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Thread: Guidelines and Policies

  1. #1
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    Guidelines and Policies


    We really hate putting these up because they seem so negative, and we want this site to be something different and more positive. ISOC was started because we got tired of trolls going unchecked, troublemakers running rampant like on other sites, and to be an enjoyable place to hangout and exchange information. We respect everyone's opinion, but when that opinion regularly disrupts the majority of people enjoying a website, it becomes an issue.

    Let's be clear on this, you can respectfully disagree with us if you need; you can even tell us we're wrong and your explanation why. Neither of these will necessarily cause you to be banned UNLESS you break the rules.

    Guidelines for posting/reaction to threats:

    There seems to be a growing misconception amongst a few posters that this site is governed by the "Declaration of Independence" and that it's ok to make threats.

    This has been written because we need some new or additional guidelines as recently posters have threatened moderators or other posters and this totally unacceptable.

    A few of points:

    1) This isn't a democracy or even a country. It's a bulletin board/ website. No one has any God given right to free speech if it is deemed "over the line".

    2) Because posters sometimes get carried away and cross the line there are moderators to control things. Not everyone likes it but it is necessary. Posts are removed/moved/edited for the good of the board. If a post or thread is removed/moved the poster(s) will get a PM
    explaining why from the moderator responsible.

    The decision to edit or delete posts rests solely in the hands of the moderators of this forum, their decision is final and not open to discussion or appeal.

    3) You don't have to like it but if you are going to post here you do have to live with it.

    4) Making threats against other members is and should be grounds for instant banning. If it persists or the person threatened desires it will and should be reported to the authorities.

    Policy #1

    You are responsible for what YOU post:

    ISOC, the owners, administrators and moderators are not and will not be held responsible or accountable for the content of posts. If you post something that is either (a) illegal or (b) upsetting to someone in real life, it's YOUR PROBLEM and the finger gets pointed at you.

    If a member is offended by something that is posted, PM a moderator or administrator immediately and we will look into it. DO NOT take it upon yourself to "correct" the matter on your own, let us do our job and resolve the dispute. On that note, any picture or content that you post is also your responsibility. ISOC will not be held accountable for any copyright issues. We will make every REASONABLE effort to remove posts at your request.

    Policy #2

    No harassing the moderators:

    They are trusted and do an often unpleasant and misunderstood job for free. Please respect them as the people that actually CARE about making this site fun for 99% of the visitors.

    The decision to edit or delete posts rests solely in the hands of the moderators of this forum, their decision is final and not open to discussion or appeal.

    If you have a problem with a moderator PM JimmyDR directly and DO NOT make a thread about it. JimmyDR will respond to these type of complaints sent directly to him.

    Policy #3

    No underage content:

    The following is the policy of ISOC regarding the sexual exploitation of underage persons.

    ISOC does not in any way, shape or form condone illegal sexual activities such as sexual exploitation of minors and maintains a Zero Tolerance policy about posting anything to do with the sexual exploitation of minors. As a result, no member or guest of this Forum is to engage in discussions about this kind of illegal and sexually exploitive activities. This includes, but is not limited to, words and pictures.

    Please note that currently the Age of Consent for sexual activity of Dominicans with non-Dominicans is 18 and ISOC supports any efforts by authorities to enforce that law. ISOC fully supports international efforts to
    eliminate the sexual exploitation of children around the world.

    Violators of this policy will be banned for life without warning, and their IP address will be captured for possible future inquiries by authorities. There is no place for that type of behavior in this Forum.

    Policy #4

    Racism is strictly forbidden:

    "Racism, is not interpreted by the intent of the poster, it is how it is interpreted by the general public." This may not sound fair, but, in this case, refer to Rule 1 above.

    ISOC members come from all racial, ethnic, economic, educational, and cultural backgrounds from all over the world; we are all different, yet we have much in common, especially, but not only, regarding our common interest in the Dominican Republic. It is this diversity of thought that is the essence of our strength as a group.

    The purpose of the ISOC is to enhance the DR experience as defined by the individual. We are here for enjoyment of the country and our fellow ISOCers.

    While we respect the private views that each individual may have on any given subject, there will be a Zero Tolerance policy of ISOC towards any posts of an overtly offensive racial, ethnic, or cultural nature. These posts will be deleted immediately by the moderators, and the poster banned.

