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Thread: 03/2014 - Let my guard down....chica alert

  1. #1
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    03/2014 - Let my guard down....chica alert

    After 17 years of international mongering I finally let my guard down and got my Samsung Galaxy stolen by a two bit chica ho. On the first night of my one week long trip this month I picked up a chica from Rumba. We went to my hotel(casa cayena) and had a great time. When we left to go out drinking I forgot to leave my phone and had it in my shirt pocket....I know dumb move. We spent a couple of hours at Rumba and D Latin drinking beer and shots of tequila. Afterwards we walked over to El Flow and had some more. This is where I let my guard down. After all these hours of fun I felt comfortable with this chica. I had even planned to see her again. Another problem was that my wingman had cancelled his trip at the last minute so I did the trip solo. When me and her left El Flow she said lets walk this way. To the right down Pedro Clisante. Hell she had it planned all along and I was to drunk to realize. It was late so most of the businesses were closed and it was dark. Somewhere during that walk is were she pickpocketed my Galaxy. One of her accomplices miraculously shows up. My girl starts asking me for more money and I say "no" and walk away. As I'm walking I realize my phone is missing. I walk back and she goes ballistic and begins throwing things at me. I attempt to grab her purse and we both end up on the ground in the street. I make another attempt and successfully rip her purse and strap from around her neck. I check the purse and no phone. She must have passed it off to her friend. I walk away knowing I'm not going to get it back. I turn back around and a Dominican guy says to me "you should just keep on walking" or something to that nature. Probably good advise. Then the Politur show up. The chica fled the scene. They ask me what happened and I told them she stole my phone. Now I'm starting to get worried that somehow I'll get taken to jail so I thank them and walk back to the hotel. Damn what away to start off the trip. Called the phone company first thing the next morning and cancelled the account. Also changed a few passwords. I did have a screen lock on the phone but heard they can be broken. Well other than that the trip was good. I couldn't let one bitch ruin it for me.

    Here is a couple of pictures of her I took at he hotel. Maybe she forgot I took them. I did give a copy of them to the Police although I'm not sure what good that will do. I never ran into her again.

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    Last edited by Firedude; 03-16-2014 at 11:52 PM. Reason: grammer

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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    that totally sucks. especially on the first night of a trip.

    i highly recommend installing prey (works with windows, macos, ios, android, ubuntu, etc)

    losing your device is bad enough but having your data compromised can be so much worse.

    it is now the first app/software that i install on every device i own.

    also doesn't hurt to setup lock & erase on any android device

    obviously doesn't help you now, but it might help down the line.

  4. #3
    ezsmile is offline Ten Year Member & Paid subscriber of I.S.O.C. & member of the Stash.
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    that sucks. Thanks for reporting it and posting a pic of the chica.

    That type of thing has happened to me in the past as well. It wasn't a chica pickpocketing me, it was a guy who walked up to me to say something, but grabbed my phone and took off running. I remember turning to begin chase, but ended up slipping on the wet sidewalk and fell face down in a puddle. Got a good mouthful of that shit water.

    Alcohol was, just as in your case, involved. Will anyone ever learn that lesson not to get so pissed? I doubt it, as it is part of the effect of getting drunk - you make bad decisions.

  5. #4
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Sorry about the bad luck.
    But lets see a report and hear all the good stories and see some pics.
    Helping the 3rd world economy, one chica at a time !!!

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  7. #5
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Man that sucks Firedude I pulled a psycho in Boca Chica and you pull a thief in Sosua, at least you got a picture. The DR is fun and cheap but it seems the odds of encountering chica-bullshit is greater compared to other destinations we frequent. Makes it hard to trust any of them after it happens. Considering myself a good judge of character and usually able to get a good read on people my biggest problem after the incident was losing confidence in my own judgement. Hell we have to trust them a little or at least have a "good feeling" about her to even take one back to the room. I know 5 guys that have been ripped off in BC or Sosua and they are all seasoned travelers, one guy I met in BC said it's happened twice to him at Hotel Garant. I'd still like to return though especially to Sosua but probably not solo. Will make sure the room stays chica-proofed, everything's locked up and not drink too much, also we should also be careful what we tell them about our trip and ourselves...
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    No offence to the poster... I appreciate the pic and info. I know we all have different taste ... maybe its just me but It seems like usually when these stories pop up the chica is usually not that good looking. Maybe the chicas that are less in demand they are more willing to take a risk for some more pesos.
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Quote Originally Posted by tgunzbxxx View Post
    No offence to the poster... I appreciate the pic and info. I know we all have different taste ... maybe its just me but It seems like usually when these stories pop up the chica is usually not that good looking. Maybe the chicas that are less in demand they are more willing to take a risk for some more pesos.
    I want to first thank the original poster for sharing his experience. This type of thing happens much more often than it gets reported.

