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Thread: 09/2010 - Would you do it again.

  1. #41
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by DMV View Post
    Do you see yourself staying in Puerto Plata?
    For the time being, yes.

    In future years, if I live that long, my real income may slowly shrink with inflation (not a problem for the near future) and I will need to reduce expenditure. One way of doing so would be to move away from the tourist areas where prices are higher. Hopefully by that time my Spanish, my local contact list, and my knowledge of how to get things done here will all have improved sufficiently to facilitate such a move.

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  3. #42
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by weyland View Post
    For the time being, yes.

    In future years, if I live that long, my real income may slowly shrink with inflation (not a problem for the near future) and I will need to reduce expenditure. One way of doing so would be to move away from the tourist areas where prices are higher. Hopefully by that time my Spanish, my local contact list, and my knowledge of how to get things done here will all have improved sufficiently to facilitate such a move.
    With each passing day your need for toto will slowly diminish. As inflation grows for the rest of the world, Deflation of that thing between your legs will more than off-set it. Always look on the bright side of life.

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  5. #43
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by riclagriclag View Post
    I’m curious to know after living in the Dr have some of you conquered the don’t drink the water issue. I can’t even bring myself to eat salads and have ice at local none tourists restaurants and brush my teeth without wondering if I’m going to get sick

    Excuse my spellin!!
    The water issue has been discussed here many times.

    Ice first. No bagged ice is made here without using purified water. We're talking about as pure as you can get. A visit to any ice factory will place your mind at ease.

    Water. Virtually nobody drinks water from pipes, due to contamination. The only folks you see drinking non bottled water are country folks.

    Everyone else drinks bottled water, available in all sizes of bottles, but the main sizes being 16 oz bottles or 5 gal jugs.

    Poorer people will buy water from small water trucks that drive through the neighborhoods numerous times a day, and is cheaper than bottled water in colmados.
    If you think it's love try not paying in the morning..

    "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."

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  7. #44
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by weyland View Post
    I will read it if he edits it into the standard font. I cannot understand why anyone would go to the trouble of writing such long and carefully-worded posts then deliberately fuck them up with stupid colors or fontfaces.
    #1. Environment concerns: Security in where I was going to live and my surrounding area was the hardest thing for me as I was not sure what the dangers were here w/ the locals. Also I needed to get to know other gringos around me as I was told they would help with the ins and outs of your area. I was always on my guard at home and when traveling out and into areas that may not have a lot of gringos present. Over time I was able to get out around the country which made my days more interesting and at the same time very rewarding. As stated b4, unless you think you can go to the beach every day and live a co**** life while hitting Sosua at night, you will need a purpose for being here. Even with a job, you need to get involved in something besides hunting chicas down. Volunteering your time, gym, and planning a personal trip somewhere helped me. Like 2or3 times a week outside of Sosua while taking public transport is what I did in the first 3 months b4 getting a car. Just going to POP and walking the streets, or learn the bus system and head to Santiago and back in a full day will help in developing confidence in where you are and the people you meet. I didn't know Spanish and It was very easy to see that I would need to learn quickly especially if I wanted to deal with the locals. If you need to learn then you will find just getting by on the basics (CD’s) will get you a long way. Then the more you hook up with locals in some way then the easier you will develop your skills vs. in a class room w/ a group of gringos, trust me on that one. I hooked up w/ a chica that I enjoyed and paid her $ a month to work 2 or 3 times a week in helping w/ my Spanish, and it also improved the sex.LOL! I’ve maintained that you must develop the ability to live under the radar in most every situation while living here as gringo. Avoiding conflicts with Dominicans is a must, and at the same time learn to swallow your ego and harness your anger. Never think a Dominican will side with you as a gringo when there’s another Dominican involved in a dispute. If you want and can only live by flashing, then it’s your thing and your time, it’s not mine. What I learned living here is that this is a third world country where 90% of the entire working force earns less then US$200 a month. Then when you take a local gringo who is spending on avg. 7 times that amount in living here, why would I want to flash and bring attention to myself? I learned Dominicans are survivors and image is everything to them. They will spend the last peso they have on a salon or pair of jeans b4 they think about where they are going eat next. But to see the real environment I had to venture out in this country. There I found people who may have just the basics in life, however they would give you the last scoop of rice if they knew you needed it. One of many lessons I learned about the environment was one that no matter how long I or you would live here this is not our country. Also, I learned because you cannot change the way things are done here, learn not to sweat the small stuff. Also another lesson I learned quickly was most Dominicans aren’t concern in getting anything changed here either. As far as looking at things in a logical way, well I was best leaving that at the airport especially when you experience how some things are done here and the speed in which they are done.

