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Thread: 04/2013 - Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

  1. #61
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by TNT72 View Post
    I guess it is in how you read it. I don't read it the way you are.

    I don't think he's saying it is right or just. I think he is saying it how it is, a matter of fact. Like it or not, this is the system.
    Right. Whether one likes it or not.. it's the sistem in the DR. I just wish all of you could get this "Foreigner" slant out of the whole process. This is the way it's done for EVERYBODY, foreigner or not.

    You guys keep pumping this up like it's a "foreigner" getting fucked for being a "foreigner".

    "This is pattern procedure for what happens when a foreigner has a car accident and a Dominican is
    killed accident or not."

    If you think it's love try not paying in the morning..

    "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."

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  3. #62
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedWillie View Post
    I wouldn't dream of defending the fucked up bullshit that goes on here every day and agree in a LOT of instances the corruption in the DR stinks, but am sufficiently well versed to know that there also a LOT of instances where the right lawful action/verdict or whatever occurs. It just doesn't get the same headlines as the former.

    TNT is correct in that my intent was merely to tell it as it is, warts and all from people in the know on the ground and not some sensationalized newspaper report.

    I think in this case the DR legal system is playing it by the book. Their book by the way.

    If I were to defend the DR legal system at all it would be to say I do not know of any other jurisdiction anywhere in the world where if someone has committed murder, the victims family can sway the decision to prosecute or not.

    So in this case she is a helluva lucky woman to have perpetrated such a heinous act here and not elsewhere.
    Hey WW, apologies if I misinterpreted your intent. It is so true about how the press almost always presents/spins every story they write about, and I'm sure this one is no different. I too think that the family(defendant) has not figured things out yet either and probably could have concluded this long ere now. Yes, the system is what it is and like another poster commented, "if you don't like it, then don't live here".....well, guess what....I don't...and I'm very happy. Having said that though, I still think that the DR is a beautiful country, has a lot to offer for some, and there is certainly fun to be had there for some. It just quit working for me so I made some changes. I have no regrets for the years I spent there....I had many good times! No country is perfect and there is fun to be had everywhere I've ever been. It's all good as long as one is happy where they are....unfortunately some people are never happy anywhere and just complain about everything all the time...there are a couple of folks like that there in Sosua now as you know...hehe. As "whynotme" says...." You only live life once, but if you live it right.....once is enough" I've kind of adopted that saying as a motto of mine....just enjoy every day to the max!!!

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  5. #63
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post
    That makes sense, Willie.

    But a year to negotiate something everyone can accept is an awfully long time.

    They must still be world's apart for this to still be going on.

    The Dominican guys family agreed to what amounted to $74,642.80 USD and Nicole Reyes family paid it months ago. After the payment was made the family announced they want more.

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedWillie View Post
    From what I know from people that are close to this the only reason she is still in jail is down to her own sides arrogance/ignorance and stupidity.

    Apparently a settlement amount to the victim's family was agreed upon some months ago and she could have been released on payment, but her family decided to fight to also clear her name.

    Her side has changed lawyers at least once, adding to the delays and have now recently asked for a new judge.

    Her side has failed to understand that the preventative sentence of 1 year allows time for the prosecution to prepare charges OR for a settlement to be reached if all parties are in agreement.

    As the court has been informed that settlement is pending they have no option but to continue detaining her until such time this is done or not.

    Her side mistakenly believe that solely because she has not been formally charged to date with anything she should by default be exonerated and released and are reluctant to part with what amounts to a bribe in their eyes. .
    WW from what I read her family paid the $74,642.80 USD amount to the Dominican Family and the reason Nicoles family changed lawyers is that there was an agreed to legal fee but that amount kept increasing monthly and they simply have run out of money.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
    Right. Whether one likes it or not.. it's the sistem in the DR. I just wish all of you could get this "Foreigner" slant out of the whole process. This is the way it's done for EVERYBODY, foreigner or not.

