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Thread: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

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    08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Camaro in Barahona 2019

    In the almost 5 years I have lived in the Dominican Republic I have been to almost all the major destinations with the exception of Barahona and now it's time for a change.

    I have chosen public transportation because it is more economical and I have had a plethora of problems driving here from water in my gasoline to accidents that were not my fault that I had to pay out of pocket because the police refused to write a report.

    I decided to investigate another option and discovered Uber wanted 4000 pesos, one taxi wanted 8500 pesos and the last wanted 6000 pesos from Santo Domingo to Barahona. The last taxista tried to put the full court press on me and would not stop despite the fact I told him a bus ticket was 400 pesos. He even suggested I used my credit card and ignored me when I pointed out I would have to pay interest on that money I charged.

    Dude was really thirsty. Needless to say I opted for the 400 pesos option...haaaaaaaaaaaa!


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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Barahona is located on the south west portion of the Domincan Republic and is known for it's sugar production, ports and eco tourism. The trip from Santo Domingo to Barahona is just under 4 hours almost the same distance of Puerto Plata TO Santo Domingo.

    Unfortunately I was totally blind on this trip and had no real intel to make good decisions on. I picked Casa del Mar on and had no idea it was remotely located about 30 minutes outside the city which would be a challenge for transportation and internet reception.

    Casa del Mar


    The hotel is inside a secure gate that has to be electronically opened by security. The organization of the staff was not efficient I gave my credit card on line but there was confusion at check in. My credit card was not charged so I had to pay after the fact.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    The grounds

    The bar


    When I arrived I was given fresh chinola juice without the sugar...sorry I need sugar, if you have ever tasted chinola without sugar you will know what I mean.

    I accidently left my lap top at one of the tables at the bar and went to my room to rest, when I returned there was a new staff member that did not know where my lap top was. I was almost ready to write it off as lost or stolen. Later I discovered one of the bar tenders put it in the office but didn't tell the other staff where it was. I was so glad to get it back I gave him a gift. The only thing more important than my lap top is my cell phone.

    Just a little eye candy


    There were 3 different pools


    The buildings had straw roofs and the rooms had no air-conditioning but their were fans


    The property was under construction when I was there so you had to be careful where you walked.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    My room

    This experience helped me to realize that I am a spoiled gringo. I had no air-conditioning the WIFI didn't work most of the time and I had to sleep under a net because of the straw room letting insects in.


    I had a balcony


    The view


    It was great to hear the waves at night and in the morning.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    The food

    I could complain about a lot of things but not the food and the service. Breakafast was included and everything I ate I enjoyed!

    Imágenes adjuntas Imágenes adjuntas

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Just to bust your balls dont pay interest on a charge if you pay on on time....dont be credit card interest rate sucka...

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    La Cuidad de Barahona

    Barahona is set up like many Dominican coastal cities it has a Malecon , and Parque Central which are often the center of the cities social activities.


    On one end of the Malecon is the Zona Franca and on the other end are a series of hotels and businesses. There are several drinking establishments on the Malecon were chicas gather I was only there two days so I did not see very many out and about.

    malb2 (1).jpgmalb2 (2).jpg

    Parque Central

    Central Park is a location where couples hang out and singles also during the weekend. It is surrounded by a couple of drinking establishments and a disco called CoCo Bongo Dance Club which is supposed to be he premier night spot for the city.

    pkc1.jpgpkc3 (2).jpg

    Basically if you are looking for some action on the weekends you can go to the Malecon or Parque Central.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Las Chicas

    Disclaimer this will not be a mongering report there will be no tales of cream pies, multiple leches and comparison of price points to Sosua or any other sex venue. I was only in Barahona for two days which was not enough to see all the city had to offer in terms of women.

    I did have two experiences that were noteworthy. I hired a taxista at 500 pesos an hour to show me the city and be my guide. My taxista took me to a couple of casa de citas but they were closed or moved so I met no pros during my trip.

    He also took me to look at a couple of apartments, I wanted to get a feel of what the cost of living would be like in case I decided to relocate. We arrived at an apartment building under construction. There were 6 3 bedroom apartments that would go for approximately 20,000 pesos monthly. When the building is finished and occupied it will net the owner 120,000 pesos a month.

    When I was getting ready to leave the owner arrived and stepped out of a Toyota 4Runner Limited model. It should be noted that the model of SUV or jeepeta in Dominican slang is a status symbol amongst well to do Dominicans. It is equivalent to a Range Rover in the United States.So who steps out of this jeepeta? A chic about 5'2" 130 pounds with tattoos on her back and arm and obvious but and breast implants. She had an exaggerated coke bottle figure. No woman looks like her unless they are photoshopped.