    #2 Local treatment: There’s not a one rule for this on how Dominicans will treat you and the timing of this change. However, what I have learned is this really depends on you and what type of personality you bring to their table. Also a lot will simply evolve over time as to where and when you encounter locals, and probably more importantly how you present yourself to them. From day 1 I never dressed like a tourist w/ a camera around his neck everywhere, or wore shorts and sandals at night outside of tourist areas as I knew the locals would look at me as a tourist. I was told at the beginning; If you treat the locals like lower class citizens similar to how they’re treated by the so called rich Dominicans here, then I would suggest you get to the airport as fast as you can and leave. It did help me, and at the same time amazed me how showing a little respect along with a smile went a long way with the locals. And I already knew that if I did was hang out on PC all day/night and then head into classicos, well then I wouldl only really have one type of connection w/ a local that I was living here. Also my sole judgment would be based on what the rate was, which I know would be harder to convince them to lower if they only saw me in Classicos all the time. So I would say, depending on how long you plan to live here will determine whether you’re able to encounter more Dominicans especially outside of Sosua, and how they treat you as well. I had and still do have a 6-8 yr plan to be here. So Sosua was used as a base for me, and not to be used as my only area to educate myself or hunting chicas down. Not to say it’s the right plan for most people, but it worked for me in that it offered me a lot of opportunities to meet Dominicans in places that Sosua would never be able to provide. However in Sosua I would only hang out in local gringo bars, make some friends in these places and move out to the country in order to meet some Dominicans, especially chicas that were not interested in Sosua. I would say within 2 months I started to experience the different reaction from locals and more importantly the confidence that I developed in being amongst the locals in places I knew I had to go to see the real DR. What I mean by this is when you’re in local bars, carwash, colmado, or restaurant outside of Sosua, Dominicans will generally look you over like they did me, but in most cases will not make you feel uncomfortable. You may find yourself thinking as I did as to what these Dominican where saying about me, or thinking like, why is he here? Then and only then you will learn how things are done here as well as basically improving your local senses. You’ll then start to notice that Dominicans don’t drink to get drunk, and in fact can take a ½ hr to finish off a grande. Chicas are not interested in you if you’re seen as a drunk unless you’re in Sosua where they have mastered “the money and run trick”. Be aware if you see a chica you like if other Dominicans are heavily checking her out as well in these local places. I made this mistake one too many times as you may want to rethink about stealing a local girl away from him. However, if you have established in the place you live here, or if the chica is very receptive then go 4 it. Never flash your tip to a local bar girl or waitress like you’ve got money to throwaway. I learned to place it in her palm w/ a smile either when I’m ready to leave, or if I buy a beer and get 5 pesos back. I’ve seen tourist buy a beer at 70 pesos, get 30 pesos back and give it to the girl.
    WTF, 40% tip and the girl doesn’t even smile and the guy doesn’t even get her number. Trust me while living here, throwing your money away in tips will never earn you any respect, it will only put you into the loco gringo class and not local gringo. These are just some of the Dominican customs that I mention because they were easy for me to see how the local do things, and at the same time made some of the differences in how you’re treated by locals. As far as Sosua, getting Dominicans to treat you differently will be based on who and how often you encounter them. If you go into say Playaro 2 to 4 times a week for one month, chances are very good most of the staff will know you’re living here. The same goes for banks, bars, beach vendors, where ever. Despite what people think about Dominican’s and their lack of education, they do have an amazing memory with names and faces, and I mean amazing. Just watch them play Dominoes and they can tell you every combination that’s been played.