    BUT tgunz is right. Less attractive chicas are more likely to steal or pull a scam. I understand why guys pull these chicas. They are satisfied with their looks and agree to less pesos. I have seen enough to know you are better off paying more for more popular chicas. If you want to find a bargain who is good looking and less likely to steal, meet non pros outside of Sosua. This takes more time and effort, but many chicas can be had cheap.

    But thans again to the original poster. We should take this experience as a reminder that even the experienced monger can get caught if he lets his guard down.

  10. #8
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Sorry this happen to you Firedude....
    But you right, and as others have said, ALCOHOL always seems to be involved..
    Here is the thing, imo, if you are in ANY way slurring your words, or your wingman is telling you that you not walking right, its time to pack it in.
    Drinking on the strip, if you want to stay safe should only be to the point t hat you are Happy and jolly, unless you with a chica you know very well, and STILL take percautions..
    The fact that she did this on the street, proves to me you were definitely DRUNK, she was not even gonna waste her time waiting to be in the room.
    Or she used the other chica to hand it off.. All of that is not relevant though..
    We all have a responsibility to watch our Alcohol consumption, which is different for each person. There are dudes Ive seen, who will openly admit & KNOW they are targets after only 2 drinks.. Some of us at 10 drinks +, we are fine.. depends on your tolerance.. If your total consumtion could be a problem at home, its definitely a bigger problem there.
    Its not really about the chica so much as it is our drinking and how we are perceived, a soft target or a More than able to protect ourselves gringo..
    Too many stories in here where BIG dudes get taken down by these Little scammer Street Rats.. or worse..
    I think you were lucky, if the police arrived when you and her were wrestling, she could easily have accused you of some shit..

    Sorry this happened to you..

  11. #9
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Thanks for the responses fella's. Yes alcohol was definitely a factor. I was fortunate she didn't get my wallet and my camera which were in my pant pockets(shorts). She took the easy item. And yes Judge I was really fortunate the police didn't show up when we were tangling in the street. That's one of the reason I didn't want to hang out and talk with them. I figured there were probably a few witnesses around. A couple of days later when I went to the police station with pic in hand they did recognize her and said she had been arrested before. As far as her looks....well she definitely wasn't the hottest chick I've pulled but damn she had a set of DSL's on her that were put to good use in my room before the incident=) The pictures didn't come out that great either as the flash was off...not that that would have helped much.

    Paco, next time we're in the DR at the same time lets pic the same locations=). I'm almost certain that if I had a wingman this wouldn't have happened.

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  13. #10
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert can happen....but on the first night...ugh.....just one of those life's lessons....or monger lessons...
    mi always preaching about leaving the expensive phones at home on the boards......
    either buy a cheapie cellie there or bring one down that is unlocked......

    mi seen mi share of these expensive locked phones over this past year on the J island that magically appear in the hands of locals that barely can put food on the table....usually iPhones and Galaxies and mi won't help dem unlock dem when they ask......

    may you have a better thru dem

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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    i dont trust these chicas around my regular phone. Which is why I always keep it locked up in the safe and just use my cheap 900peso DR cell phone. On my last trip, a chica came to my table when i was at Rumbas and sat down. She stole my phone while she was talking to me and I did not realize it until it was time for me to leave. I had it sitting out on the table for everyone to see, which was my mistake. The good thing was that it was my last night and that 900pesos phone cost me about $22. Thus, it will not be that hard to replace it on my upcoming trip.
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  17. #12
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Forgive me for asking.. but how do you know it was her, and not somebody as you were leaving the club? You were drunk, as you said.

