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Thread: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

  1. #1
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    Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Installment #1: HarborView Condominiums - Puerto Plata

    Two weeks of sun and fun have come and gone. I arrived home last night, though it feels more like a just left home last night. I really do enjoy the D.R.. I even looked at a few homes, just to get a feel for the real estate, in case I win the lottery.

    I have a few adventures to share, as my trip was not anything like I planned nor expected, but I'll spread it out over several posts as I get time to write and recap.

    The first week of my two-week trip, I was booked into HarborView Condominiums. I was met at the airport, as promised, by Billy Lane. White tee-shirt and red ball-cap as promised. I didn't need to remember, though, as he picked me out of the crowd quickly. I must really look like the stereotypical Canadian tourist. An American from Boston also arrived at the same time and Marco and I ended up spending considerable time together. Billy gave us a short tour around Puerto Plata, and then to the Harbor View Condominiums. I had intended to meet up with a lady I met last trip and, as it turned out, Marco had similar plans with a very sweet young thing from a previous trip of his.

    Well, both ladies definitely worked on Dominican time, not American. After several calls and waiting around for a couple of hours, Billy gave us our first lesson in how to deal with the local chicas. On my behalf he phoned up my lady and told her she had 1/2 an hour and then we were all going out to Sosua to look for new ladies. Period!! And he hung up!!!

    Well, 20 minutes later in she prances like nothing had happened and we settle in for a few days/nights of relaxation. Bueno!!! Lesson #1 completed. Thank you, Billy, mi maestro!!

    Actually, one could not ask for a better tour-guide or mentor if new to the D.R. Billy is full of sanguine advice and knowledge. I know I frustrated him a few times, as I am one of those people who learns best from his own mistakes, not so much by listening to others. Still, being forewarned is being forearmed, and I was never surprised when Billy's predictions came true...and he has the scene down to a me. Oh, and Billy, you were right again...she took my cheapo cell-phone to give to her sister. I don't mind, and thanks to your advice I had pre-deducted its value from her parting gift. So she earned it!!!

    One great thing about the trip was Billy's home-style cooking. Large, 3-egg American-style breakfasts every morning, and some amazing dinners too. At reasonable prices!!! During my second week, I drove back from Sosua just for breakfast a couple of mornings. You also have to try his cheesecake. Superb!!!! And the chicas were having oral orgasms right at the bar with every mouthful. I think I had to change my underwear, just from watching those beautiful, sensual ladies make love to that cheesecake.

    I'll tell you this right now...the next time I go to the D.R., I'm staying at HarborView Condominiums in Puerto Plata the whole time. The rooms are great, the food amazing, and the advice and comaraderie superb!! And the location is actually quite convenient overall. The motoconcho drivers know it by sight...just show them Billy's card with a picture of the pink castle on the mountain and you're home, even without any Spanish.

    Lesson #2...If you have a cell phone, hide it. And if you have a cell phone on a plan...leave it at home. The chicas can home in on a phone with minutes on it like well-trained scenthounds. If they had ever got my Canadian cellphone I would be in the poor house. I learned to only purchase minutes 100 pesos at a time...the phone will be empty of minutes when you want to use it anyway, no matter how many you purchase. Billy said that you can get local cellphones for about 700-800 pesos. My lady bought mine for me, and it cost me 1000 pesos, including some unknown number of minutes which she had used up prior to surrendering it to me. Claro vs. Orange...Claro seemed to have the most consistent novia actually switched while I was there (yeah, I bought her the new SIM card).

    Stay tuned...much more to come...

    P.S. to Weyland. You also were right. It is NOT cheaper to "wife" up, especially when your novia is a smart player like mine. But it is a whole different experience and I was fortunate enough to have time in both modes...monger mode and wifed up.

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  3. #2
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Great Stuff!!

    Any pictures of the condos or chicas??

  4. #3
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post
    Installment #1: HarborView Condominiums - Puerto Plata

    An American from Boston also arrived at the same time and Marco and I ended up spending considerable time together. Billy gave us a short tour around Puerto Plata, and then to the Harbor View Condominiums. I had intended to meet up with a lady I met last trip and, as it turned out, Marco had similar plans with a very sweet young thing from a previous trip of his.

