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Thread: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

  1. #321
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by el toro View Post
    The Mayor invited several business owners on Pedro Clisante to a meeting this week.

    Joly Rogers, Matteo's and Mamajuama Cafe were the only ones that showed up. The mayor wants the restaurants to come up with ideas to come up with ideas to bring action back to Pedro Clisante. I'm guessing some sort of PG-13 stuff. Tomorrow is supposed to sbe some sort of street festival. You may see some street closures and random daytime events. It won't be like BC closing the streets at night for adult fun.......Not sure if they think bringing a water slide or dog and pony show is the answer or something else. Anyway we will see.
    This is the Dominican way. Break something and then try and figure out how to fix/rebuild. And then blame other people for all failures and mistakes. If there is any success, extort, tax and try to find a legal means take over that business.

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  3. #322
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by ezsmile View Post
    dont many of the beach shacks or restaurants have leases from the ayuntamento? if they have those, how can they be called illegal?

    I know I know this is the D.R., and worse, this is Sosua!
    i believe the land where the beach bars are is owned by either the marine department or military. I forgot which. I do not remember all the details. In other parts of the country, Las Terranas comes to mind, the government was able to invalidate the leases and bulldoze all the shacks and kick everyone out in one swift operation.

    there are rumors that 3 7-story residential buildings are planned for the Charamicos half of the beach and a hotel on the El Batey half. But, as you know rumors in sosua are a dime a dozen. There are plans to redevelop the beach, but how and when is uncertain. There is enough happening in Sosua to speculate that something may happen within the next year. But what???
    Last edited by jose1234; 12-14-2019 at 10:09 AM.

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  5. #323
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    I have been to alot of different beaches around the world and can't think of any of the places that I have been to that are setup like Sosua Playa. Several with places to eat but nothing like Sosua.

    It certainly has a unique charm and I am glad I had the opportunity to experience all of the little beach huts but it's pretty clear there days may well be numbered.

    Pretty much bet they won't go down without a fight and it will likely be a dark day when they finally decide to raze them. Wouldn't be surprised if there is bloodshed when it happens.
    I am the pussy licker ​Let's have some fun. Not invisible. Snitches are pathetic little people!
    Disclaimer. This post may not be in response to a post by Greybaby. So Greybaby doesn't need to cry about it. Rover has you pegged to a T

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  7. #324
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Where the powers that be in Sosua are completely dropping the ball is with the thought process that mongers/putas and the "normal or family tourists" can't co exist.

    Pattaya is a perfect example on a much bigger level of co existing with the monger crowd and the tourist crowd.

    My last trip they had a International Fireworks festival going on. I guess they have it twice a year since I have now been there for both of them and they do it up right with lots of fireworks over a couple days but also a pretty good celebration along Beach road

    They brought in vendors for food and a huge stage for concerts. Closed down beach road so thousands of "normal tourists" could make there way along the route. All along the Beer bars directly across the street continued to operate and were packed with the men doing what the normally do. Drink and look for companionship. Even the girls of Beach road were still there but not as many as you normally see that time of night

    Point being is they have figured out how to take full advantage of both types of tourists and they seem to do a pretty good job of it and the big "corporate" hotels and places to eat don't shy away.

    Hell there are the big massage places and beer bars where the girls hang out and a Starbucks right across the street.

    Granted they don't really tolerate the dip shit activities of the some of the WW types that have infiltrated Sosua but all they would have to do is arrest and fine a few of the malcontent's acting like fools and they would stop doing the stupid stuff that they do.

    When is the last time you saw the policia arrest a gringo in Sosua. They could straighten things up in a hurry if they wanted to and not have to eliminate the monger from Sosua.

    It could work out very well for the people of Sosua if they did it the right way.

    The fireworks were great

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  9. #325
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    What I think is maybe forgotten about all this, and mind you, just speculation here, but the reputation that Sosua has earned with the residents of the rest of the country over the years will not suddenly disappear overnight. How many posts have we read, many from expats themselves living there, who always mention how a chica would never tell their family they were going to Sosua, rather saying they were staying with a friend and have a job at a restaurant, or something like that. That "shame" they want their family to avoid having to deal with, by going to work the trade in Sosua, must be embedded for many in the country.

    My perspective of Sosua goes back to the stories that Marco used to tell me in my earliest visits in 2007 and 2008, probably the tail end of those "good old days" that get talked about from time to time, about when he first got there in 1991. Another guy who passed away a couple years back, a German, he told me similar stories, as he lived in a place a short walk away from where the Hotel Voramar is now. It was wild back then, bars open all night, tons of chicas, tons of European tourists, well before the WW's ever knew about it, years before the explosion of the internet, that cast a light on all this.