    You guys keep pumping this up like it's a "foreigner" getting fucked for being a "foreigner".

    "This is pattern procedure for what happens when a foreigner has a car accident and a Dominican is
    killed accident or not."
    Happy I think the being a foreigner angle always plays into these situations BIG TIME.

    If this were a Dominican the family would never ask for this much as they would believe the Dominican guy/gal could never come up with it. But there is this image of the gringo having access to a money tree that can never be exhausted and all their amigos and family are telling them to ask for more because of this perception.

    Happy do you really believe that if a whore tells the cops that a Dominican guy short changed her the cop is going to put the Dominican dude in jail ??? OR better yet the whole shenanigan with VP after he got assaulted and reported it ... after he was put in jail for reporting that "he" was assaulted if he was Dominican do you think the cops would be calling lawyers to represent him so the lawyer could shake him down and the cop could get a cut for calling him.

    I think being a foreigner inside the Dominican justice system puts a
    BIG GREEN target on your back. I'm not saying I think Dominicans get a pass but I believe everything from lawyers fees to payments and payoffs are multiplied several times for the "extranero" would you agree at least with that ??


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  7. #64
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by onetosix View Post
    Hey WW, apologies if I misinterpreted your intent. It is so true about how the press almost always presents/spins every story they write about, and I'm sure this one is no different. I too think that the family(defendant) has not figured things out yet either and probably could have concluded this long ere now. Yes, the system is what it is and like another poster commented, "if you don't like it, then don't live here".....well, guess what....I don't...and I'm very happy. Having said that though, I still think that the DR is a beautiful country, has a lot to offer for some, and there is certainly fun to be had there for some. It just quit working for me so I made some changes. I have no regrets for the years I spent there....I had many good times! No country is perfect and there is fun to be had everywhere I've ever been. It's all good as long as one is happy where they are....unfortunately some people are never happy anywhere and just complain about everything all the time...there are a couple of folks like that there in Sosua now as you know...hehe. As "whynotme" says...." You only live life once, but if you live it right.....once is enough" I've kind of adopted that saying as a motto of mine....just enjoy every day to the max!!!

    I've heard the stories about when you were living in the DR, and another member hearing your phone ringing every 5 minutes. I'm sure you enjoyed your time in the DR.

    But you also worked hard, and planned right. So when you decided to check out someplace new, you could/did and like it there even more.

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  9. #65
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    The Dominican guys family agreed to what amounted to $74,642.80 USD and Nicole Reyes family paid it months ago. After the payment was made the family announced they want more.

    WW from what I read her family paid the $74,642.80 USD amount to the Dominican Family and the reason Nicoles family changed lawyers is that there was an agreed to legal fee but that amount kept increasing monthly and they simply have run out of money.

    Happy I think the being a foreigner angle always plays into these situations BIG TIME.

    If this were a Dominican the family would never ask for this much as they would believe the Dominican guy/gal could never come up with it. But there is this image of the gringo having access to a money tree that can never be exhausted and all their amigos and family are telling them to ask for more because of this perception.

    Happy do you really believe that if a whore tells the cops that a Dominican guy short changed her the cop is going to put the Dominican dude in jail ??? OR better yet the whole shenanigan with VP after he got assaulted and reported it ... after he was put in jail for reporting that "he" was assaulted if he was Dominican do you think the cops would be calling lawyers to represent him so the lawyer could shake him down and the cop could get a cut for calling him.

    I think being a foreigner inside the Dominican justice system puts a
    BIG GREEN target on your back. I'm not saying I think Dominicans get a pass but I believe everything from lawyers fees to payments and payoffs are multiplied several times for the "extranero" would you agree at least with that ??
    Yep, I'd agree with that. I'd also agree that the family is getting greedy with this lady.

    What I was referring to more specifically is that the justice system works the same for foreigners and natives alike. A hooker going to a cop about not getting paid is NOT the DR justice system, or at best, is the system at the lowest level.