    #3 Gringo area: This really depends on you language skills and how confident you are in your environment. Yes it’s easier in the tourist areas to get started as I did not knowing any Spanish. But at some point I knew it would depend on what I wanted to get out of living here. The main advantage in the tourist areas is the services that are available and the ability of getting help if you need, i.e. medico, transportation system, friends w/ gringos, & others. The drawback is that you’re sometimes grouped w/ tourist gringos as the locals in this area can change almost daily. Even after 4 yrs. living here I still get approached by locals who think I’m a tourist. But also the upside is you can make some very good local contacts overtime that will support you as resident and provide you some very valuable information while living here.

    #4 Chicas/Novias: The amount you dive into and the pace you go at it, really depends how important to you is quantity vs. quality and everything in between. What I have experienced is that the longer I’ve lived here the more I have changed as to how I look at these chicas, and the bullshit that comes w/ it. But the variety that one can obtain here will always outweigh the disadvantages. I guess you could ask yourself while living here; do I want to eat at the local favorite all you can eat buffet line and gain 30 pounds in the first 6 months? Or would I prefer to order from my favorite menu, and maybe have several desserts on the side? What is consistent here with some local gringos is yes they fuck other women while having a local novia. As you know being a tourist and will learn more by living here is it’s in your face and the availability is at every street corner. Then you add the payment factor most local gringos which are paying peanuts vs. what a tourist pays or nothing at all. I never wanted a novia when I first arrived as I was told it would tie me down with all the side issues that would come with being a local newbie. Well what happened to me was the opposite in what I planned for my first yr. However, I ‘m glad I didn’t listen to that advise as this stunner actually was one of the best things besides her pussy that happened to me. She ended up helping me get around this country and also spoke English and taught me a lot about the DR and the people in it. Now I was lucky to get a girl that had a very good job and saw Sosua as a cesspit which allowed me some freedom. However, I was not prepared what happened to me and what is very common here in what I call the jealous encounter from the third kind. Some guys I know have avoided this and after being here for awhile do have novias that have worked in Sosua. For the most part I think it’s easier to take the girl out of Sosua then it’s to take Sosua out of the girl. The other problem is when you dump a chica that works in Sosua, you will have a hell of a time avoiding her when going back into the city, as well as not knowing what she’s told her amigas about you. Then I know many more guys who enjoy the novia experiences only w/ girls from other parts i.e. STG/
    POP/SD and These relationships seem to work a little better, but can’t be compared to want normal is in other countries. The culture, education, and economical differences here will always be a facture in the vast majority of these girls, no matter how fucking good their pussy is. You will also experience as I have way too often when w/ a novia the “amigo factor”. This is the novia that tells you he’s only an amigo and we never had B4 or are having sex. These girls are no different than us guys, they’re masters at bending the truth, and more important to us they love to fuck. Now, there are many girls which you can meet that say work in a bank, office, or etc. and may be a bit different in how a relationship would develop. They’re in most cases living with their parents and may not be so eager to put out until they’re sure that you are only interested in a real relationship, and not an adventure. You’ll get asked like I have; how long you have lived here and how long will you be staying? They’ll also ask you about your family, back home and how you make your money. But don’t be fooled, these girls know the gringo sex scene and they will be a bit more suave in how and what they want from you, especially after they finally have given you their toto. I found that their families and amigas pressured them in getting pesos or things from me because I was seen as a rich gringo and that I should be paying in some way for the sex I was getting. But there are also ways to justify helping them and really at the end of that day you’re not really paying out a lot compared to back home, unless you get them pregnant.

    Warning: These girls are the hardest ones to get rid of if you decide you want out.Especially when you consider how they or their amigas have been fucked up mentality by Dominican males over the sexual freedom that has existed here for many yrs. As for us gringos, we haven’t been here long enough to qualify in this class.

    4 yr. residential report for the DR and for DMV……AMEN!

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  9. #45
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by riclagriclag View Post
    Oh! I like to add to the thread that I’ve been to Terrierist house . I will say that he has a little bit of paradise in POP. He started from scratch and through hard work and determination he’s built an everyman’s dream. He is in my opinion the poster child of someone who has succeeded. I take my hat off to you. If ever I need advice on the move I know who to ask.

    Excuse my spellin

    One man's paradise is another man's prison. Careful what you hope for. I'm very happy with my decision and my lifestyle, but as Weyland noted, it's not the right decision for many. And for those who care to ask, my advice is free...and worth exactly what you pay for it.