    The rooms are great, the food amazing, and the advice and comaraderie superb!!

    Stay tuned...much more to come...

    All this fun time you had and my name is not mentioned once .........

    Thats not cool....ehe'.
    Lecciones de la vida:

    Si le das la mano te cojen el brazo entero
    Mas jala tiene un pelo de toto, que una junta de bueyes
    El día que la mierda tenga algún valor, los pobres nacerán sin culo
    Si la vida te da la espalda... Tócale el culo
    Amore de lejos, amor de pendejos

  5. #4
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by Corrado View Post
    All this fun time you had and my name is not mentioned once .........

    Thats not cool....ehe'.
    Sure we sat at the bar together a couple of times. Not news!! Other than that, the only thing I saw of you was your back as you escorted some of the prettiest talent on the island to and from your room. You've got the eye for the pretties, my friend, I'll grant you that.

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  7. #5
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Installment #2: Adventure to the Campos
    Monger warning - no chica content in this installment!!

    So I've had a couple of fairly relaxing novia takes off around 10:00 each morning and returns around 6 or 7 at night. She has her clothing business to attend to, and her partner needs help. I like the break. Marco and I headed went for a walk one day, and got quite lost. We estimate we walked about 8 miles by the time we got back. It was a good time, and I think we found some of the best and worst areas of Puerto Plata. But it was daylight, and I frankly felt much safer than in downtown Edmonton, L.A., Boston, or a number of other places I've been. The people were always friendly and helpful, even though I have nearly no Spanish.

    Another day, we took the afternoon off and headed to Blackbeard's. There were only a couple of chicas there for the mid-afternoon. Both were stunning and friendly. We had several drinks before returning to our Novias for the night. Marco's didn't show, so he went out whoring with Billy and, I believe, Corrado. I stayed in and awoke in the morning around 4:30am or 5:00am to the most beautiful wistful music I've heard in my life. It gradually got louder until I finally dragged myself out of bed and looked out the window. There, on the Avenue de Circumnavigacion, or whatever it's called, only a block below my bedroom, was a procession of well over a thousand people singing in Spanish. In retrospect, I believe it was a recreation of the journey of Christ to his crucificion. I'm not very religious, though, so I may have the details wrong. I lay awake and listened to this wonderful, soothing, melodic and superbly delightful singing for another hour before it had completely faded away as the procession passed out of sight.

    My novia had been making excuses about needing to go home to the San Francisco area for several days now, so we decided to make the trip. Up at 5:00 am, and out the door. Taxi to the Caribe Tours bus. It was full, so we got to sit six across the back (designed for 4) with Jeitme's 2-year-old son, Daryy across our laps. The bus went to Santiago (1.5 hours) at which point we transferred to another. It, in turn, went another 2 hours to where I don't know. We got off and Jeitme hustled me over to a Gua Gua, the first of three. Two more hours of Gua Guas and we're standing on a gravel road with no traffic at all, so we start walking. 15 minutes later a Motoconcho comes by (apparently it's the only one on the road) and we're off...Concho driver, baby, Jeitme and myself falling off the back of the bike. That was the longest 10 minutes of my life, trying to stay on the back of the bike with my ass hanging off the end, over the roughest gravel roads I could imagine. But finally we got to her village!!!

    Well, she wasn't making up excuses!!! Her grandmother HAD died and people were coming from everywhere to pay their respects. Huge wreaths were placed around her grandmother's picture. On Jeitme's request, I sat with her and everyone who came through shook my hand (and half of them cried on my shoulder), and uttered appropriate condolences to me about my loss, all in Spanish, of course, which I don't understand. Apparently I had been adopted into the family (this is getting scarey), and although I couldn't pick up many of the words, it seemed to me that Novio and Esposo were being interchanged more and more frequently. Jeitme's mother seemed to be the biggest culprit. Perhaps because Jeitme's no spring chicken by D.R. standards (Jeitme is in her mid 30's), her mother was trying to hasten things along.