    But I see enough people throw in Jail for accidents resulting in serious injury or death to know that it doesn't matter WHERE you are from, the system treats you the same (with preventative custody) and in most cases, the less publicity, the better.

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  11. #66
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    F'd Up situation guilty or not and great commentary by the board. Thank you guys for a nice read during lunch.
    I'm back... Heading Back To Green #TurnUpTime

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  13. #67
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Nicola Reyes: Terrified Brit would rather DIE than serve sentence in Dominican Republic prison

    Dan Callister

    Terrified Nicola Reyes will never forget the screams of a young man beaten to death only feet away from her.
    She was left cowering in her squalid prison in the dirt-poor Dominican *Republic as inmates laid into their victim in the next cell.

    Moments later she watched in horror as guards dragged the man’s battered body into the corridor in the notorious jail dubbed the Devil’s Hotel.

    “They left him there dead in front of us until the morning,” says Nicola, tears welling up in her eyes.
    “I saw other male prisoners chained up so high by their hands they were forced to stand on tip-toe. Guards would beat them with sticks until the sticks broke.”

    These images dominate 37-year-old Nicola’s *nightmares – along with vivid dreams about her *husband Jorge who died underneath the wheels of her car.
    That is why she has been locked up for the past 14 months, herself a target for prison contract killers – accused of homicide over what she insists was a terrible accident.

    She claims she has not even been officially charged.

    And it could be another two years before her case goes to trial on a holiday isle *visited by more than 150,000 British tourists a year.
    Even her own lawyer in the *Caribbean fears she will be convicted of killing her husband.
    “If I am convicted – and I truly think I will be – I will get 30 years,” she says. “I will kill myself. I have worked out a way to do it.”
    Her health is deteriorating *alarmingly.
    She has intestine and bladder infections and can no longer eat the watery *porridge served for breakfast and dinner. She barely sleeps.

    Her parents, Michael and Jeannette Clements, turned to the Sunday Mirror after failing to get help for Nicola from the British Embassy or the Foreign Office.
    They have launched a petition begging David Cameron to intervene in a case that is far from clear-cut.
    Jorge’s relatives in the Dominican Republic claim she deliberately ran over him over after an argument. Initially they demanded £360,000 “blood money” for what Nicola insists was a freak *accident.
    Sitting in a filthy prison alcove watched by gun-toting guards, Nicola twists her wedding ring and fights tears as she tells how her idyllic life in the holiday resort of Puerto Plata turned to hell.

    After a whirlwind romance, Nicola wed in 2007 and set up home in Puerto Plata. “I loved the Dominican Republic and I adored my job as a travel rep,” says Nicola, who worked for Thomas Cook.

    “On bus tours, I pointed out the local jail. It’s known as the Devil’s Hotel – and now I can honestly say it is hell.
    “Ironically, when hotel guests asked me about renting cars I’d tell them not to. If you even witness an accident here police will throw you in jail.

    “I was once thrown in a cell for a few hours because I called the police after seeing a drunk get knocked down.

    “Everyone drives motorbikes without helmets
    , Jorge was no exception. Our relationship wasn’t perfect. He could be hot-headed, but we loved each other and Jorge loved my kids.

    “When they wanted to move back to the UK with my parents, Jorge and I thought we could split our time between Britain and the Dominican Republic.

    Nicola spent six weeks in the notorious Devil’s Hotel. She says she received death threats and feared she would be killed by inmates.
    “The first time I appeared in court I was chained to male prisoners,” she says. “A relative of Jorge shouted he would give them cash to kill me.
    "The men started trying to hit the back of my head. I was terrified. The power went out one night and the other women told me that only happened if there was going to be a break-out or a contract killing.
    “There were 15 of us in the cell and they pulled me into the middle of them to protect me. After six weeks I was transferred to a private jail. I share a cell with two other girls.
    "I have the top bunk and water drips on to my bed when it rains. There’s a bucket behind a screened- off curtain for a toilet and rats the size of cats in the corridors.