    All this is going back basically 30 years, so probably half the population of the DR only knows of Sosua by it's tawdry reputation and certainly all the chicas only know of it this way for their entire lives! Once earned, a reputation can be very hard to lose. It takes time, perhaps in this case, many years, probably a decade at least, for Sosua to gain any sense of a family friendly destination, outside of the Sunday family day at the beach. But even then, those families don't venture into town and fill the restaurants and shops and spend money there. When I'm at the beach, I seldom see any Dominicans even doing any shopping in the souvenir shops, only going to the small colmados for soft drinks, water or a snack.

    Pattaya was a quiet fishing village in the mid-60's and is now a booming metropolis, probably with close to a million people, maybe more, living there. Sosua, as many of us have seen in old photos, was a similar place. Can it be anywhere close to having a similar explosion of development, though on a much smaller scale than Pattaya, of Sosua, without the corresponding reputation, thanks to the internet, for additional supermarkets, shops, restaurants, condo and apartment complexes, newly paved roads and infrastructure, increased transport, professional services, and all the rest.....could ANY of this be envisioned without that tawdry reputation that Sosua had earned from previous decades, or do the powers that be all think that it would have happened anyway had it remained a quiet fishing village?

    The main factor that has caused the growth of the economy in that area, that helped to bring jobs, is now viewed as an eyesore and needs to be either eliminated or removed to an "out of the way" location, so as not to "ruin" it for the scores of families and "regular" tourists who will for sure now come to fill the void.

    Oh well, guess I'll be down in a few more days to get a look at it myself. Look forward to meeting up with a few of the expats there from the board to have a drink and shoot the shit.

    And find a straggler or two who might offer their tempting delights for a wayward traveler.

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  11. #326
    ezsmile is offline Ten Year Member & Paid subscriber of I.S.O.C. & member of the Stash.
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Been here almost a week now, and yeah, it has changed! These days I have ended up wifing up, during the nights, but the times we have gone out, things are pretty quiet. Ahnvee has had decent crowds and well packaged chicas (some very well packaged chicas!) but I am still not sold on it. Never checked High Caribe yet. Pedro Clisante is quiet with a few chicas strolling and the expat entertainment end doing ok, the same as ever. Britannia now Mateo's but haven't tried it. I did go to the disco at the Casino Reef or whatever it is called (old After One) and it was dead as a doornail. Went twice on the same night, at 11 PM and at 1:30 AM, all it had was loud music. Maybe it will pick up I don't know.

    If all you are in Sosua for is to look for hoes, there must be better places right now.

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  13. #327
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    The new Sosua will work for some and not others. You won’t know until you get there. You got to be a bit more of an extrovert to enjoy the place now. The girls still want to work, but the new setup doesn’t really allow them to be aggressive. If you’re the type of guy who likes to sit on your hands and wait on a chick to approach you odds are you’ll be disappointed.

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  15. #328
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Looks like the municipality is behaving like a weekend millionaire. Let's see for how much longer they will sustain the show to prove turning PC into family area.

    ‘Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all’

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  17. #329
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by questner View Post
    Looks like the municipality is behaving like a weekend millionaire. Let's see for how much longer they will sustain the show to prove turning PC into family area.

    Click to see pic

    How the momma and poppa of those family tourists gonna like it when Steffany Costanza belts out one of her songs La Leche. Somehow I suspect she not promoting milk for your cereal

    or she better not dress like she did in her video Lo Malo

    She a hottie though. I would go see her but I guess I am no longer welcome there since I am a monger.

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  19. #330
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by jose1234 View Post
    This is the Dominican way. Break something and then try and figure out how to fix/rebuild. And then blame other people for all failures and mistakes. If there is any success, extort, tax and try to find a legal means take over that business.
    The mayor is also asking those businesses for financial support to help fund the new activites. I would tell her to go fuck herself. We had the street closed before and it was going really well until she approved its reopening.

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  21. #331
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by ezsmile View Post
    Been here almost a week now, and yeah, it has changed! These days I have ended up wifing up, during the nights, but the times we have gone out, things are pretty quiet. Ahnvee has had decent crowds and well packaged chicas (some very well packaged chicas!) but I am still not sold on it. Never checked High Caribe yet. Pedro Clisante is quiet with a few chicas strolling and the expat entertainment end doing ok, the same as ever. Britannia now Mateo's but haven't tried it. I did go to the disco at the Casino Reef or whatever it is called (old After One) and it was dead as a doornail. Went twice on the same night, at 11 PM and at 1:30 AM, all it had was loud music. Maybe it will pick up I don't know.

    If all you are in Sosua for is to look for hoes, there must be better places right now.
    The next 5 years or so are going to be very difficult for Sosua businesses. Once the new highway from Santiago is finished, you'll see all the rich Dominicans coming each weekend and the real estate prices should go up. It's only a matter of time, but Sosua will continue changing and it will become a family destination....just not an expat family destination.

