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Thread: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

  1. #121
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    It is really a pipe dream to turn lower Pedro Cisante into a family friendly stroll. How exactly are they going to do this? Who in there right mind would invest in a candy store for kids where rumbas is? More Chineses junk shops?

    This is a long long long way from coming together. I guess they could completly tear up the beach remove all the stalls. Build 2 marriotts there for all inclusvies...then jody and buffey with their 2 kids could walk up to lower PC and get an ice cream...maybe 2035
    Your exactly right. it is a pipe dream with no chance of success.

    You know the AI game they get you there and strive to keep you there and the guests have no reason to leave as everything is paid for and it's safer for them on the resort.

    Besides that AI peeps don't venture out at night and the only ones that do are looking for the kinda party that they just eliminated from the PC

    Look at Negril. All kinds of AI's and regular tourists there intermixed with the local girls looking to get paid.

    What happens at night. The girls go out and the AI peeps go out to the same bars looking to have a good time and there are alot of places to have a good time in Negril.

    Granted Negril is not really the family friendly kinda place but there are certainly families making the trip to Negril they just don't ever set foot off from the AI.

    Sosua is so far away from the infrastructure necessary to be able to welcome the family tourist. I think this has alot to do with the Mayor last ditch effort to get something done and make herself look good so she can get that next big political job somewhere else next year.

    The big unknown is just how much destruction will she get done before she leaves.
    I am the pussy licker ​Let's have some fun. Not invisible. Snitches are pathetic little people!
    Disclaimer. This post may not be in response to a post by Greybaby. So Greybaby doesn't need to cry about it. Rover has you pegged to a T

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  3. #122
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by bailar View Post
    My question is ,,,, once you have one on retainer , how do you go back to just being occasional amantes?

    I have one that I still like to hit once and awhile, but as far as the relation ship thing,,, the thrill is gone!
    Yes that is the question, and I don't know if there is one answer to it. It depends on the guy and the chica and how it was broken off. I have always enjoyed female friends. When I lived in NY, I always
    could go back to the ex, except one that I recall if I wanted, mostly I think because for me, it wasn't really a nasty break up, it was just time for me to move on. Even my ex wife, who I haven't had sex with for more than 15 years, now have a cordial relationship and we communicate, she is a true bitch, but now that I don't have to deal with her every day, I can deal with her and we have common interests mostly our daughter but also some financial considerations. We get along better now to be truthful better than when we lived together.

    Both of the Dominican chicas who I have considered as girlfriends for a time, I have no doubt I could be with them again sexually if I wanted on occasion. The first I don't see any more because we lost contact, but for the first two years after the relationship changed we would run into each other and we have been friendly. Also the second and most recent ex, sends me messages often, just this week most recently. May not communicate for two or three months then she will send a message, I never initiate contact. She will send a message that she wants to visit the beach, have even let her sleep over, but no more sex for only one reason. She wants to use a condom now, because she knows I am a hound as el Toro described me. I don't go back, if we were together sin condom as obviously any girlfriend would be with me, if we are going to have sex again it would have to be the same way, sans condom.

    Damn even my first real girlfriend from college and I still communicate via Facebook on occasion. If you have been a significant part of my life, I tend to keep you, I don't throw away people unless there is no other option.
    Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can have as many women as I want?
    George Gershwin

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  5. #123
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    I get it that the older guys have slowed down a bit and for the most part have already been there and done that when it comes to turning and burning with chicas. I however, still have an thirst to flip bitchs like pancakes with speed and precision. Still stuck at a point where the trill of the eye contact, the pursuit, and the capture of sexy bitchs on the cheap still provides me an adrenaline rush!! Every time I slowed down to spend quality time with a chica, it always costed me more money than I really wanted to be paying. I embraced my "Need for Speed" and will ride that rocket till I physically can't.