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  11. #46
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Hey, any guys living in the south or east?
    Represent, Las Terrenas, Rio San Juan, Santiago, San Cristobal, San Pedro, San Francisco and yes even Bavaro. You guys are 4 hours from anyone else, but I don't hear many stories about power problems
    I'm a Payer not a Player

  12. #47
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by steviewonder View Post
    You asked 4 it!

    #1. Environment concerns: Security in where I was going to live and my surrounding area was the hardest thing for me as I was not sure what the dangers were here w/ the locals. Also I needed to get to know other gringos around me as I was told they would help with the ins and outs of your area. I was always on my guard at home and when traveling out and into areas that may not have a lot of gringos present. Over time I was able to get out around the country which made my days more interesting and at the same time very rewarding. As stated b4, unless you think you can go to the beach every day and live a co**** life while hitting Sosua at night, you will need a purpose for being here. Even with a job, you need to get involved in something besides hunting chicas down. Volunteering your time, gym, and planning a personal trip somewhere helped me. Like 2or3 times a week outside of Sosua while taking public transport is what I did in the first 3 months b4 getting a car. Just going to POP and walking the streets, or learn the bus system and head to Santiago and back in a full day will help in developing confidence in where you are and the people you meet. I didn't know Spanish and It was very easy to see that I would need to learn quickly especially if I wanted to deal with the locals. If you need to learn then you will find just getting by on the basics (CD’s) will get you a long way. Then the more you hook up with locals in some way then the easier you will develop your skills vs. in a class room w/ a group of gringos, trust me on that one. I hooked up w/ a chica that I enjoyed and paid her $ a month to work 2 or 3 times a week in helping w/ my Spanish, and it also improved the sex.LOL! I’ve maintained that you must develop the ability to live under the radar in most every situation while living here as gringo. Avoiding conflicts with Dominicans is a must, and at the same time learn to swallow your ego and harness your anger. Never think a Dominican will side with you as a gringo when there’s another Dominican involved in a dispute. If you want and can only live by flashing, then it’s your thing and your time, it’s not mine. What I learned living here is that this is a third world country where 90% of the entire working force earns less then US$200 a month. Then when you take a local gringo who is spending on avg. 7 times that amount in living here, why would I want to flash and bring attention to myself? I learned Dominicans are survivors and image is everything to them. They will spend the last peso they have on a salon or pair of jeans b4 they think about where they are going eat next. But to see the real environment I had to venture out in this country. There I found people who may have just the basics in life, however they would give you the last scoop of rice if they knew you needed it. One of many lessons I learned about the environment was one that no matter how long I or you would live here this is not our country. Also, I learned because you cannot change the way things are done here, learn not to sweat the small stuff. Also another lesson I learned quickly was most Dominicans aren’t concern in getting anything changed here either. As far as looking at things in a logical way, well I was best leaving that at the airport especially when you experience how some things are done here and the speed in which they are done.