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  23. #332
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by sopranostingray View Post
    The next 5 years or so are going to be very difficult for Sosua businesses. Once the new highway from Santiago is finished, you'll see all the rich Dominicans coming each weekend and the real estate prices should go up. It's only a matter of time, but Sosua will continue changing and it will become a family destination....just not an expat family destination.
    I'm only occasional visitor and trust you more, but what's the logic behind it? Why it will be difficult for businesses? (as it seems more difficult than before?) Why would they come each weekend? Couldn't they come even without a new highway? (What is an extra hour in traffic for rich folks anyway?) Why would the prices go up? So, Santiago is not a family destination enough?

    Beyond the immediate ocean line there is a shitload of land available for years. Also, the highway to Samana has been built and the whole highway along the North Coast has been improved and will be improved, and it is a positive development, but I don't see it alone to be a catalyst for prices to jump up, and by prices I mean land - the cost of building now for condos all in land, development and all materials along the shore is about 400 to 500 dollars per square meter.

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  25. #333
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sage View Post
    The new Sosua will work for some and not others. You won’t know until you get there. You got to be a bit more of an extrovert to enjoy the place now. The girls still want to work, but the new setup doesn’t really allow them to be aggressive. If you’re the type of guy who likes to sit on your hands and wait on a chick to approach you odds are you’ll be disappointed.

    maybe there's a market in Sosua for these t shirts?

    Last edited by steviewonder; 12-15-2019 at 06:19 PM.
    “I don’t know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.”

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  27. #334
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Just read they are going to turn lower Pedro into Boca Duarte on weekends...

    Close off streets and restaurant tables in street....Good idea....And mayor get some lightposts also....

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  29. #335
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by questner View Post
    Looks like the municipality is behaving like a weekend millionaire. Let's see for how much longer they will sustain the show to prove turning PC into family area.

    hopefully it can return like the good old days......Yes it was back in 2009, but the street parties were always the best in local entertainment and extras

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  31. #336
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    Just read they are going to turn lower Pedro into Boca Duarte on weekends...

    Close off streets and restaurant tables in street....Good idea....And mayor get some lightposts also....
    It has been tried before and ended up in injury.

    I recall they tried to close the bars from public to force the folks inside.

    Then they tried to limit the restaurants to put chairs outside.

    They even tried to chase and charge their own citizens for walking!

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  33. #337
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    Just read they are going to turn lower Pedro into Boca Duarte on weekends...

    Close off streets and restaurant tables in street....Good idea....And mayor get some lightposts also....
    Yesterday they had some sort of street fair during the day. As the evening progresses a few places like Matteo's were BBqin out front. Later near sinatras, they had a stage and 3 live music performances. It was various latin music. There were a decent amount of people at tables and chairs in the street. It was the most engergy that I had seen on Pedro Clisante since the closures. There was a nice mix of tourists, locals, expats, and of course hoes.
    Me gusta mujeres mas oscuro que yo.

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  35. #338
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by el toro View Post
    Yesterday they had some sort of street fair during the day. As the evening progresses a few places like Matteo's were BBqin out front. Later near sinatras, they had a stage and 3 live music performances. It was various latin music. There were a decent amount of people at tables and chairs in the street. It was the most engergy that I had seen on Pedro Clisante since the closures. There was a nice mix of tourists, locals, expats, and of course hoes.
    Did they already close Pedro streets on weekends?

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  37. #339
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    Did they already close Pedro streets on weekends?

    How soon you forget

    May 2014 they put up the bars to stop traffic

    June 2014 they shut down D Latin

    June 2014 the street parties begin

    JUly 2014 movies on the PC

    August 2014 more street parties

    Early Sept 2014 the business owners don't like the street closure

    Late Sept 2014 the business owners like the street closure

    Dec 2014 now they like the street closure

    Early Jan 2015 they lift the street closure

    Late Jan 2015 business owners want the street closed again

    Nov 2015 they start the sidewalk construction. blah blah blah

    July 2016 4 bars on PC get shut down. Oh the street is closed again

    July 2016 someone saws off the barriers used to close the street

    October 2016 the Govt forbids tables and chairs on the sidewalk effectively ending the street closures

    September 2017 still working on the sidewalks

    Bars opened and bars closed during this time

    April 2018 bars on PC told they have to move in 14 months

    April 2018 the construction in the new "red light district" begins

    Sep-Dec 2019 Bars close, bars open

    Dec 2019 they want to close the street and bring in entertainment and have the remaining businesses along the PC provide financial support for it

    The shit show, the constant level of government dysfunction continues and the people of Sosua also continue to suffer.

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  39. #340
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    Re: 07/2019 - Current situation in Sosua

    LOVE YOU JD!!!!!!

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