    In my encounters along the way, what I have learned is that when I (at my age) start developing feelings for a chica that I am old enough to be her father or even grandfather, it is a relationship that is not going to work and I am setting myself up for a heartbreak. Doesn't matter if its overseas or stateside; the best that I can do is be happy that I am fucking this brawd for $25, $40, $50 or even $100. It is a business transaction and that's all she ever wants from me. If I were to start paying a bitchs bills (which is common for Dominican men with means) I know for damn well I'm going to start feeling some type of way about her as far as the expectation of loyalty towards me. Younger women (that are in the game) have a whole different mindset when it comes to what they want in a man. Upfront, they will want a man that they can possibly have a future with. That's not me. Younger women of today that are in the game of selling pussy (of all races) also have an addiction for the "Thug Life" type of guy. They will support these dudes that not only are in and out of jail, gave them STDs and even got other women pregnant while they were in a so called "mutually loving relationship" with them. Then after being used and abused, wanna talk shit on why they cant find a good man that wants to be a relationship with them when they got 3 kids and 3 baby daddy's. I'm I testifying? Yes!!! So let the church say Amen!!!

    So I have come to realize and understand that the only thing these bitchs want from me is my money in order to satisfy their wants & needs for the moment and are selling pussy to get it. They are happy when they receive the most that they can get even when its over a longer period of time. However, even when it happens to be over a longer period of time I might be getting the pussy but,...………………….its the same old pussy. (No matter what the bitch looks like) And what's better than pussy? That's right! New pussy!! So to answer the age old question, What these bitchs want? They want everything from one man. And everyman only wants one thing from every woman and that's the pussy. And that's why buying it as I go is sooooo much simpler with less headaches than the relationship in which you as a man are screwed by the established social norms no matter which country you are in.

    5[1].jpg0.jpg7 (2).jpg3 (2).jpg84fc913d66444f96b8f3b58132ae0fa7[1].jpg96-697.jpgx12a[1].jpg

    So help me, as soon as you move her in or start paying her bills the headache begins. Distrust begins on both parts.

    She: How long is this going to last? Who else is he fucking?
    He: Who is she fucking when I am not around in the place that I am paying for?

    Understand I have no bad blood or hate towards the guys that choose to "Keep Women" as that is your choice as you do your thing, I just laid out my thought process on why I continue to choose the Turn & Burn option.

    (Threadjack Complete)

    Last edited by Shogun Warrior; 11-15-2019 at 08:37 AM.

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  7. #124
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    It is really a pipe dream to turn lower Pedro Cisante into a family friendly stroll. How exactly are they going to do this? Who in there right mind would invest in a candy store for kids where rumbas is? More Chineses junk shops?

    This is a long long long way from coming together. I guess they could completly tear up the beach remove all the stalls. Build 2 marriotts there for all inclusvies...then jody and buffey with their 2 kids could walk up to lower PC and get an ice cream...maybe 2035

    LOL.....Family Affair! So bro and sis got married and had kids, huh?

    What would Mr. French think?

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  9. #125
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    You know Shogun I don't think I really have slowed down that much, it's just when you live here you don't need the same intensity everyday. Just yesterday I enjoyed the charms of two young ladies, one early afternoon and the other came over at 10 pm and spent the night. When I travel to Sosua or other places I traditionally have 2 or 3 everyday, that wears me out a bit and after a 4 or 5 day trip I look forward to getting home. Like others have said although $500 a month seems like a lot it actually breaks down favorably economically If you do the math. If you are fortunate to find a good one, that rings all the bells, it makes sense to spend more time with her on a regular basis. Now having said that, I am very independent and like and need my "me time". The point being I will not let a woman move in with me, and a woman will never have keys to my place. Maximum times she will sleep over per week will be two or three times. My preference; if wanted her more for the same amount, it would not be a problem. But like I have said before I know me and I like new and strange and different

  10. #126
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Smooth View Post
    LOL.....Family Affair! So bro and sis got married and had kids, huh?

    What would Mr. French think?
    That's exactly what I was thinking! I remember that show

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  12. #127
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    When do I do my best meets and greets? When I am on the beach eating and drinking. Anytime anyone see's the hat, the bottle----its me. Stop by and have a drink before I start grinding!!
    Imágenes adjuntas Imágenes adjuntas
    Last edited by Shogun Warrior; 11-15-2019 at 08:40 AM.

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  14. #128
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    I like this guy on ilovesosua web is not a board just a guy giving takes.

    Love this...Preach Preach...Gun will agree

  15. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Hunter For This Useful Post:

  16. #129
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    I like this guy on ilovesosua web is not a board just a guy giving takes.

    Love this...Preach Preach...Gun will agree

    Click to see pic
    Any idea who is running that web page?
    I say page rather than site since everything is crammed onto one page.