    #2 Local treatment: There’s not a one rule for this on how Dominicans will treat you and the timing of this change. However, what I have learned is this really depends on you and what type of personality you bring to their table. Also a lot will simply evolve over time as to where and when you encounter locals, and probably more importantly how you present yourself to them. From day 1 I never dressed like a tourist w/ a camera around his neck everywhere, or wore shorts and sandals at night outside of tourist areas as I knew the locals would look at me as a tourist. I was told at the beginning; If you treat the locals like lower class citizens similar to how they’re treated by the so called rich Dominicans here, then I would suggest you get to the airport as fast as you can and leave. It did help me, and at the same time amazed me how showing a little respect along with a smile went a long way with the locals. And I already knew that if I did was hang out on PC all day/night and then head into classicos, well then I wouldl only really have one type of connection w/ a local that I was living here. Also my sole judgment would be based on what the rate was, which I know would be harder to convince them to lower if they only saw me in Classicos all the time. So I would say, depending on how long you plan to live here will determine whether you’re able to encounter more Dominicans especially outside of Sosua, and how they treat you as well. I had and still do have a 6-8 yr plan to be here. So Sosua was used as a base for me, and not to be used as my only area to educate myself or hunting chicas down. Not to say it’s the right plan for most people, but it worked for me in that it offered me a lot of opportunities to meet Dominicans in places that Sosua would never be able to provide. However in Sosua I would only hang out in local gringo bars, make some friends in these places and move out to the country in order to meet some Dominicans, especially chicas that were not interested in Sosua. I would say within 2 months I started to experience the different reaction from locals and more importantly the confidence that I developed in being amongst the locals in places I knew I had to go to see the real DR. What I mean by this is when you’re in local bars, carwash, colmado, or restaurant outside of Sosua, Dominicans will generally look you over like they did me, but in most cases will not make you feel uncomfortable. You may find yourself thinking as I did as to what these Dominican where saying about me, or thinking like, why is he here? Then and only then you will learn how things are done here as well as basically improving your local senses. You’ll then start to notice that Dominicans don’t drink to get drunk, and in fact can take a ½ hr to finish off a grande. Chicas are not interested in you if you’re seen as a drunk unless you’re in Sosua where they have mastered “the money and run trick”. Be aware if you see a chica you like if other Dominicans are heavily checking her out as well in these local places. I made this mistake one too many times as you may want to rethink about stealing a local girl away from him. However, if you have established in the place you live here, or if the chica is very receptive then go 4 it. Never flash your tip to a local bar girl or waitress like you’ve got money to throwaway. I learned to place it in her palm w/ a smile either when I’m ready to leave, or if I buy a beer and get 5 pesos back. I’ve seen tourist buy a beer at 70 pesos, get 30 pesos back and give it to the girl. WTF, 40% tip and the girl doesn’t even smile and the guy doesn’t even get her number. Trust me while living here, throwing your money away in tips will never earn you any respect, it will only put you into the loco gringo class and not local gringo. These are just some of the Dominican customs that I mention because they were easy for me to see how the local do things, and at the same time made some of the differences in how you’re treated by locals. As far as Sosua, getting Dominicans to treat you differently will be based on who and how often you encounter them. If you go into say Playaro 2 to 4 times a week for one month, chances are very good most of the staff will know you’re living here. The same goes for banks, bars, beach vendors, where ever. Despite what people think about Dominican’s and their lack of education, they do have an amazing memory with names and faces, and I mean amazing. Just watch them play Dominoes and they can tell you every combination that’s been played.

    #3 Gringo area: This really depends on you language skills and how confident you are in your environment. Yes it’s easier in the tourist areas to get started as I did not knowing any Spanish. But at some point I knew it would depend on what I wanted to get out of living here. The main advantage in the tourist areas is the services that are available and the ability of getting help if you need, i.e. medico, transportation system, friends w/ gringos, & others. The drawback is that you’re sometimes grouped w/ tourist gringos as the locals in this area can change almost daily. Even after 4 yrs. living here I still get approached by locals who think I’m a tourist. But also the upside is you can make some very good local contacts overtime that will support you as resident and provide you some very valuable information while living here.

