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Thread: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

  1. #41
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Incogneg View Post
    Start the brainstorming thread and I'll chime in...

    Tackling the issue of world poverty is all in a days work for me...
    i wasent suggesting that a bunch of mongers on a whore board could fix the world poverty issue...i just dont see the benefit of pointing the finger at un- educated women doing the best they can to live.. i just question the intentions behind it...when i worked on wall street i heard anmost every motivational speech.. but the one that caught my interest to the point of reading it 2-3 times a week was this one...

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat...

    i live my life by this...

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  3. #42
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by jd426 View Post
    I think you make that sound WAYYYY too easy. It takes an ENORMOUS amount of maturity and discipline to get to this point where you have so much self confidence that you just don't worry about what your woman is up to when you are not there. (if we are talking about a SO/ Gf/ Wife here ?? )
    Any guy who could follow this advice would be much better off in the long run, but its a rare quality/ learned skill , IMO.
    or maybe some of us just dont have that Jealousy gene which can drive some guys so completely Nuts.
    I thank you gentlemen for your kind words but believe me, there's nothing special about me. Everything which I know or believe is the result of my own personal life experiences and those of people who were close to me. Many of these experiences have involved some level of pain.

    Pain (physical, emptional and spiritual) is the best teacher there is. The differences between us all are reflective of situations we found ourselves in, actions/ reactions taken, results of those actions/ reactions and adjustments that we've made. I have seen the need to make several adjustments over the course of my life and this will probably continue until the end of the road.

    Many of the lessons I've learned were from the experiences of others, some I saw, some they shared especially in the case of those I considered mentors and any time I see another about to make a similar mistake I can't not help. I owe it to those who have helped me.
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  5. #43
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Very Good posting Berzin...For all the WU guys, or guys thinking about being a WU, or guys who think they can turn a D.R. ho into a houswife!!!

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    Your only making yourself look stupid

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  7. #44
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    The goverment sets the tone in countries. I have a friend in DR and his dad was high in government once. I asked him about child support and he said, there are plenty of whorehouses for all the chicas to work at. Things will never change there. He also gave me a green light to open one in his district.

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  9. #45
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    The goverment sets the tone in countries. I have a friend in DR and his dad was high in government once. I asked him about child support and he said, there are plenty of whorehouses for all the chicas to work at. Things will never change there. He also gave me a green light to open one in his district.
    That's pretty much it in a nutshell. No amount of help from the outside will make a difference if the governments of these countries aren't willing to change or the people don't demand change from said governments.
    We surveyed 100 chicas and the top 69 answers are on the board. Here's the question...


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  11. #46
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Sad but true analysis!!! The only way out is education and the gov't supporting and helping the poor to have a fair chance. It isn't our job and we couldn't do it anyway without the gov't wanting a change to occur.

    Like so many others have said this is not the only country this occurs in, Even in the U.S. you have hungry children going to bed without food every night in every major city and poor little town across the U.S. Here it may be a little more systemic, but we certainly didn't create the situation. I believe you can only control as best you can you only little part if you do that and if there are others that do that maybe you can get some ground swell, but without the gov't behind there is only so much you can do, no matter where you are.

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  13. #47
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    When a guy goes to santiago or the capital and can get a chica with a job and her own apartment, then he has game. This I saved her from whoring crap is always going to be bullshit. There are no guys with that specail magic on this or any other site. Hookers just want your money. Sure you helped her, just ask the 100´s of other guys that benefited from your donations.
    Many of the guys that followed me benefited from my donation, the chicas breath smelled like cum but they still kissed her and said !!!!

    " Damn there isnt any way in hell i am gonna fuck this chica"" that is actualy a very sick thing to think of but i wonder how many it has happened too
    Last edited by bentwire; 08-26-2008 at 07:49 PM.
    traveling the world in search of chicas, good friends and liveing life as if every day were my last

  14. #48
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    This thread seems to have changed course from "it's a different culture" to "they whore to survive".

    Whoring to survive exists just about everywhere.

    I'm far more interested in the notion that DR women who don't need to whore do it anyway cuz "it's a different culture".

  15. #49
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    i think it started to change some where when someone mentioned that to include Whoring as a positive part of the culture is just wrong!!! im confused

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post

    This thread seems to have changed course from "it's a different culture" to "they whore to survive".

    Whoring to survive exists just about everywhere.

    I'm far more interested in the notion that DR women who don't need to whore do it anyway cuz "it's a different culture".

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  17. #50
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemp View Post
    i think it started to change some where when someone mentioned that to include Whoring as a positive part of the culture is just wrong!!! im confused
    Me too.

