown more in love with the place, the language, and the culture, and less in love with the chicas, and although I will always want to get laid, I suspect that in future visits I will be putting a bit less emphasis on the sex. At my age 8 chicas in a week is just greedy and too much chica leche can make you dyspeptic.

    To anyone reading this who has never been to the DR: Try it, but beware; it is powerfully addictive; it may change your life. I have met several guys who have made one vacation visit, then gone home and sold up and relocated permanently to the DR.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Excellent excellent report.


  4. #3
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    Travel report


    I liked your trip report too, which I saw on another board.

    That Carolina chick sounds like my kind of gal. My novia likes the novellas too. It is quite a challenge to get them to pay attention to you and your dick when you have to compete with Las Mujeres de Lorenzo.

  5. #4
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    Thanks Frans, I forgot to add that Carolina blew me also. She used to make this popping sound when she would steam for a minute then POP, it would come out of her mouth similar to a champange bottle being opened. Then she would look at me for a few seconds and start blowing again. Damn, I am about to cry!


  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Thanked 32 Times in 21 Posts

    Frans Hals Report

    Excellent report Frans Hals and very entertaining-good work fella!

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