    #4 Chicas/Novias: The amount you dive into and the pace you go at it, really depends how important to you is quantity vs. quality and everything in between. What I have experienced is that the longer I’ve lived here the more I have changed as to how I look at these chicas, and the bullshit that comes w/ it. But the variety that one can obtain here will always outweigh the disadvantages. I guess you could ask yourself while living here; do I want to eat at the local favorite all you can eat buffet line and gain 30 pounds in the first 6 months? Or would I prefer to order from my favorite menu, and maybe have several desserts on the side? What is consistent here with some local gringos is yes they fuck other women while having a local novia. As you know being a tourist and will learn more by living here is it’s in your face and the availability is at every street corner. Then you add the payment factor most local gringos which are paying peanuts vs. what a tourist pays or nothing at all. I never wanted a novia when I first arrived as I was told it would tie me down with all the side issues that would come with being a local newbie. Well what happened to me was the opposite in what I planned for my first yr. However, I ‘m glad I didn’t listen to that advise as this stunner actually was one of the best things besides her pussy that happened to me. She ended up helping me get around this country and also spoke English and taught me a lot about the DR and the people in it. Now I was lucky to get a girl that had a very good job and saw Sosua as a cesspit which allowed me some freedom. However, I was not prepared what happened to me and what is very common here in what I call the jealous encounter from the third kind. Some guys I know have avoided this and after being here for awhile do have novias that have worked in Sosua. For the most part I think it’s easier to take the girl out of Sosua then it’s to take Sosua out of the girl. The other problem is when you dump a chica that works in Sosua, you will have a hell of a time avoiding her when going back into the city, as well as not knowing what she’s told her amigas about you. Then I know many more guys who enjoy the novia experiences only w/ girls from other parts i.e. STG/POP/SD and These relationships seem to work a little better, but can’t be compared to want normal is in other countries. The culture, education, and economical differences here will always be a facture in the vast majority of these girls, no matter how fucking good their pussy is. You will also experience as I have way too often when w/ a novia the “amigo factor”. This is the novia that tells you he’s only an amigo and we never had B4 or are having sex. These girls are no different than us guys, they’re masters at bending the truth, and more important to us they love to fuck. Now, there are many girls which you can meet that say work in a bank, office, or etc. and may be a bit different in how a relationship would develop. They’re in most cases living with their parents and may not be so eager to put out until they’re sure that you are only interested in a real relationship, and not an adventure. You’ll get asked like I have; how long you have lived here and how long will you be staying? They’ll also ask you about your family, back home and how you make your money. But don’t be fooled, these girls know the gringo sex scene and they will be a bit more suave in how and what they want from you, especially after they finally have given you their toto. I found that their families and amigas pressured them in getting pesos or things from me because I was seen as a rich gringo and that I should be paying in some way for the sex I was getting. But there are also ways to justify helping them and really at the end of that day you’re not really paying out a lot compared to back home, unless you get them pregnant.

    Warning: These girls are the hardest ones to get rid of if you decide you want out.Especially when you consider how they or their amigas have been fucked up mentality by Dominican males over the sexual freedom that has existed here for many yrs. As for us gringos, we haven’t been here long enough to qualify in this class.

    4 yr. residential report for the DR and for DMV……AMEN!

    This was a great read with plenty of insight....... Thanks.....

    Care to elaborate on the the issues with breaking up with the girls. I am sure you have a few great stories we would all enjoy.
    Retired in 2009. **sniff***

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  14. #48
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by steviewonder View Post
    You will also experience as I have way too often when w/ a novia the “amigo factor”. This is the novia that tells you he’s only an amigo and we never had B4 or are having sex. These girls are no different than us guys, they’re masters at bending the truth, and more important to us they love to fuck
    I gave up trying to figure this shit out. Is this person who was introduced as a platonic friend, primo, esposo de la prima, or tio really who the hell she says he is. I'd find myself after the introduction looking for clues to the contrary. Now I don't give a damn. If she's generally behaving herself who cares who she is fucking. Who am I to say something about it I'm still targeting anything that meets my fancy. And if I ever really busted her ass due to her literally throwing something in my face then it's time to find the next willing victim.

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  16. #49
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sage View Post
    I gave up trying to figure this shit out. Is this person who was introduced as a platonic friend, primo, esposo de la prima, or tio really who the hell she says he is. I'd find myself after the introduction looking for clues to the contrary. Now I don't give a damn. If she's generally behaving herself who cares who she is fucking. Who am I to say something about it I'm still targeting anything that meets my fancy. And if I ever really busted her ass due to her literally throwing something in my face then it's time to find the next willing victim.
    Whatever tickles your fancy, Sage? But my experience and knowing some others is based on those guys who you see here having what they think is a real relationship with a novia, not a street girl. There will always be some living here that would like to think as they do back home that he’s the only one she doing while in a GF, BF relationship, especially if they’re living together. What we can’t answer as we have only been here in the DR for a very short time is what type of real contact that novia may have had with her so call amigo. This will always be an issue for some, especially when most chicas here will have more than one amigo that they enjoy having sex with, and at the same time are not committed to each other. Then, you tell me if you would ever trust not using protection the next time you’re down or in her?