    I was treated like royalty, and after having promptly forgotten the names of 7 Tias (Aunts), 7 Tios (Uncles), two brothers, three sisters, Jeitme's mother and father, it was time to eat. All afternoon they had been brewing up some concoction in a cauldron suspended over an open fire. As the older aunts tended it, I kept thinking to myself of nursery stories of witchcraft and ugly old witches encanting spells over a boiling cauldron. Every so often one of the ladies would go over and stir could even have been laundry for all I knew. was the FEAST!!! 40 pounds of rice, some beans, a scrawny chicken, some seasoning and mystery vegetables, too cooked down to recognize. Enough for the whole village!! As two men carried it into the kitchen, I did understand as one of them said to the other, in Spanish, "Don't drop's worth a small fortune". As seemingly the guest of honour, I was asked to sit and was served first; a mighty large plate piled far too high. Luckily, it was quite tasty and I didn't find myself involuntarily doing anything rude. Then the rest of the men joined me and we ate heartily, all of us telling stories, even me. I understood not a word they said, and vice versa, but they listened intently as I told my story too. I suspect they were talking about the departed grandmother, but as I had not met her, I talked instead of my first night at Cristal's. They couldn't understand me anyway.

    Later I had the opportunity to wander around the village more, and went over to Jeitme's father's house. Her sister cut me down a Coco nut, sliced it open, and I had my first taste of Coco milk, and Coco flesh. was like candy and the children were all jealous until they got one too. I called it a coconut, but was corrected. Only Coco. Idunno, I'm a city boy from the Great White North.

    Now this is definitely third world. Most have no power, and none have running water. I watched while children are bathed and laundry cleaned in a slow-running creek, and water is carried from there too. I went to carry some water from the creek to "flush" with, and was chastised. Jeitme would not have her man carrying picture this 85 pound lady carrying two five gallon plastic pails of water back to the house while I guiltily followed, hands in pockets.

    Compared to the rest of the village, I think Jeitme's dad is quite well off. He has a about 1 1/2 acres enfrente the creek, three goats, a horse, a dozen (well, only eleven now) chickens and several Coco palm trees. They even have an old 12" T.V. set that gets only one channel, and a light bulb that works. I'm not sure where the power comes from. In retrospect, it seems odd that Jeitme could complete her grade 12, but the picture are proudly displayed of her and her sisterseach in their graduation smock and hat.

    Now carrying around a 2-year-old all day can be tiring, so I carried Daryy much of the way back. It was amazing to see and feel the difference in attitude towards me from the local population. Even though I spoke no Spanish I was no longer a Gringo, there to fuck their women and leave babies behind. I was taking responsibility for my handiwork (no, he's not mine, but they didn't know that). The Gua Gua drivers were offering me beers, giving me high fives, etc. Space was made on the bus, and the general attitude improved a lot. for thought. But it was late, and we missed the last bus from Santiago and had to catch a GuaGua from there to Puerto Plata. Jeitme declared (at 10:00pm) that it was too late for her to cook supper, so I agreed to buy supper at Portofino (she loves taking the leftover pizza to the lady who babysits her child, so I always order a large). Onto the MotoConcho we, Jeitme and me hanging my butt off the back end again. I insisted on a taxi back to spend the night, and although Daryy was well-behaved, I also insisted that she find a sitter in the future. I'm too old for a two-year-old on anything but day-visit frequency.

    What a day!!! And what an experience!!! I am forever amazed at how strong family is among the Dominicans, and how happy these people are. They have nothing, but seem to want little more than family. Methinks the ambitious ladies found in Puerto Plata / Sosua may be more the exception than the rule.

    Now the 9th day of mourning is important in this culture, and the 9th day of Jeitme's grandmother's death fell on Easter Sunday. She was missing her family, and since Peter had PM'ed me and promised me that La Passions would be open for business and encouraged me NOT to bring a date for Semana Santa, I encouraged her to go back to her family for Semana Santa and her grandmother's 9th day.