    “In the mornings I cry in the shower – it is the only privacy I get.
    “My intestines are inflamed and I have constant bladder infections. There is a doctor here who administers basic checks. I’ve had two smear tests that showed something was wrong. I’m terrified I have cancer.”
    Nicola’s parents, who moved back to Cardiff in April last year just before her arrest, have spent more than £100,000 on her legal bills and living expenses.
    They have drained their bank accounts and retirement fund.

    Nicola’s mum Jeannette says: “Our local MP Stephen Doughty has been terrific but the Foreign Office and *embassy staff just don’t want to know.
    “I keep hoping Nic will be offered bail but we have no way of paying the £150,000 for that. We have been holding car boot sales and collecting money via a Facebook page. But the longer Nic stays in jail, the more I fear the worst.”
    Nicola says her fellow inmates look after her. When she appeared in court last July, one lent her a white shirt, beige shoes and a pair of black trousers.
    “Some of the inmates have killed their husbands – often in self-defence because they were being beaten,” she says.
    “But Jorge and I were madly in love. I did not kill him. It was an awful accident.”
    A Foreign Office spokesman said later: “We are aware that Nicola Reyes was charged in July 2012 and has since been held in detention pending trial.
    “We have been providing consular assistance to Mrs Reyes and her family.

    "We cannot interfere in the judicial *process of another country.”

    This thread was started 8 months ago.
    The name of the thread is : Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    She is now in her 15th month of incarceration without being charged.

    Last edited by ROVER; 10-10-2013 at 10:21 AM.

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  15. #68
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    Nicola Reyes: Terrified Brit would rather DIE than serve sentence in Dominican Republic prison

    Click to see pic Dan Callister

    Terrified Nicola Reyes will never forget the screams of a young man beaten to death only feet away from her.
    She was left cowering in her squalid prison in the dirt-poor Dominican *Republic as inmates laid into their victim in the next cell.

    Moments later she watched in horror as guards dragged the man’s battered body into the corridor in the notorious jail dubbed the Devil’s Hotel.

    “They left him there dead in front of us until the morning,” says Nicola, tears welling up in her eyes.
    “I saw other male prisoners chained up so high by their hands they were forced to stand on tip-toe. Guards would beat them with sticks until the sticks broke.”

    These images dominate 37-year-old Nicola’s *nightmares – along with vivid dreams about her *husband Jorge who died underneath the wheels of her car.
    That is why she has been locked up for the past 14 months, herself a target for prison contract killers – accused of homicide over what she insists was a terrible accident.

    She claims she has not even been officially charged.

    And it could be another two years before her case goes to trial on a holiday isle *visited by more than 150,000 British tourists a year.
    Even her own lawyer in the *Caribbean fears she will be convicted of killing her husband.
    “If I am convicted – and I truly think I will be – I will get 30 years,” she says. “I will kill myself. I have worked out a way to do it.”
    Her health is deteriorating *alarmingly.
    She has intestine and bladder infections and can no longer eat the watery *porridge served for breakfast and dinner. She barely sleeps.

    Her parents, Michael and Jeannette Clements, turned to the Sunday Mirror after failing to get help for Nicola from the British Embassy or the Foreign Office.
    They have launched a petition begging David Cameron to intervene in a case that is far from clear-cut.
    Jorge’s relatives in the Dominican Republic claim she deliberately ran over him over after an argument. Initially they demanded £360,000 “blood money” for what Nicola insists was a freak *accident.
    Sitting in a filthy prison alcove watched by gun-toting guards, Nicola twists her wedding ring and fights tears as she tells how her idyllic life in the holiday resort of Puerto Plata turned to hell.

    After a whirlwind romance, Nicola wed in 2007 and set up home in Puerto Plata. “I loved the Dominican Republic and I adored my job as a travel rep,” says Nicola, who worked for Thomas Cook.