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  18. #50
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Steve, I'm not talking about a street girl. I'm talking about a "trying to pass herself off as regular girl". They have too many fucking relatives and it at one point that made me uncomfortable. Lately I've been hearing too much of that "novia" shit on this site. These women aren't fiances to most of the guys who refer to them as such. They are simply the flavor or color of the month or some other time frame with an expiration date. Notice I'm not placing total blame on the girls. To be honest, though the odds are bad I'm convinced the supply of sincere chicas far exceeds the supply of sincere expats or mongers. For he most part the girls are just playthings. Fulfillment of some desire that went unmet when we were younger, some attempt to make peace with some stinky shit we did to some chick years ago, an attempt to assuage our exploitation guilt, or simply a budget device.

    Granted most of the time these chicks are playing us, but at the same time we are playing them. The stakes and rules of the game simply differ. it's one thing what we tell them. It's another thing altogether what we share with each other. i played the novia game until I had to accept it was all bullshit. Now as far as you all are concerned I have favoritas and amigas.

    By the way they are all fucking someone else. I have had six count them six favoritas become pregnant while I was having a sexual relationship with them. All, but one was a quasi regular girl. None where street girls. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing my favoritas all have in common is they love sex. Women who love sex tend to get it elsewhere when they can't be certain they're going to be able to get if from you when the need it. In my view that is completely logical.

  19. #51
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sage View Post
    Steve, I'm not talking about a street girl. I'm talking about a "trying to pass herself off as regular girl". They have too many fucking relatives and it at one point that made me uncomfortable. Lately I've been hearing too much of that "novia" shit on this site. These women aren't fiances to most of the guys who refer to them as such. They are simply the flavor or color of the month or some other time frame with an expiration date. Notice I'm not placing total blame on the girls. To be honest, though the odds are bad I'm convinced the supply of sincere chicas far exceeds the supply of sincere expats or mongers. For he most part the girls are just playthings. Fulfillment of some desire that went unmet when we were younger, some attempt to make peace with some stinky shit we did to some chick years ago, an attempt to assuage our exploitation guilt, or simply a budget device.

    Granted most of the time these chicks are playing us, but at the same time we are playing them. The stakes and rules of the game simply differ. it's one thing what we tell them. It's another thing altogether what we share with each other. i played the novia game until I had to accept it was all bullshit. Now as far as you all are concerned I have favoritas and amigas.

    By the way they are all fucking someone else. I have had six count them six favoritas become pregnant while I was having a sexual relationship with them. All, but one was a quasi regular girl. None where street girls. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing my favoritas all have in common is they love sex. Women who love sex tend to get it elsewhere when they can't be certain they're going to be able to get if from you when the need it. In my view that is completely logical.
    Brilliant post!

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  21. #52
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Good points from Sage and StevieWonder. It just goes to show you everybody is different and what might be right for you, might not be right for some. It takes different strokes, yes different strokes to move the world (DR). LOL

    Now that I've jacked my own thread can we hear from some guys that live there.

    Would you do it gain and what would you do different?

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  23. #53
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sage View Post

    By the way they are all fucking someone else. I have had six count them six favoritas become pregnant while I was having a sexual relationship with them. All, but one was a quasi regular girl. None where street girls. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing my favoritas all have in common is they love sex. Women who love sex tend to get it elsewhere when they can't be certain they're going to be able to get if from you when the need it. In my view that is completely logical.

    How many kids do you have now? WOW!

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  25. #54
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by steviewonder View Post
    Whatever tickles your fancy, Sage? But my experience and knowing some others is based on those guys who you see here having what they think is a real relationship with a novia, not a street girl. There will always be some living here that would like to think as they do back home that he’s the only one she doing while in a GF, BF relationship, especially if they’re living together. What we can’t answer as we have only been here in the DR for a very short time is what type of real contact that novia may have had with her so call amigo. This will always be an issue for some, especially when most chicas here will have more than one amigo that they enjoy having sex with, and at the same time are not committed to each other. Then, you tell me if you would ever trust not using protection the next time you’re down or in her?

    What exactly is a real relationship? How many ISOC wives think their husbands are faithful? How many ISOC marrried members do we have here?

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  27. #55
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sage View Post
    By the way they are all fucking someone else. I have had six count them six favoritas become pregnant while I was having a sexual relationship with them. All, but one was a quasi regular girl. None where street girls. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing my favoritas all have in common is they love sex. Women who love sex tend to get it elsewhere when they can't be certain they're going to be able to get if from you when the need it. In my view that is completely logical.
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Every girl here has a dick she's in love with, attached to some worthless piece of shit who's only interest is to get her pregnant, and add another kid he won't support to his list of trophies.