    And it's safe to say grabbing at her purse and both of you ending up on the ground is not a good way to start a vacation. You were a lot closer to spending time in a cell than you realize.

    Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just playing devils advocate here..
    If you think it's love try not paying in the morning..

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  18. #13
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert


    I am not privy to all the details, but here is my honest opinion based on experience,

    a) You were picked at D'Latin by another chica (s)
    b) Grabbing her purse etc, I am speechless how wrong it has been

    I may be wrong.

    However, unless you can prove it, the best way is to cease and desist, or even apologize.

    I am writing it because there were instances in the past when I was absolutely sure a girl had stolen from me and it proved to be wrong.
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Mr. Happy and Questner may be right, from your story it's not apparent when the phone went missing only when you found you didn't have it.
    It could very well have been the girl, but it's also possible that it was not. Sorry it happened to you and the moral of the story should still stand
    as one should never be too comfortable in that environment.
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  22. #15
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    OK well 1) I had the phone on me at El Flow. 2) After leaving El Flow she asked to walk to the right down the street where it was dark. 3) Her friend shows up. Hmmm what are the chances of that. No amigas the whole night until we are in the dark. 4) She goes ballistic on me and starts throwing things at me(I think it was her shoes) and starts swinging. And 5) After we go at it in the street she gets the hell out of dodge....literally minutes(or even seconds) before the police show up. Now if she hadn't done anything wrong then I'm sure she would have stuck around to tell the police.

    Now I was drunk but I wasn't sloppy drunk. Apologize to her.....Never. How close was I at spending time in a cell?........a lot closer than I care to think about. That's why I thanked them and got the hell out of there.

    Live and learn.

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  24. #16
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Unless you have some overriding and compelling reason to carry a phone like that while here doing so is foolish in my opinion. The compelling reasons do not include being able to access Whats App so you can chat with 20 chicas all day. Can't you just call these chicas and actually talk to them? Buy a 1000 peso phone and put 1500 pesos credit on it. You are on vacation. The first thing guys on vacation should not be asking everywhere they go is; "Do they have wi-fi"?

    You pay a lot of money to come here on vacation and you spend a third of your time with your face buried in a smart phone. We were having a topless chica pool party a while back and before going one guy actually asked me if there would be wi-fi available. And another asked if there would be a big screen TV showing a football game.

    Many of you guys need to get your priorities straight. Just my humble opinion, mainly because I like topless chicas in front of me more than I like the internet or football.
    Enjoy it while you can.

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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    No disrespect to any of you Senior guys, Mr Happy, Tarzan ... et al..

    and you know I respect you dudes.
    but, the guy came here and is warning us about a potential THIEF and Problem Chica...

    EVEN if he is wrong about how it went down... and even if he was more drunk than we already discussed..
    We still need to appreciate his warning... rather than looking for ways to poke holes in the story...
    No ?
    and Apologizing to her ? please tell me you not serious Questner. Even if it was not her, that is not a good move.
    Best to pretend it never happened, and dont confront her when seeing her.. but never apologize to a Puta..

    And I'm just as guilty as anyone for playing devils advocate..

    Just thinking out loud..

  26. #18
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Yes, please be careful of chicas grabbing your watch, jewelry, phone, wallet, camera, laptop/Ipad, ring, camerones, tooth brush, gold fillings, genital piercings paraphernalia, belt and heart...

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  28. #19
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Yes, thank you for the heads up report....Some solid advice from fellow members as well. Keep safe people.

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  30. #20
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    Re: Let my guard down....chica alert

    Quote Originally Posted by deezl View Post
    that totally sucks. especially on the first night of a trip.

    i highly recommend installing prey (works with windows, macos, ios, android, ubuntu, etc)

    losing your device is bad enough but having your data compromised can be so much worse.

    it is now the first app/software that i install on every device i own.

    also doesn't hurt to setup lock & erase on any android device

    obviously doesn't help you now, but it might help down the line.
    Yep.. Forgot to mention Prey. Worth it's weight in gold.

    Like I said before, it's not that I doubt the story, but I was just trying to understand what went down. It sounds like she got rid of it incredibly fast.

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