    “On bus tours, I pointed out the local jail. It’s known as the Devil’s Hotel – and now I can honestly say it is hell.
    “Ironically, when hotel guests asked me about renting cars I’d tell them not to. If you even witness an accident here police will throw you in jail.

    “I was once thrown in a cell for a few hours because I called the police after seeing a drunk get knocked down.

    “Everyone drives motorbikes without helmets
    , Jorge was no exception. Our relationship wasn’t perfect. He could be hot-headed, but we loved each other and Jorge loved my kids.

    “When they wanted to move back to the UK with my parents, Jorge and I thought we could split our time between Britain and the Dominican Republic.

    Nicola spent six weeks in the notorious Devil’s Hotel. She says she received death threats and feared she would be killed by inmates.
    “The first time I appeared in court I was chained to male prisoners,” she says. “A relative of Jorge shouted he would give them cash to kill me.
    "The men started trying to hit the back of my head. I was terrified. The power went out one night and the other women told me that only happened if there was going to be a break-out or a contract killing.
    “There were 15 of us in the cell and they pulled me into the middle of them to protect me. After six weeks I was transferred to a private jail. I share a cell with two other girls.
    "I have the top bunk and water drips on to my bed when it rains. There’s a bucket behind a screened- off curtain for a toilet and rats the size of cats in the corridors.

    “In the mornings I cry in the shower – it is the only privacy I get.
    “My intestines are inflamed and I have constant bladder infections. There is a doctor here who administers basic checks. I’ve had two smear tests that showed something was wrong. I’m terrified I have cancer.”
    Nicola’s parents, who moved back to Cardiff in April last year just before her arrest, have spent more than £100,000 on her legal bills and living expenses.
    They have drained their bank accounts and retirement fund.

    Nicola’s mum Jeannette says: “Our local MP Stephen Doughty has been terrific but the Foreign Office and *embassy staff just don’t want to know.
    “I keep hoping Nic will be offered bail but we have no way of paying the £150,000 for that. We have been holding car boot sales and collecting money via a Facebook page. But the longer Nic stays in jail, the more I fear the worst.”
    Nicola says her fellow inmates look after her. When she appeared in court last July, one lent her a white shirt, beige shoes and a pair of black trousers.
    “Some of the inmates have killed their husbands – often in self-defence because they were being beaten,” she says.
    “But Jorge and I were madly in love. I did not kill him. It was an awful accident.”
    A Foreign Office spokesman said later: “We are aware that Nicola Reyes was charged in July 2012 and has since been held in detention pending trial.
    “We have been providing consular assistance to Mrs Reyes and her family.

    "We cannot interfere in the judicial *process of another country.”

    This thread was started 8 months ago.
    The name of the thread is : Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    She is now in her 15th month of incarceration withut being charged.

    This is truely scaring the shit out of me. How the DR system works, it does not matter if she is innocent. I am beginning to reconsider driving in the DR.

    Maybe instead of worrying about prostitution, the President could start reforming the corupt legal and prison system.

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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by dquick View Post
    This is truely scaring the shit out of me. How the DR system works, it does not matter if she is innocent. I am beginning to reconsider driving in the DR.

    Maybe instead of worrying about prostitution, the President could start reforming the corupt legal and prison system.

    I have been going to this country for 20 years and the only thing that changes is that the President and politicians find new ways to fuck over the people.

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  19. #70
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    What a crock of shit. She can't eat, but she's fatter than ever. The forced withdrawal from alcohol appears to be doing her some good.

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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
    What a crock of shit. She can't eat, but she's fatter than ever. The forced withdrawal from alcohol appears to be doing her some good.
    And I still suspect she is guilty. I just feel a person deserves a fair trail before receiving punishment.

    BUT there I go again with my North American attitude.