    I'm now free for the next four days...and I'm gonna do me some mongering...of course, in the next installment.

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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post
    .... the only thing I saw of you was your back as you escorted some of the prettiest talent on the island to and from your room. You've got the eye for the pretties, my friend, I'll grant you that.
    Flattery will get you everywhere.......

  9. #7
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    This is wonderful stuff. Last summer I found myself in the campo outside of San Francisco De Marcoris. The rice fields were about 50 feet from the house. The view was green and lush. The family who was amazed with this black guy who spoke english pull out their DVD player that they literally had to had crank to get going. We watched skanky panky in spanish and the damn machine kept cutting off and needing to be restarted. It was real homey and down to earth, but I was bored as all get up. I was happy to leave the campo and head to the civilized environs of Santiago.

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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post

    We had several drinks before returning to our Novias for the night. Marco's didn't show, so he went out whoring with Billy and, I believe, Corrado. I stayed in and awoke in the morning around 4:30am or 5:00am to the most beautiful wistful music I've heard in my life.

    Well, she wasn't making up excuses!!! Her grandmother HAD died and people were coming from everywhere to pay their respects. Huge wreaths were placed around her grandmother's picture. On Jeitme's request, I sat with her and everyone who came through shook my hand (and half of them cried on my shoulder), and uttered appropriate condolences to me about my loss, all in Spanish, of course, which I don't understand. Apparently I had been adopted into the family (this is getting scarey), and although I couldn't pick up many of the words, it seemed to me that Novio and Esposo were being interchanged more and more frequently. Jeitme's mother seemed to be the biggest culprit. Perhaps because Jeitme's no spring chicken by D.R. standards (Jeitme is in her mid 30's), her mother was trying to hasten things along.
    Did Marco tell you about what happened that night? He met this chia with the best personality I've ever come across..........and me.......well it did not go so good .

    I am sorry for her loss, she is a real sweet girl. I'm glad you found a good companion.

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  13. #9
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Granted I know you just got home...but if post stories in the Picture Section...

    ...howabout posting ummmm.....PICTURES!

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  15. #10
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by carolinajack View Post
    Granted I know you just got home...but if post stories in the Picture Section...

    ...howabout posting ummmm.....PICTURES!
    I thought I started this in the "DR Trip Reports" section...not the pictures section.

    Somehow they point to the same place, depending on how you navigate. Mea's in the wrong place.

    Moderator, please help!!!! I would appreciate this thread to be moved out of the pictures section, as I will only disappoint the masses here with my abundance of text and lack of pictures.

    - terrierist

  16. #11
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by Corrado View Post
    Did Marco tell you about what happened that night? He met this chica with the best personality I've ever come across..........and me.......well it did not go so good .
    Are you referring to the shy flaca girl? If so, she was Marco's favourite for his remaining nights. She's not yet a pro, but if Marco hadn't forbade me, I'd have tried to make her one...she was very nice.

    Sorry about your night...she was absolutely stunning, as were all your ladies while I was there. But the two of you were absolutely angry come morning. I just assumed she didn't deliver...and so only got paid for services (not) rendered. There's a reason that we should never pay in advance...they may waste our time, but they have to earn what's in our wallets.

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  18. #12
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post
    Installment #2: Adventure to the Campos
    Monger warning - no chica content in this installment!!

    But it was daylight, and I frankly felt much safer than in downtown Edmonton, L.A., Boston, or a number of other places I've been. The people were always friendly and helpful, even though I have nearly no Spanish.

    I stayed in and awoke in the morning around 4:30am or 5:00am to the most beautiful wistful music I've heard in my life. It gradually got louder until I finally dragged myself out of bed and looked out the window. There, on the Avenue de Circumnavigacion, or whatever it's called, only a block below my bedroom, was a procession of well over a thousand people singing in Spanish. In retrospect, I believe it was a recreation of the journey of Christ to his crucificion. I'm not very religious, though, so I may have the details wrong. I lay awake and listened to this wonderful, soothing, melodic and superbly delightful singing for another hour before it had completely faded away as the procession passed out of sight.