    Not to be too judgmental but if I had to guess how she got the money for her plastic surgery, her jeepeta and building project I would assume she was either in PFP or hit the gringo lottery. I asked her if she was single and she said she was married to a Swiss. We talked a little about the apartment and she ask me "cuantos idiomas hablas?" and I responded "uno y media" and she cracked up laughing...haaaaaaaaaa! Then I asked "y tu cuantos idiomas hablas?" You know what this chic said??????????

    This chic says "hablo Aleman y un poco de Italiano" I looked at this chic and said "en serio?" she said "si" and I am thinking GTFOOH!!!!!!! Here this chic who looks like an obvious you know what speaks 3 languages, owns a top of the line SUV and best yet she is sitting on a goal mine that has the potential to net her 120,000 pesos a month for the rest of her life.

    She was no dumb chic either she was obviously a hefa because she was giving the construction workers orders like she was a construction foreman I looked at this chic with amazement.

    If for some reason she divorces the Swiss the property would likely go to her and if she stays with him she is set for life. I don't know what she had to do to get where she is but I could do nothing but respect her hustle!

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    The highlight of my trip

    There may have been some pros in the area but my taxista did not know where or whom. He called a female friend of his and asked if she knew of anyone I could have a date with.

    She sent a few photos and the only word I had for them was NOT!!!!!!!!!!

    Then all of a sudden...WHALAH I see one who is built like a Coke bottle about 5' 4" 140pounds. A little thick and hippie but hey beggars can't be choosers...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    I am sooooooo glad I made a soft pass and not a hard pass. Hard pass is "
    dos chupas y dos polvos por cual quiere cantidad de dinero."
    With her I basically said I was looking for a companion conversation dinner and if we had intimacy I would give her a gift afterwards. Guess what happened ...GUESS?????????

    I got BLASTED ...conyo! "No soy esa tipo de chica!" I started tap dancing and apologizing and she agreed to have dinner the following day which was my last day intown.

    We met at a restaurant on the Malecon. First she pays her moto, second she won't camarones y Corona por ella ...haaaaaaaaaaa! Then finally I asked her about child care if she had to pay someone and she said yes. I told her I would give her something for the ninera and you know what she said...GUESS????

    This chic says "tranquilo!" GTFOOH!!!!!!!!!! En serio! On top of that even though she wouldn't eat she was a great date. We absolutely had a GREAT time laughing and joking. I dropped her off at her house obviously a bad section of town I am sure she could have used the money but she didn't ask for anything.

    We plan to meet up in Santo Domingo and spend the day together so in no way was my time with her wasted.


    I met two chics one who appeared to be an ex-pro who peaks 3 languages came up marrying a gringo and now is set for life as an apartment owner. Another chic who I thought was a pro but turned out to be a normal chic who refused to take any money from me.

    I found meeting both chics very encouraging and they were the highlights of my trip.
    Last edited by camaro1257; 08-02-2019 at 12:33 PM.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Sunrise in Barahona


    Final thoughts:

    Barahona is not a place to go mongering, I am sure prostitution exist but it wasn't apparent like it is in other Dominican locations. My impression was it was the typical Dominican town with a Malecon, Parque Central, Drinks and other typical venues you find anywhere in the country.

    It is known for it's eco-tourism and you could see backpackers etc. on Caribe Tours and throughout the city but I saw nothing that even remotely looked like a monger. Women could be found but without Spanish you'd be lost only people in tourist hotels speak English.

    It was great for me to see another part of the Island now I can say I have been to all the major locations the Dominican Republic has to offer and that's a personal accomplishment for me.

    My experience in meeting what appeared to be an entrepreneurial ex pro and a normal Dominican chic who didn't want my money was refreshing. I thinking I am changing deep within because I am meeting more what I would call ECHO CHICAS it seems like I am meeting a lot more regular chics than I have in times pass.

    Not to get too spiritual but I believe in the law of attraction I attract what I am it feels like I am kinda changing within. Anyways it was a great trip and not a waste of time or money.

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    I am planning a trip in late October. Last trip I met a chica and her friend in Las Terrenas who are from (and living in) Barahona. Since I have not been to that part of RD, I am considering going there to see her and the city. I have had good luck with Uber drivers from Boca Chica to Las Terrenas, so I have thaought about trying that...but I think I will go with Caribe Tours. Thanks for the posts, Cam!

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    well done as always Cam....

    memories live on.. but memoirs last lifetimes...

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    Re: 08/2019 - Camaro in Barahona 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
    well done as always Cam....

    memories live on.. but memoirs last lifetimes...

    Until you go senile

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