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  23. #72
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
    What a crock of shit. She can't eat, but she's fatter than ever. The forced withdrawal from alcohol appears to be doing her some good.

    you cant run someone over accidentally TWO times in one incident..
    she is guilty as fuck , afaic. she made her bed.
    esp knowing about the prisons, she does that to a dominican and thinks she gonna walk. thats arrogance,imo
    would love to see her volunteer for a Polygraph, that would be a hoot.

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  25. #73
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by dquick View Post
    This is truely scaring the shit out of me. How the DR system works, it does not matter if she is innocent. I am beginning to reconsider driving in the DR.

    Maybe instead of worrying about prostitution, the President could start reforming the corupt legal and prison system.

    Strange this one - but "those in the know" out on the North Coast are all sure she is guilty.
    Those in the know state once she ran him over, she went backwards over him again, and then forwards - once again over him and went off.
    Those in the know also stated she had an argument with him publicly before they left an event together
    Those in the know also say that she was a cheating drunk herself
    Those in the know state that Jorge was a good guy who loved her - but she bullied him

    "Those in the know" means gossip from ex pats on the North Coast, apparently her neighbor from Costambar and an ex work colleague.

    If she did that on purpose - she deserves to rot in that prison, if it was an accident - she has a lot of "locals" - ex pats against her.
    Either way - her life is shit now.

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  27. #74
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by dquick View Post
    This is truely scaring the shit out of me. How the DR system works, it does not matter if she is innocent. I am beginning to reconsider driving in the DR.

    Maybe instead of worrying about prostitution, the President could start reforming the corupt legal and prison system.
    Whether she is guilty or innocent nobody really knows because there has never been a trial.
    The only thing that is of interest to me is that someone can be detained indefinitely for a car accident without being charged.

    As WSJ3 said " getting ass raped in Moca SuperMax is not on my to-do list when I go to the D.R.. I got a vacation booked in December and I'll be driving for probably 4 of the days and this will definitely be on my mind and will probably be my last driving in the D.R..

    I wouldn't want to be her because from all the publicity this case has received the only way they can now justify this year plus preventive detention is to convict.
    Last edited by ROVER; 10-10-2013 at 06:26 PM.

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  29. #75
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    Whether she is guilty or innocent nobody really knows because there has never been a trial.
    The only thing that is of interest to me is that someone can be detained indefinitely for a car accident without being charged.

    As WSJ3 said " getting ass raped in Moca SuperMax is not on my to-do list when I go to the D.R.. I got a vacation booked in December and I'll be driving for probably 4 of the days and this will definitely be on my mind and will probably be my last driving in the D.R..

    I wouldn't want to be her because of all the publicity this case has received the only way they can now justify this year plus preventive detention is to convict.
    She knows for sure 100%, so your premise is flawed already.
    She may also have confessed. who knows to who, maybe other inmates.

    Not agreeing with another countries justice system or way of doing things but does that mean we can go there, and commit crimes, EXPECTING the same treatment as in our home country with a Fair Speedy Trial ??
    Show me a case where an INNOCENT person was treated this way ? a blatantly innocent person.

    This is NOT a car accident, its a MURDER " investigation" .
    I'm unclear why people can not understand this.

    You and I renting a car, and hitting someone we dont know on the road, god forbid, is a completely Different matter.
    I dont even see the connection. Except for a vehicle being involved.

    Lemme ask you a loaded question, if a GUN was used, would it be more clear ? and she says in her defense, "oh, it discharged by accident, 2x "

    so why would this be on your mind while you are driving a rented car in the DR ??
    Unless that "Someone/ anyone " you mention is you marrying a chica, and then running your esposa over 2x with that rented car , im guessing you wont be in the same jam as this woman.

    This "everyone is innocent til proven guilty" ,leave that shit at home, cause it won' apply in most other countries.

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  31. #76
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by JudgeSmails View Post
    She knows for sure 100%, so your premise is flawed already.
    She may also have confessed. who knows to who, maybe other inmates.
    O.K. I guess that's possible but isn't it also possible she is innocent ????
    Please don't believe everything you read on DR1.