    My novia had been making excuses about needing to go home to the San finally we got to her village!!!

    Enough for the whole village!! As two men carried it into the kitchen, I did understand as one of them said to the other, in Spanish, "Don't drop's worth a small fortune". As seemingly the guest of honour, I was asked to sit and was served first; a mighty large plate piled far too high. Luckily, it was quite tasty and I didn't find myself involuntarily doing anything rude. Then the rest of the men joined me and we ate heartily, all of us telling stories, even me. I understood not a word they said, and vice versa, but they listened intently as I told my story too. I suspect they were talking about the departed grandmother, but as I had not met her, I talked instead of my first night at Cristal's. They couldn't understand me anyway.

    Later I had the opportunity to wander around the village more, and went over to Jeitme's father's house. Her sister cut me down a Coco nut, sliced it open, and I had my first taste of Coco milk, and Coco flesh. was like candy and the children were all jealous until they got one too. I called it a coconut, but was corrected. Only Coco. Idunno, I'm a city boy from the Great White North.

    First time eating coco flesh or drinking milk...where the hell do you live!

    Compared to the rest of the village, I think Jeitme's dad is quite well off. He has a about 1 1/2 acres enfrente the creek, three goats, a horse, a dozen (well, only eleven now) chickens and several Coco palm trees. They even have an old 12" T.V. set that gets only one channel, and a light bulb that works. I'm not sure where the power comes from. In retrospect, it seems odd that Jeitme could complete her grade 12, I insisted on a taxi back to spend the night, and although Daryy was well-behaved, I also insisted that she find a sitter in the future. I'm too old for a two-year-old on anything but day-visit frequency.

    What a day!!! And what an experience!!! I am forever amazed at how strong family is among the Dominicans, and how happy these people are. They have nothing, but seem to want little more than family. Methinks the ambitious ladies found in Puerto Plata / Sosua may be more the exception than the rule.

    I'm now free for the next four days...and I'm gonna do me some mongering...of course, in the next installment.

    My condolenses (sp) for your novia's grandmother...truly...

    ...but could you be less National Geographic - PBS - Discovery Channel -esque in this pictureless report.

    As an admitted rookie - I still think these first two installments of this Travel Channel report could have been posted elsewhere... this section for eye popping photos and hardcore advice on the game in Sousa.....please.

    Great tip on phone in first part of this Hallmark Series report.

  19. #13
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by carolinajack View Post
    My condolenses (sp) for your novia's grandmother...truly...

    ...but could you be less National Geographic - PBS - Discovery Channel -esque in this pictureless report.

    As an admitted rookie - I still think these first two installments of this Travel Channel report could have been posted elsewhere... this section for eye popping photos and hardcore advice on the game in Sousa.....please.

    Great tip on phone in first part of this Hallmark Series report.
    OK, OK already!!!!! Look at this menu!!!
    Dominican Republic - General Information
    Information, News, & Discussion about the Dominican Republic.
    DR - Airlines (80/897) DR - Car Rentals (6/89) DR - Chicas (43/675) DR - Customs & Immigration (9/144) DR - El Campo (Countryside) (3/34) DR - FAQs & General Questions (22/361) DR - Gallery DR - Investing & Real Estate (3/35) DR - Links DR - Money Exchange, Budgets, Costs, etc. (4/83) DR - Music (11/65) DR - News & Events DR - Public Transportation (18/280) DR - Places of Interest (6/34) DR - Recreation (4/45) DR - Safety (8/137) DR - Trip Reports & Pictures DR - Weather (4/16)

    I posted under DR - Trip Reports & Pictures. It's a Trip Report. !!!WTF!!!! If a moderator will move this to where it would be preferred, then fine.

    Until then....NO MORE INSTALLMENTS. I'm not doing this for my own pleasure. I've already been there!!!