    Must cost him extra for more than one page LOL

    Really hard to read or maybe his enter key doesn't work

    The domain been around for awhile 2007 but running it on no budget that's for sure

    Appears to be some sort of fitness nut as well

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  18. #130
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post
    Any idea who is running that web page?
    I say page rather than site since everything is crammed onto one page.

    Must cost him extra for more than one page LOL

    Really hard to read or maybe his enter key doesn't work

    The domain been around for awhile 2007 but running it on no budget that's for sure

    Appears to be some sort of fitness nut as well
    It’s run by a guy name Brian who been living in Puerto Plata/Sosua area since 2006/2007. Met him several times, cool dude.

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  20. #131
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post
    Any idea who is running that web page?
    I say page rather than site since everything is crammed onto one page.

    Must cost him extra for more than one page LOL

    Really hard to read or maybe his enter key doesn't work

    The domain been around for awhile 2007 but running it on no budget that's for sure

    Appears to be some sort of fitness nut as well

    My page costs be nothing at all once I pay for the name. Plus I get an e mail with it.

    You want access to trip reports?

    Google Wallet

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  22. #132
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post
    Any idea who is running that web page?
    I say page rather than site since everything is crammed onto one page.

    Must cost him extra for more than one page LOL

    Really hard to read or maybe his enter key doesn't work

    The domain been around for awhile 2007 but running it on no budget that's for sure

    Appears to be some sort of fitness nut as well

    Brian. We call him baseball cap Brian cause he always wears one, but backwards. He's dead broke, but I heard that he's doing a bit better these days.

    One day quite a few years ago I ran into him in Sosua. He had broken his front tooth in half and had glued a small seashell on it. I asked him what the fuck he had on his tooth and he answered "does it show?" Like what the fuck dude!!!!!

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  24. #133
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by sopranostingray View Post
    Brian. We call him baseball cap Brian cause he always wears one, but backwards. He's dead broke, but I heard that he's doing a bit better these days.

    One day quite a few years ago I ran into him in Sosua. He had broken his front tooth in half and had glued a small seashell on it. I asked him what the fuck he had on his tooth and he answered "does it show?" Like what the fuck dude!!!!!

    Dead broke?

    Is he an American?

    Would like to know his back story.

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  26. #134
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by sopranostingray View Post
    Brian. We call him baseball cap Brian cause he always wears one, but backwards. He's dead broke, but I heard that he's doing a bit better these days.

    One day quite a few years ago I ran into him in Sosua. He had broken his front tooth in half and had glued a small seashell on it. I asked him what the fuck he had on his tooth and he answered "does it show?" Like what the fuck dude!!!!!


    You can't make this stuff up.

    Must admit that is a pretty ingenious way to deal with a broken tooth.

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  28. #135
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    Dead broke?

    Is he an American?

    Would like to know his back story.
    He was good friends with Skynard, for awhile. He would contact me on occasion asking me to find him a place here in Boca saying at the time he wanted to leave Sosua. I always found him to be a bit amusing, a harmless guy searching for his place in the world.

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  30. #136
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by yayow View Post
    He was good friends with Skynard, for awhile. He would contact me on occasion asking me to find him a place here in Boca saying at the time he wanted to leave Sosua. I always found him to be a bit amusing, a harmless guy searching for his place in the world.

    I am still searching for my place.

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  32. #137
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post

    You can't make this stuff up.

    Must admit that is a pretty ingenious way to deal with a broken tooth.

    I guess paying $20 or $30 is too much to fix it.

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  34. #138
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    My page costs be nothing at all once I pay for the name. Plus I get an e mail with it.
    That was basically my point. Domains are super cheap to get and maintain if you buy them in the right place

    He bought his through Yahoo Small business and they give a free website.

    No big deal but it could be a little more readable. At least he used different font colors

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  36. #139
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post
    That was basically my point. Domains are super cheap to get and maintain if you buy them in the right place

    He bought his through Yahoo Small business and they give a free website.

    No big deal but it could be a little more readable. At least he used different font colors

    Most likely he doesn't know what he can do. I was lucky because Dt came along and helped ISOC become what it is today.

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  38. #140
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    I like this guy on ilovesosua web is not a board just a guy giving takes.

    Love this...Preach Preach...Gun will agree

    Click to see pic
    Many of you know that I have rental properties. Do you know how many stripper bitchs that I know that have tried to pussy whip me into a house or an APT?

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