    Quote Originally Posted by JudgeSmails View Post

    Not agreeing with another countries justice system or way of doing things but does that mean we can go there, and commit crimes, EXPECTING the same treatment as in our home country with a Fair Speedy Trial ??
    Show me a case where an INNOCENT person was treated this way ? a blatantly innocent person.
    Judge who is talking about "going there and committing crimes ??? The only thing of interest to anyone here are the parallels that could extend to one of us. I know of at least 4 members held under this preventive detention bullshit all blatantly innocent. Two of them were reporting an assault on themselves. End result jailed overnight and lawyers fees. Again because they reported that they were assaulted. The other 2 were driving and a moto conconcho hit them. Both were incarcerated one for 6 days and both had to pay thousands of dollars in extortion money to get out. It cost one of them $6,000 USD

    Though the cases I just cited are at one end of the spectrum and this woman's case is at the other ...I'm not down with the lesser of the two being totally in the right and a motoconcho hits me and I go to jail (even for a few days) and it costing me thousands of dollars. But that's just me. If your cool with it .. I got no beef with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by JudgeSmails View Post
    This is NOT a car accident, its a MURDER " investigation" .
    I'm unclear why people can not understand this.
    You see judge this is where it gets a little scary for me because the truth is and as this woman's case has shown ....IT IS WHAT THEY SAY IT IS.

    Quote Originally Posted by JudgeSmails View Post
    You and I renting a car, and hitting someone we dont know on the road, god forbid, is a completely Different matter
    I dont even see the connection. Except for a vehicle being involved.
    This again is where you and I seem to have a split ... but that's O.K.. You just seem to have allot more faith in the Dominican Justice System () than I do.

    You see I just wouldn't want to roll the dice if lets say I was driving through Bonao and some kid on a motoconcho struck my car and his mother starts screaming "you killed my son killed my son" and then all his friends and neighbors start joining in the chant .... I just don't want to roll the dice that the local police and prosecutor are gonna say ."OH ! OK ..just give us your information and you can go on your way"

    Now if you feel comfortable in a situation like this ...well then happy trails to you. I'm sure D'Quick and others that have had previous minor encounter with D.R. law enforcement and been incarcerated wouldn't feel so lax.

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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    O.K. I guess that's possible but isn't it also possible she is innocent ????
    Please don't believe everything you read on DR1.

    Judge who is talking about "going there and committing crimes ??? The only thing of interest to anyone here are the parallels that could extend to one of us. I know of at least 4 members held under this preventive detention bullshit all blatantly innocent. Two of them were reporting an assault on themselves. End result jailed overnight and lawyers fees. Again because they reported that they were assaulted. The other 2 were driving and a moto conconcho hit them. Both were incarcerated one for 6 days and both had to pay thousands of dollars in extortion money to get out. It cost one of them $6,000 USD

    Though the cases I just cited are at one end of the spectrum and this woman's case is at the other ...I'm not down with the lesser of the two being totally in the right and a motoconcho hits me and I go to jail (even for a few days) and it costing me thousands of dollars. But that's just me. If your cool with it .. I got no beef with you.

    You see judge this is where it gets a little scary for me because the truth is and as this woman's case has shown ....IT IS WHAT THEY SAY IT IS.

    This again is where you and I seem to have a split ... but that's O.K.. You just seem to have allot more faith in the Dominican Justice System () than I do.

    You see I just wouldn't want to roll the dice if lets say I was driving through Bonao and some kid on a motoconcho struck my car and his mother starts screaming "you killed my son killed my son" and then all his friends and neighbors start joining in the chant .... I just don't want to roll the dice that the local police and prosecutor are gonna say ."OH ! OK ..just give us your information and you can go on your way"

    Now if you feel comfortable in a situation like this ...well then happy trails to you. I'm sure D'Quick and others that have had previous minor encounter with D.R. law enforcement and been incarcerated wouldn't feel so lax.
    Rover, the truth is...what is highlighted is the truth!