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  21. #14
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    Clap Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    terrierist great report I like your style of reporting

  22. #15
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Sosua, RD - General Information (6 Viewing)
    Information about Sosua, a town on the north coast of the Dominican Republic near the POP airport.
    Sosua - Chicas (94/2937) Sosua - Hotels & Condos (236/5407) Sosua - News & Events (69/1131) Sosua - Recreation (56/942) Sosua - Regular Clubs (67/1655) Sosua - Restaurants & Other Services (123/2069) Sosua - Sex Clubs (36/1058) Sosua - Trip Reports (362/12022)
    1,09928,340Dominican Republic
    Information, News, & Discussion about the Dominican Republic.
    Airlines to the DR (173/2086) Cabanas (20/215) Car Rentals & Taxis - DR (81/1042) Changing Money in the DR (77/1827) Concerts - DR (74/769) Customs & Immigration - DR (11/260) El Campo - DR (6/135) F.A.Q.'s - DR (221/3179) Golfing, Surfing and Sports (18/193) Investing in the DR (17/190) National Attractions - DR (23/125) Real Estate - DR (4/9) Safety in the DR (35/590) Questions about the DR (73/1281) Weather - DR (4/61)

    How about one of these Shakespeare?

  23. #16
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by carolinajack View Post
    My condolenses (sp) for your novia's grandmother...truly...

    ...but could you be less National Geographic - PBS - Discovery Channel -esque in this pictureless report.

    As an admitted rookie - I still think these first two installments of this Travel Channel report could have been posted elsewhere... this section for eye popping photos and hardcore advice on the game in Sousa.....please.

    Great tip on phone in first part of this Hallmark Series report.
    Man, who made you read it ? Just don't read it anymore...

    As you said, you're a newbie. After a couple of years, you'll probably be really tired of seeing the same old tired hardcore Sosua's bitches you seem to love so much. Don't forget that there is more than Sosua and the 15-20 putas we always see here. And, also, a lot of members here would like to read the rest of his report.

    Mr Terrierist, please continue your report, I find it interesting and I enjoy reading it.

    Thank you all !

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  25. #17
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Another thing CJack, it's spelled SOSUA and if you need anymore tips on mongering there than what is already on the board, you have a problem.

    Am I the only one here who is tired with the endless Sosua conversations on the board ? Fuck, nothing there has changed since 10 years, all you need to know has already been posted.

    Let the guy who do more than Sosua share their stories, please.

    Thank you.

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  27. #18
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post
    I thought I started this in the "DR Trip Reports" section...not the pictures section.

    Somehow they point to the same place, depending on how you navigate. Mea's in the wrong place.

    Moderator, please help!!!! I would appreciate this thread to be moved out of the pictures section, as I will only disappoint the masses here with my abundance of text and lack of pictures.

    - terrierist
    It can be moved to a specific DR city or to DR - Other Cities.
    We surveyed 100 chicas and the top 69 answers are on the board. Here's the question...


  28. #19
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap


    Keep posting, to hell with the naysayers. I like the information, its all about your experience. Like I posted in my last socalled report myself, there are no Rules. I enjoyed the family in the campo as well on occasion, it makes for a great experience.

    Again, share your experience, and if others don't like, read a different post.


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  30. #20
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    Re: Terrierist's D.R. Recap

    Quote Originally Posted by terrierist View Post
    I suspect they were talking about the departed grandmother, but as I had not met her, I talked instead of my first night at Cristal's. They couldn't understand me anyway.
    Hey Terrrierist ... I damned near fell off my chair when I read this.

    Don't let the naysayers mess with you .... this is amongst the best reports I've read here yet. Your insight and humor are outstanding.

    In the first half of your trip you took chances, and did things that some guys with 20+ trips havn't done.

    Reading this is getting me sooooo wound up for my April 15 trip!!!

    I find this intermission caused by anothers lack of respect to be quite frustrating. Please do continue!!!!

    Carolinajack, et al ... you don't have to read it ... Terrierist has done things already in this report that I've not even yet dreamt of, and I'm sure that many of us want to hear the rest of the story!!!

    You might want to pay attention to Terrierist might actually learn something more than a pictorial lesson in anatomy and gynocology!!! (Some of us already know where to find the chicas "girl parts").

    If you can't say something nice ....
    You are not special!

    She is not different than the others!

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