    There is no place for that type of behavior in this Forum.

    Policy #5

    No flames and/or trolling, ever:

    (A troll is someone that posts to "Get under your skin" or cause a reaction/argument.)

    I don't care if you carefully word your post; if its intention is designed to upset someone, then it's not allowed. You ARE allowed to disagree with another member and state your opinion. Saying "I think you are wrong because..." is ok. Saying "You're a fucking moron!" is not. THREATS OF PHYSICAL VIOLENCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AT ALL! Trolls will be banned immediately!

    Policy #6

    We are all adults, act like one:

    We all agreed that we are over 18 years of age. This site deals with a mature subject matter, act accordingly. Childish behavior is strongly discouraged. Some people have seemed to have forgotten that our travels are all about having fun. For the majority of you it's a vacation spot!!! Let's all try to be a little light-hearted and have FUN.

    Policy #7

    No spamming:

    If you are a business owner you are MORE THEN WELCOME to go ahead and post some events you have coming up, however talking about your business in every other post is NOT allowed either. ISOC site is not an outlet for you to fly a banner to get as much money as possible.

    Policy #8

    Post in the appropriate category:

    There are categories all over the board. Just about everything has a home somewhere. Posting a good joke, funny picture, or general chit-chat belongs in the "members shooting the breeze" not the "Santo Domingo-Hotels" section. Moderators will move posts accordingly will let you know why via PM. Let's try to keep it organized so this board doesn't get totally disorganized.

    We recognize that hijacking threads or “threadjacking” is commonplace at ISOC and often a part of the charm for seasoned members. However please be respectful of people’s wishes. If specifically requested please do NOT jack that thread. Also please be mindful that members put a lot of time and effort in their trip reports. Try not to pollute them with random ramblings and threadjacks and don’t be surprised if you threads get moved if you don’t abide by this.

    If in doubt, start your own thread elsewhere.

    Policy #9

    No fake handles and no sharing passwords:

    This board "self-moderates" in that I am able to see the IP address of EVERY post as well as other usernames that use the same IP address. I realize some of you work together, so that is not an issue. However, be aware that if you cannot say what you want to under one name alone, then it's not worth posting. There are two EXCEPTIONS: 1)for people that own a business here and would like to be able to enjoy the board and relax without being "Politically Correct". If this is the case, simply PM me your reasoning as well as the names you wish to use. If approved it will remain confidential and UP TO YOU to maintain that confidentiality. 2) for moderators.

    Policy #10

    Never, ever, show this site to a chica or a local:

    Some people think it's cute to mention to the girl that he saw her picture at "so-and-so". BELIEVE ME when I tell you that IT IS NOT. All you do is upset the girl, upset members, and force management to ban you if and when we find out who it was. It’s easier than you might think. Once we find out it was you, we reserve the right to make a special post dedicated to your name and why you were banned and it will be via "Global Announcement". Like the first 2 out of 3 rules of the movie "Fight Club" - "You DO NOT talk about ISOC”!

    Policy #11

    Members here are not enforcers:

    We have moderators; we don't need hall monitors/whistle blowers telling other members how to behave. Your job is to have fun here; ours is to make sure that the majority of members have fun as well. We have a special section for moderators to discuss events and what-not behind "closed doors". PM one of us if you would like us to put a topic on the table for our discussion. On the other hand, if you do have a problem with a thread, a real problem, not a personal vendetta with a member, please feel free to report the thread to the moderators.

    These policies are effective immediately, please keep this in mind.

    ISOC Management

    The Forums are a "living/breathing" entity that is in real-time. As such, it is quite impossible for the webhost, site owner and moderators to filter through each and every post. If you find a photo and/or post that you deem to be offensive, PLEASE e-mail us immediately at:
    We will do our best to accommodate your request for removal and/or modification.

    1st infraction = warning where applicable
    2nd infraction = 48 hour temporary ban
    3rd infraction = Pre-moderated posts...Everything you say will be pre-screened by the moderation team
    4th Infraction = permanently banned

    all infractions subject to need i.e if severe we may skip a few levels if deemed necessary.

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    Re: Guidelines and Policies

    These are the rules so READ them please.

  4. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Jimmydr For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Guidelines and Policies

    Learn it, live it, love it.

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