    The whole "they don't have to whore but it's not a big deal cuz it's a different culture" line opens up a big can of worms, like ....

    - does "being part of the culture" make it O.K.

    - is it offensive to the women there who don't accept it as part of their culture

    - does this validate the "latinas are whores and i don't want my son marrying one" mothers

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  19. #51
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post
    This thread seems to have changed course from "it's a different culture" to "they whore to survive".

    Whoring to survive exists just about everywhere.

    I'm far more interested in the notion that DR women who don't need to whore do it anyway cuz "it's a different culture".
    I personaly think Latin women in general are much more sexual and open with thier Labidos,,,,,,they simply like to fuck,,,, why not get paid in the same game

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  21. #52
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post
    This thread seems to have changed course from "it's a different culture" to "they whore to survive".

    Whoring to survive exists just about everywhere.

    I'm far more interested in the notion that DR women who don't need to whore do it anyway cuz "it's a different culture".

    There are 10´s of 1,000´s that wouldn´t even give it a thought.

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  23. #53
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by bentwire View Post
    I personaly think Latin women in general are much more sexual and open with thier Labidos,,,,,,they simply like to fuck,,,, why not get paid in the same game

    Well if only 5% or 10% of the population has money, there is just so many guys looking for stuff on the side. In the States, I bet 90% of the adult male population could afford to buy a whore at least once a month if they wanted to.

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  25. #54
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    The goverment sets the tone in countries. I have a friend in DR and his dad was high in government once. I asked him about child support and he said, there are plenty of whorehouses for all the chicas to work at. Things will never change there. He also gave me a green light to open one in his district.
    I'm not sure. I think governments are a reflection of their people, whose values in turn reflect tradition and history (good and bad).

    A century of bad government can destroy civil society, as seen in Russia, some would say. But others would say current Russia is only Czarist, or a reflection of another tradition. There is much of the chicken and egg in this; I would hesitate to blame governments.

  26. #55
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Count View Post
    I'm not sure. I think governments are a reflection of their people, whose values in turn reflect tradition and history (good and bad).

    A century of bad government can destroy civil society, as seen in Russia, some would say. But others would say current Russia is only Czarist, or a reflection of another tradition. There is much of the chicken and egg in this; I would hesitate to blame governments.

    In the DR, poor people have no real say, its the top 10% that run the country. If that was true, the govenment would give out baby food and diapers to all the poor chicas, but that costs money.

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  28. #56
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Count View Post
    I'm not sure. I think governments are a reflection of their people, whose values in turn reflect tradition and history (good and bad).

    A century of bad government can destroy civil society, as seen in Russia, some would say. But others would say current Russia is only Czarist, or a reflection of another tradition. There is much of the chicken and egg in this; I would hesitate to blame governments.
    I don't know about this Count... I'll think about it, but I don't think the Chicken or the Egg applies in this case...

    So are the neo-cons in power now a reflecition of America in general? Do the American people favor war, etc...

    So you're saying that Bush is a reflection of America in general? I think he's more of a refleciton of the super-wealthy, elite... which may be somewhat similar everywhere...

    I'm rambling, but just to say, don't agree with your point...

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  30. #57
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    Laughing To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    There is no joke section to post Dominican jokes so I'll add a little humor to this post because it kinda fits.

    Two retired gringos living in the Dominican Republic:
    Billy and Walter were talking one afternoon when Billy tells Walter, 'Ya know, I'm ready for a vacation. Only this year I'm gonna do it a little different. The last few years, I took your advice about where to go.

    'Three years ago you said to go to Hawaii . I went to Hawaii and Maria got pregnant.

    'Then two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas , and Maria got pregnant again.

    'Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Maria didn't get pregnant again.'

    Walter asks Billy, 'So, what you gonna do this year that's different?'

    'This year I'm taking Maria with me.'

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  32. #58
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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by DominicanBilly View Post
    There is no joke section to post Dominican jokes so I'll add a little humor to this post because it kinda fits.

    Two retired gringos living in the Dominican Republic:
    Billy and Walter were talking one afternoon when Billy tells Walter, 'Ya know, I'm ready for a vacation. Only this year I'm gonna do it a little different. The last few years, I took your advice about where to go.

    'Three years ago you said to go to Hawaii . I went to Hawaii and Maria got pregnant.

    'Then two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas , and Maria got pregnant again.

    'Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Maria didn't get pregnant again.'

    Walter asks Billy, 'So, what you gonna do this year that's different?'

    'This year I'm taking Maria with me.'
    Funny, but any board member who joined over a month ago knew where that was going

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    Re: To Judge Or Not To Judge?

    Life is not about weathering the storm; but rather knowing how to dance in the rain.

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