    From the time they hit 12-13 yrs old(and less) girls here feel the irresistible urge to get that dick inside of them, and give that worthless piece of shit what he wants.

    Problem is, they think they're in love. He sure as hell ain't.

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  29. #56
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    I know now why they call you the sage. Such wisdom. All this info here and i still see people write that they swear they have a good girl??? They must have real game that the rest of us don't. I bet you were suprised all six times, but less so at each passing one.

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  31. #57
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Every girl here has a dick she's in love with, attached to some worthless piece of shit who's only interest is to get her pregnant, and add another kid he won't support to his list of trophies.

    From the time they hit 12-13 yrs old(and less) girls here feel the irresistible urge to get that dick inside of them, and give that worthless piece of shit what he wants.

    Problem is, they think they're in love. He sure as hell ain't.
    I'm surprised someone who lives down there such as yourself, Mr. Happy, would paint them all with the same broad brush.

    Surely you know there are tons of Dominicanas who come from middle and upper middle class homes who never deal with 'tigueres' on any level and would have no use for them if they came across them. These women associate with men in the same (or higher) economic bracket as themselves, and while they may desire to be in love and want some dick just like a campo chica, it's not with a "worthless piece of shit", as you described ... unless you're implying all Dominican men are worthless pieces of shit, which i doubt you are.
    Bitch you wasn't with me shootin' in the gym ...

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  33. #58
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by pixall7887 View Post
    I know now why they call you the sage. Such wisdom. All this info here and i still see people write that they swear they have a good girl??? They must have real game that the rest of us don't. I bet you were suprised all six times, but less so at each passing one.

    The Sage landed and stayed long enough to understand how this place works so he can explain it to the rest of you guys.

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  35. #59
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    What exactly is a real relationship? How many ISOC wives think their husbands are faithful? How many ISOC marrried members do we have here?

    It's unrealistic to want a beautiful Woman who loves to fuck to only fuck you. Face it, a beautiful Chica gets hit on what? 1,000x a day? While we hit on maybe a dozen on a good day. We've got to "get lucky", all the've got to do is not resist. The odds of them running into an irrisistable urge at some point are insurmountable. The Boriqua princesses of the 5 boroughs made a man out of me and I have had the advantage of understanding the process all my adult life. These stunningly beautiful Chicas literally operated like foxes in a hen house and were naturally adept at balancing their needs with their wants. They all outweigh me now but in their day they mastered the game of love. The mindset of the Dominicana doesn't vary much from this.

    These Women differ from their 1st World counterparts only in that they don't just think about doing what they want to or dabble in it, they go all out the same way that they do in la cama, living for the moment and enjoying the full measure of their sexuality, sensuality and love of life. Having said that, please allow me to restate the rule....every beautiful Woman everywhere in the World who is in touch with her sexulity has an iron(s) in the fire. It's their nature and they are selfish about it. They will have their fun but want you all to themselves (sound familiar). The difference is that they are way better at disguising their indiscretions than their male counterparts. They start learning as soon as they are old enough to talk.

    Faithful= "I will not embarass you with my indiscretions"

    Back to your regularly scheduled programming......
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  37. #60
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    Re: Would you do it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by DMV View Post
    Hey, any guys living in the south or east?
    Represent, Las Terrenas, Rio San Juan, Santiago, San Cristobal, San Pedro, San Francisco and yes even Bavaro. You guys are 4 hours from anyone else, but I don't hear many stories about power problems
    I live in San Christobal and electricity is a mayor problem here. We have several power blackouts a day. People who have some money buy a inversor (backup batteries) when there is no electricity. you can hear on a daily basis (no hay luz, se fue la luz, llego la luz....) there are areas in San christobal which have 24// luz but most don`t. Between 12 to 15 hours luz per day is the average in San Christobal.
    Also water (agua) is a huge problem, due to pollution you can not drink the water from the pipe in case there is any. You have to buy water which is at 25 pesos. Again on a daily basis you can hear people no hay agua, llego el agua,....

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