    If you're walking down the street, and for some reason a police officer (politur, NP, AMET, etc) decides you are the guy, you are him. He can walk up and check your pockets and find a small bag a weed in your pocket (of course, it was in his palm before he put it into your pocket), and guess what???? You get arrested for poss of mari!!

    While I would agree that if you are driving, you are putting yourself up front for some possible trouble. But if the police/army decide for whatever reason that you are the guy they are gonna work for a payoff...then yes. The cops word is over yours.

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  35. #78
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    Whether she is guilty or innocent nobody really knows because there has never been a trial.
    The only thing that is of interest to me is that someone can be detained indefinitely for a car accident without being charged.

    As WSJ3 said " getting ass raped in Moca SuperMax is not on my to-do list when I go to the D.R.. I got a vacation booked in December and I'll be driving for probably 4 of the days and this will definitely be on my mind and will probably be my last driving in the D.R..

    I wouldn't want to be her because from all the publicity this case has received the only way they can now justify this year plus preventive detention is to convict.
    Don't kid yourself. The only place her case is getting a lot of attention is on the English dailies, and her hometown news.

    I haven't seen crapola about her in any of the local papers for months. Probably because the treatment she's getting is standard treatment for anybody accused of murder in this country.

    The whole idea behind preventative custody (besides investigating what happened) is to give everybody a cooling down period, and to allow the parties involved to work out any sort of amicable agreement.

    It's her family that keeps stirring the shitpot, but they're not getting any publicity about it in the local rags.

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  37. #79
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    Re: Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being charged

    Quote Originally Posted by ROVER View Post
    O.K. I guess that's possible but isn't it also possible she is innocent ????
    Please don't believe everything you read on DR1.

    Judge who is talking about "going there and committing crimes ??? The only thing of interest to anyone here are the parallels that could extend to one of us. I know of at least 4 members held under this preventive detention bullshit all blatantly innocent. Two of them were reporting an assault on themselves. End result jailed overnight and lawyers fees. Again because they reported that they were assaulted. The other 2 were driving and a moto conconcho hit them. Both were incarcerated one for 6 days and both had to pay thousands of dollars in extortion money to get out. It cost one of them $6,000 USD

    Though the cases I just cited are at one end of the spectrum and this woman's case is at the other ...I'm not down with the lesser of the two being totally in the right and a motoconcho hits me and I go to jail (even for a few days) and it costing me thousands of dollars. But that's just me. If your cool with it .. I got no beef with you.

    You see judge this is where it gets a little scary for me because the truth is and as this woman's case has shown ....IT IS WHAT THEY SAY IT IS.

    This again is where you and I seem to have a split ... but that's O.K.. You just seem to have allot more faith in the Dominican Justice System () than I do.

    You see I just wouldn't want to roll the dice if lets say I was driving through Bonao and some kid on a motoconcho struck my car and his mother starts screaming "you killed my son killed my son" and then all his friends and neighbors start joining in the chant .... I just don't want to roll the dice that the local police and prosecutor are gonna say ."OH ! OK ..just give us your information and you can go on your way"

    Now if you feel comfortable in a situation like this ...well then happy trails to you. I'm sure D'Quick and others that have had previous minor encounter with D.R. law enforcement and been incarcerated wouldn't feel so lax.
    I read ZERO about this case on DR1.. not a single thing. I hardly go to DR1 at all. and when i do its for INFO about some travel related matter.
    So that is a HUGE incorrect assumption on your part.

    everything I said was from me, based on facts & what was written in articles posted Right here on ISOC.

    I have NO other interest in the case & was not really looking to debate you, or challenge your opinion, other than to get you to look at this from another angle than " oh she COULD be innocent, she deserves this and that ".
    our opinions dont matter. its their system.

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  39. #80
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    Re: 04/2013 - Extended Vacation ! .. Locked up in D.R. for 7 months without being cha

    Bottom line : You hit somebody with a car in the DR - GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE.

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